《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 14


The next day

Author pov

Jiah walk inside the class welcomed by her classmate. She was shocked but don't want to show her reaction to them, since she is still in her attitude. Yeah.

"Welcome back, Kim Jiah!"

Wonyoung said happily as she clap her hands for her bestfriend. Her other classmate follow her making Jiah frowned.

"What is this for?"

She asked confusely to Wonyoung. Wonyoung smile and put her arm around her shoulder.

"For welcoming you back to school. You know how much they miss you?"

She said making Jiah look at her classmate. Are they really miss her?

"Yes, Jiah. We feel like there have no one that haven't talk in this class when you're not here. I mean,like, you're the only one who doesn't talk too much in the class that make us feel like you know, awkward? I really miss to be awkward again."

One of her classmate said making she more frowned. She didn't understand what are they talking about. Miss being awkward? What the h is that? She ignore and walk pass them. But, she got stop when she saw someone sitting beside her seat.


She look at him with one eyebrow lifted. Jungwon look at her, just like how she look at him.


He asked her back. Jiah just ignore him and take a seat beside him. She put her bag beside the table before look forward when the teacher come in.


Time skip

"Are you going to eat your lunch, Jiah~shi?"

Wonyoung asked her when she stand front of her table. Jiah look at her, then shook her head.

"I will study my last lessons since I have passed it for 2 days now."

Jiah said before take her book that will she review. Jungwon who sit beaside watching her.


"You should have a lunch, Jiah."

He said making Jiah look at him. She's wondering why he sitting in here and why he is learning their subjects.

"I'm wondering, why are you here?"

Jiah asked with her blank face. Jungwon sratch his nape nervously.

"Yeah, me too. Why did you at here? Shouldn't you in your class now? Why are you here?"

Wonyoung asked him too.

"Well, I changed my course."

He said while scratching his nape again. Jiah and Wonyoung look at each other.

"How ca-"

"Jay hyeong's appa who change me into this course."

Wonyoung formed her lips into circle while Jiah looking at him. She feel something was wrong with him. But, she doesn't know what is it.


Jiah was studying her subject in the library when suddenly she felt someone sitting on the chair infront of her. As she look up, it's Jake.


Jake greet her with a smile. Jiah nodded and continued studying her subject. They both studying their subject till the bell rang. Jiah close the book after that and was about to put it back when Jake stop her.

"Let me put it for you."

He said with a smile. Jiah feel something different about Jake right now. But, she just let him do it.

"Thank you."

She said. Jake give her a big smile before leave her. Jiah just watch him and gone from her sight. Jiah shook her head to throw the thoughts that was spinning inside her head right now. Yeah. About this two dudes...


Time skip

The last period of their lessons already end. Now they were packing their things.

"Jiah, do you have a free time after this?"

Wonyoung who done with packing her things asked Jiah who still packing right now.


"No, why?"

She asked without looking at the girl.

"I want to ask if you want to come wi-"

"I will."

Jiah cutted her words making Wonyoung look at her with shock face.

"Are you serious?"

"Let's go. Or i will change my mind."

She said blankly. Wonyoung smile happily after that.

"Let's go."

She cling her arms around Jiah's. But, before they could leave, Jungwon stop them.

"Where are you guys going now?"

He asked curiously.

"It's none of your business, Jungwon. It's girls only. Bye!"

Wonyoung said before dragging Jiah along with her.

Jungwon scoffed while watching the two girls walking out from their class. But, his eyes caught Jiah take a last glance towards him. He doesn't know. He feel like his world right now spinning like a slowmotion.

He can see how pretty Jiah was that time. He was stunned to speak till someone snap him.


He turn beside him and see Niki who already looking at him weirdly.

"Are you ready to go home now?"

Jungwon asked him.

"Yeah. But, why did you staring at the door just now? Are you falling in love with it?"

Niki start to tease him.

"Do you think I am that idiot to falling in love with the things?"

Jungwon shook his head because how nonsense Niki was right now as he slang his bag on his shoulder before walk out from the class leaving Niki behind.

"Hyeong, wait for me!"

He chase him after that.



Jiah look around the cafe where they stop right now.

"What is this place?"

Jiah asked blankly to Wonyoung who playing with a dog right now. Yes. They were in the dog cafe. Wonyoung stand up properly, facing her bestfriend with a big smile.

"Jiah, welcome to the dog cafe! Please, enjoy yourself with playing the cute dogs in here! I hope that you will like it!"

Wonyoung said excitedly to her. Jiah look at her for a moment before look around the dog cafe right now. She knows why Wonyoung bring her at here. Then...


She look down on her feet and saw one dog was barking while looking at her. She bend down to the dog's level. She give her hand to the dog as the dog lick her fingers. Jiah smile after that...

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