《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 12


Heeseung pov

Right now, we were infront of Jiah's house door. Well, we already tell Wonyoung about what happen to Jiah. So, she wants to meet her and comfort her just like how a friend do when a friend have trouble. Jiah must be so grateful to have Wonyoung as her bestfriend now.

We wait for the main door opened.

"Is she will be okey?"

Wonyoung asked the same question as she asked to us before we could go here.

"she will be okey. Don't worry, wonyoungie."

Sunghoon comfort her by patted her back. Wonyoung sighed and nodded. After a few minutes, the main door open and revealed Aunty Mary, the maid of Jiah's house.

"Ih, you guys are here again! Finally!"

We all look at each other after she said the last word.

"Why, aunty? Is there have something happen?"

I asked her curiously. Then she sighed.

"Come in first. Mrs. Kim isn't at home because she was busy right now at her office."

The time after her mother passed away, why she still busy with her works?

We then went in. Aunty Nary close the door behind her before she turn and look at us one by one. As we expected, when her eyes land on Wonyoung...

"who is this? Is she one of Miss Kim's friends too?"

She asked as she give Wonyoung her bright smile. Wonyoung quickly bowed to her.

"Annyeonghasaeyo, aunty. My name is Jang Wonyoung. Jiah's bestfriend."

Aunty Mary smile widely after she introduced herself. She pull Wonyoung's hands with her hands making the girl confusely look at her. Poor Wonyoung. Haha.

"Wow. I never expect that Miss Kim will have such a beautiful bestfriend like you. Glad to know that she already have one that can call as her bestfriend."


Aunty Mary said while giving us her proud smile. Maybe proud because Jiah's finally got closer friends like us.

"Nae. I'm the one who have to say that. I'm glad to have her as my bestfriend. She such a good friend to me, aunty."

Wonyoung said as she patted Aunty Mary's hand. Aunty Mary smile again. But, after that, it's fade away in a second. She sighed.

"What's wrong, aunty?"

Wonyoung asked worriedly. We all look at her, waiting for her answer.

"Miss Kim..."

We all waiting for answer right now...

"She isn't walk out from her room since this morning. And her room door locked making me and other maids hard to open it, to see how she is."

She explain and sighed again after that. Me and the boys looking at each other before look back at aunty.

"Have you already knock it, aunty?"

Sunoo asked her. Aunty Mary nodded.

"But, she didn't give any respond. I'm scare if something bad happen to her. We doesn't know how her condition right now since she locked the door."

I can see how worry she was.

"Don't worry, aunty. We can try convince with her."

Wonyoung said and smiling.

"Are you guys okey with it?"

She asked and look at us one by one. We all smile and nodded. Then, she sighed relief.

"I'm so glad that Miss Kim really good in searching friends. Thank you, children."

She said while patting, Wonyoung's back hands. Wonyoung smile.


Time skip

Author pov

They arrived infront of Jiah's room door after Mary send them at there. Wonyoung decide to knock the door.

Knock knock knock...

They wait for the respond, but nothing happen. Wonyoung frowned. She knock again.

Knock knock knock...

Again, nothing happen.

"Is she really in there?"


Wonyoung mumbled to herself.

"Let me knock the door, Wonyoung."

Sunoo said. Wonyoung give a space for him to knock the door. He knocked the door, but it's more harshly than the way how Wonyoung knocked the door. Niki hold his laugh because of that. Jungwon notice it, also holding his laughed.

"yah! Kim jiah! Are you there?"

Sunoo yelled from outside of the room and knock the door. Looks like the door going to be broken because of how he did right now. All members are holding their laughed, also Wonyoung.

After many times he did it, nothing happen making he give up.

"Seriously,is she deaf or what?"

Sunoo asked furiously. Yeah. He's mad because the girl didn't open the door although he already bang the door loudly.

"I bet she's in her deep sleep."

Niki said. They sighed.

"Is she still didn't give any respond?"

They turn around as their heard who talking. They quickly bowed the person. It's Mrs. Kim, Jiah's mother.

"Yes, ma'am."

They answered her. They give her a space so she can go to the door. She try to knock it.


She calling her name. But, yeah, like just now, no one respond to it. Then, Mrs. Kim turn around.


She called Mary. Then, quickly the maid running towards her.

"Yes, ma'am?"

She asked nervously.

"Do you have a spare key for her room?"

She asked coldly to the maid. Mary shook her head.

"No, ma'am."

"How can?"

"Miss Kim bring it inside with her so no one can disturb her."

Mary explain making the boys and Wonyoung look at each other. Mrs. Kim massage her temple after that.

"How can we open the door now-"

She got cutted when suddenly the room door open. She turn around. The boys and Wonyoung also Mary look at the door and see Jiah who was look a little sleepy right now.

"Why did you guys so noisy?"

Jiah asked as her eyes land to her mother before to her friends. Enhypen and Wonyoung smile and wave as she saw them. Her eyes open widely after that.

"What are you guys doing at here?"

She asked shockly.

"We pay a visit."

Wonyoung said with her peace fingers. Jiah facepalmed herself.

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