《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 10


Jay pov

I just got home after a long time we're study in the library. Yeah, we're study without Jiah since she have emergency call just now. I don't know but I feel something was wrong. Her expression telling us.

The other members also think about it too. But, we just think positive.

As I walk inside the house, I saw my father already home and he was sitting on the couch right now. I can see his expression was a little different right now.

"I'm home."

I said to make him snap from his thoughts. After heard me, he quickly turn towards me.

"Ah, Jay. You already home."

He welcomed me. I walk towards him and take a sit beside him. He sighed.

"What's wrong, appa?"

I asked him. He sighed for the second time making me frowned.

"Where is Jiah just now?"

He suddenly asked.

"She didn't tutor us because she have an emergency call."

Then, my father sighed again. I'm so curious.

"Her grandmother passed away just now."

He's kinda reading my mind. But, wait- Her grandmother?

"Who's grandmother?"

I asked him for sure. He sighed.

"Jiah's grandmother. She passed away just now. Maybe that's why she postpone your tutor."

He said making me look at him with wide eyes. Ahhh, that's why her expression kinda like, no one can read it because she in her mix expression right now.

"How is she right now?"

I asked him curiously. At the same time, worried about Jiah. He sighed. I don't know how many times already he sighed. He shook his head.

"I don't know. But, I hope she'll be okey. Tomorrow, we have to pay visit for her."

I nodded. That's what I want. I hope she'll be okey when we visit her tomorrow.



Time skip (The next day)

I have told my other members about what happen and now, we're on our way to Jiah's house.

As we arrived, we can't believe to see how her house was.

"Wah! Is this castle or what?"

Sunoo asked while admiring the house with his mouth open. We already went out from the car. Now, waiting for the main door open.

"Hyeong, you should close your mouth before the fly come inside your mouth."

Niki tease him making him quickly shut his mouth and glare at Niki. He laughed.


Jungwon shut him as the main door of the house open. Revealed a woman who looks like a same age as my mom.

"Annyeonghasaeyo! Are you Mr. Park?"

The woman asked to my father. He nodded.

"Is Mrs. Kim in there?"

He asked to the woman. She nodded.

"she have told me that you will come. So, she told me to serve you guys drinks. I am her maid. Call me as Mary or for this teenager, just call me aunty Mary. "

The woman who named Mary said politely to us as she bow.

"Okey, Mary."

My father said. Then, she invite us went in. The other boys were stunned to see how big the house was. I also stun by that, but keep myself cool since I also have the big house. Hahaha.

We finally arrived in the dining room. There have a long table with many seats. Wah! Are there have many people inside this house? We all take a seat while waiting for the maid also the owner of this house come down.


Jake pov

Time skip

"Thank you for coming, Mr. Park."

Mrs. Kim said as she take a seat at where the owner will seat.


"It's not problem. We come here just wants to know how you guys were. That's all."

Mr.Park said politely to Mrs. Kim. She nodded and smile faintly before she's look at us.

"I bet you guys are her friends. Well, she's not feeling well. If you guys wants to meet her, I can tell the Mary to send you to her room or her sister room. She will be between in there."

Mrs. Kim said softly to us. We all nodded.

"Can we go there now?"

Sunoo asked her. But, he got a pinch by Sunghoon who sit beside him. Sunoo yelp a little and pouted while his hand rubbing his arm that have been pinched.

"Yeah. Sure."

Mrs. Kim said while smiling. Then, she called aunty Mary and told her to show us where is Jiah's room. We all follow the aunty Mary to her room.

"You shouldn't that faster, Sunoo hyeong."

Jungwon nag him after that. Sunoo rolled his eyes.

"What? I just want to know how Jiah was only. That's all."

He said. We shook our head. After a few seconds,we finally arrived infront of the room.

"Well, Miss Kim is not in her room. She's right now in her sister room."

Aunty Mary said and pointed at the door who now infront us. We bowed to her.

"Thank you, aunty Mary."

We said to her. She smile and bowed to us before walk away leaving us. We all look at the door.

"Hyeong, you better be the one who knock the door."

Niki said as he push Sunoo towards the door. He rolled his eyes. He knock the door.

"Who is that?"

We can heard Jiah's voice from inside.

"It's us! Enhypen!"

Sunoo said from outside. Then, after a few seconds, we heard a footstep before the door open revealed Jiah with her puffy eyes also her face looks red right now. We all look at her symphaty.

"What are you guys doing here?"

She asked, but didn't look at us. I bet, she was too shy to show her red face. How cute.

"We come here to pay a visit for you."

Jay said. She then look up at us.

"You don't have too. You should go home now."

She said. She was about to close the door when Jungwon quickly hold it.

"It's rude to kick us out."

He said coldly to Jiah. Jiah then look down on her feet before she open the door widely.

"Come in."

We smile before walk inside the room.

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