《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 16


Jiah pov

I went out from my room and walk to the downstairs.

"Miss Kim, please eat your breakfast."

Aunty Mary said. I just nodded and walk to the dining room. I saw Hana at there.

"Goodmorning, eonnie!"

She greet me brightly.


I answer her shortly before take a seat beside her.

"Eonnie, Aunty Mary have cook your favourite Pancake!"

She said excitedly.


I just humming and take one of the pancake that on the table.

"Eonnie, are you okey?"

She suddenly asked making me look at her.

"What do you think I am?"

I asked her.

"You're not smiling."

She said with pouting. I look at Aunty Mary who also at there with us. She also look at me. Then, I look at Hana back.

"I don't have any mood, Hana."

I said before taking a bite of my pancake.

"Miss little Kim, are you done with your pancake?"

Aunty Mary quickly asked her.

"Yes, aunty Mary!"

Hana said excitedly before walk down from the chair.

"Okey, then. Let's go to your room."

Aunty Mary said as she holding Hana's hand. But, before they go out from the room, they stop and Hana turn around to face me.

"Smile, eonnie. You look more pretty when you're smiling!"

She said before they walk out from the dining room. I was stunned at there by what she saying. Where did she learn that from? I was thinking about what she said just now.

Should I start my day with a smile?


Time skip

"Goodmorning, Jiah!"

Wonyoung greet me as I take a seat.


I greet her back. She then look at me with frowned.


I asked her.

"Did you leave something at home?"


I look at her frowned.


I asked her confusely. She then smile.

"Your pretty smile."

She said while smiling. Makes me stunned by that. Just like what Hana said just now, why they think that my smile is pretty? I then look away, ignore her pick up line. I know that she's pouting right now.


Then, I heard a voice. We both turn and saw Jungwon that just arrived and seat beside me.

"Morning. Dude, did you leave something?"

Here we go again. Wonyoung wonyoung.

"What is it?"

Jungwon asked her with frowned.

"Your ugly smile."

Then she laughed. I look at her with wide eyes. Can't believe she said that to him. Then, I look at him.

"Ha ha, Funny."

He said sarcastically before turn to me. Our eyes met after that. I can feel something was different inside me. We've been staring at each other for a minute when someone clear their throat.

"Ehem! I'm still here!"

We both quickly look away, broke the stare. I can feel my cheeks heating.

Aish! What happen to me in this day? I shook my head to throw my thoughts. Then, we look forward after that when teacher come in and start the class.


Time skip

"Jiah, do you perhaps have... Like someone?"

Wonyoung suddenly asked when we both on our way to the cafeteria. I look at her frowned.

"Why do you asking me like that?"

I asked her back. She shrugged her shoulder.

"Just asking. Nothing more."

She said. Then, I look forward.


I said then she stop from walking. I look at her. She look at me with a shock face. What's wrong with that face?


Oh... I just nodded.



She put her arms around my shoulder.

"Do you perhaps want someone in your life?"

She asked making me frowned.


Then she shake my shoulder.

"Dude! I'm asking if you want someone in your life, I mean a boyfriend! Not your sister!"

Then, I stop her from shaking me. Before I could say anything, we heard a scream from behind us. We both turn around and saw there have girls surrounded 7 boys at there.

"Looks like your princes charming are here!"

Wonyoung said as she holdingmy shoulder and stand behind me while me looking at the boys who look towards us right now. They smile after see me and walk towards us. They walk towards us... But, why it's kinda like slow motion and have some lights hitting them?

Wait, did Wonyoung said Princes charming? Why princes, why not prince only? What am I talking about right now?

"Hi, Jiah. Wonyoung."

Sunghoon greet us as they stop infront of us.

"Hi, Sunghoon!"

Wonyoung greet him back. Well, I still stunned to speak.

"Hey, Jiah. Are you okey?"

I snapped when Sunoo spoke to me.

"Oh. Yes."

I answer him shortly.

"Let's go have a lunch together?"

Sunghoon asked us.


Wonyoung answer him. Then we all go to the cafeteria together. But, there have something missing right now.

Jake isn't even spoke any words since just now. Is he okey? He don't even give me a look too. Is he frustrated because I didn't give him any words when he confess to me yesterday? Aish! What should I do?


Time skip

I walk out from the school after the last period end. I walk out then something caught my attention...

Isn't that Jay? What is he doing at there?

I saw him sitting on the bench under the tree while looking down on his phone. I don't know, but my legs start walking towards him. Then, I stop infront of him making he look up.

"Oh, hey Jiah."

He greet me as he put his phone in the pocket. I look at him with my blank face.

"What are you doing here?"

I asked him.


He asked as he point at himself. I nodded.

"Well, I'm waiting for you."

He said while smiling sweetly before stand up and we both looking at each other in the eyes. He is waiting for me? Why? I don't know, I can feel something was not right inside me.

Why did I have different feeling when I was with the three of them? First, Jake, Second Jungwon, and last, is Jay.

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