《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 13


Author pov

"Why you didn't open the door just now?"

Wonyoung asked Jiah when they were sitting on Jiah's bed. While the boys are playing with her sister in her younger sister's room, leaving them alone. Don't want disturb girls time.

"I didn't heard that you guys knock the door."

Wonyoung look at her with disgusted face.

"How can you cannot heard?"

She asked.

"Because I'm wearing an eapod. The song that I'm turn on, it's literally high volume. So, I can't really heard it."

Wonyoung nodded understanding after that.

"So, how are you? Are you okey now? I mean I heard what happen to your grandmother. I'm sorry for not being at there with you when you need someone."

Wonyoung said as she look down on her laps. Feeling guilty because not be there for her own bestfriend. Isn't she beimg called as a bad bestfriend after all?

Jiah look at Wonyoung who looking down right now. She can feel how sad she was. Jiah sighed before put her hand on her shoulder.

"It's okey,Wonyoungie."

Jiah said making Wonyoung look up. Jiah smile.

"It's okey. Actually, I don't want to tell you because I don't want to make you feel worry about me."

Jiah said while smiling. But, earn a pinch on her arm.


Jiah look at Wonyoung who pouting.

"If you're not telling me, I will be more worry. You should tell me about what happen. Not being quiet all the time."

Jiah then thinking about that. Yeah. She's right. She should tell her so she won't get worry too much.

"I'm sorry. I will tell you later."

Jiah said. Wonyoung nodded. Then, she pulled Jiah into a hug. She was shocked but she let her body relax on Wonyoung's embrace.


"Don't be sad, Jiah ah. You know that I always be with you right? So If you need someone, just tell me. I will be there for you."

What's Wonyoung said making she feel overwhelmed. She doesn't know how to speak right now because she was too stunned by it. She hug Wonyoung back and snuggled her face on Wonyoung's shoulder.

"Thanks, Wonyoung."

Jiah said in low voice. Wonyoung smile. Then, they both hug more tightly after that till they enough!


Time skip

"You shouldn't let yourself hungry okey?"

Wonyoung advice her bestfriend while holding her hands tightly. Jiah didn't give any reaction. She just nodded, hearing what her second mom said. Yeah. Wonyoung being her second mom start today.

"Yeah, Jiah. If you hungry, just go to the kitchen and search a food for yourself."

Sunoo said, teasingly her. Jiah look at him with frowned. Also, the boys glare at him.

"What? I'm just kidding okey?"

Sunoo rolled his eyes. They all shook their head.

"Okey. We need to go now. Bye, Jiah. See you at school tomorrow."

Heeseung said. Jiah nodded and she turn to other boys.

"Noona... Can I have a hug?"

They all look at the younger. They all look at him with wide eyes except Jiah.

"What are you asking for, Niki?"

Sunoo asked him unbelievable.

"What? I just wanna a hug."

Niki said. But, Jiah nodded making the boys look at him unbelievable. She open her arms to let Niki hug her. Niki happily walk towards her and hug her. He doesn't know how he was feeling today. It's really warm for him.

After a few minutes, they pull away. Niki smile happily.

"Thank you, noona."

Niki said before stand beside his Sunoo hyeong. Sunoo look at him and rolled his eyes after that.


"I want too, Jiah."

Sunoo whined after that.

"Ahhhh, you don't have too-"

He got cut when Jiah open her arms for Sunoo. Sunoo stick his tongue out infront of Niki before walk towards Jiah and hug her tightly. More tightly than Niki's do. Then, they pulled away. Sunoo smile happily. Niki look at him with disgusted face. The boys only shook their head.

"We have to go now. Bye, Jiah."

Jay said before pull the two with him.

"Bye, Jiah/Noona!"

Sunoo and Niki said at the same time. Jiah just wave at them with her blank face before she turn to other boys.

"Take care of yourself."

Jake said and patted her head after that. Jiah got stunned by that. Although she have been hug with those two, she feel something different when Jake do that to her.

"Bye, Jiah."

Heeseung wave to her for the last time before walk together with Jake.

"Wonyoung, aren't you going home?"

Sunghoon who still at there asked Wonyoung.

"Yeah. Chakkaman."

Wonyoung give her last hug to her bestie before run towards Sunghoon.

"Bye, Jiah!"

They both said together before walk side by side out from Jiah's house place. Jiah wave at them. She watch them walk out till they gone from her sight. She sighed after that before was about to walk inside the house when suddenly...


She turn around and saw Jungwon who still at there. She frowned.

"Why are you still here?"

She asked him confusely. Jungwon walk closer to her making she walk backwards a little. Then, Jungwon stop infront of her. Jiah look at him confusely.

"Give me a hug too."

Jungwon whined making Jiah look at him with wide eyes. She hold herself from laughing because of that. She put her poker face before open her arms widely. Then, Jungwon happily hug her.

"Get well soon, Jiah."

Jungwon whispered to her ear. She feel her cheeks start heating because of that. Jungwon pulled away and look at Jiah with smile on his face, showing his cute dimples.

"You look cute when you blushed."

He said as he pinched Jiah cheeks. Jiah look at him with wide eyes.

"You should go now. Other friends are waiting for you right now."

Jiah said as she push his hands away from her cheeks and push him to turn around and forward.

"Okey, okey. Bye Jiah! Take care!"

He said before running away to where their friends was. Jiah just wave him and watch him till he gone from her sight. Jiah sighed. But, she put her hands on her chest.

What happen just now? Why her heart beating so faster? This is unusual feelings that she have. She never felt this before. Why it's so sudden? She quickly shook her head before walk back inside her house and close the door.

About the feelings... We never know...

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