《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 9


1 week later...

Jungwon pov

We were waiting for Jiah in the library. She said that she will come in a minute, but she still not here. Where is she goes?

About what happen, yes, Jiah is toturing us although there have some boys that older and younger than her. But, she's really good on teaching us like how the teachers totur us. Yeah. She's looks like a teacher to us. Her explanation really easy to remember and hear.

Also, we get to know more of each other. Of course we won't passed our chance like that. Although she's cold, but she still have a warm-hearted. Yeah. She's really good making friends although she was cold. Sometimes while toturing, she will brought her bestfriend too, Jang Wonyoung. We all get close in this 1 week.

"Hyeong, where is noona? She's still not here since 8 a.m. We already wait for her for 1 hours now. But she still not here."

Niki started to protest when the girl who we are waiting for is not here yet. Niki also call her noona since they more closer than before right now.

"I don't know. When I message her, she didn't replied."

Sunoo hyeong said as he look on his phone while pouting, waiting for Jiah to reply his message.

"Same here. She's not even answer my calls."

Jay hyeong said. He gritted his teeth because how he really annoyed by Jiah's attitude. Yeah they always bickering although Jiah is not that talk to much for bickering with him. She much mature than Jay hyeong, and Heeseung hyeong. Then suddenly, someone run towards our table making us look up. It's Wonyoung. She panting.

"Hey, hey! What's up? Please take a breath."

Jake hyeong pull the chair beside him, told her to sit at there. But she shook her head and panting heavily before take a deep breath.



She take a deep breath again. We heard that named.

"What's wrong with Jiah, Wonyoungie?"

Sunghoon hyeong asked her. She point at the door.

"Someone is stopping her right now."

We all look at each other.


Heeseung hyeong asked her.

"Aish! Just help her instead asking. She can't even go here because they keep on following her like a pervert!"

Wonyoung said annoyingly. We all quickly stand up from our seat after that and walk out from the library. Just like what Wonyoung said just now, we saw Jiah being surrounded by the boys. She look blankly at the boys who trying to flirt her.

"C'mon, Jiah. Hangout with us, leave that boys."

The boy who was standing infront of her said. But Jiah didn't even give a reaction to that. Aish! When this girl gonna defend herself?

"Yah, Henry!"

They all look at us after that. They walk backwards after see us walking towards them.

"Are you trying to flirt our girl, huh?"

What's Jay hyeong said making us look at him with wide eyes. He put his arm around Jiah shoulder while glaring at 3 boys who infront of us right now. I look at Jiah. She didn't even give any reaction right now. Just show her blank face. This girl literally going to blank everyday.

"Aren't you guys boring always hang out with the cold girl?"

Henry asked. We rolled our eyes.

"We never get bored because we will never do."

Jay hyeong answer him before he drag Jiah walk inside the library. We rolled our eyes as look at Henry and his friends before follow Jay hyeong and Jiah who already walk inside the library.

"Shall we start now?"

Jiah said like there nothing happen. What the-?


"Jiah, can we ask about something?"

Heeseung hyeong said making Jiah stop from taking out her books inside her bag. She look at Heeseung hyeong with her blank face. Heeseung hyeong sighed.

"There have something bothering you. Could you mind to tell us wh-"

"Nothing. I'm fine. Let's continue what we stop yesterday."

Jiah cutted Heeseung hyeong words.

"Jiah, you know how rude to cut other words?"

Sunoo hyeong who sit beside her said making she stop again. Heeseung hyeong right, she likes something bothering inside her mind right now. What's wrong with her?

Suddenly, someone's phone ringing making we all look at each other.

"Is that your phone, hyeong?"

Niki asked to Sunoo hyeong.

"What? My ringtone is not this song."

He said. Then, we turn to Jiah who already take out her phone. Hers phone.

"I'll answer the call first."

She excuse herself as we nodded to let her answer the call. She looks a little like, tired? Yeah.

"Guys, didn't you see how tired noona was?"

Niki suddenly asked making all of us look at him.

"I think so too.."

Jake hyeong agreed what he said.

"Did she sleeping late last night?"

Sunoo hyeong asked.

"No. She already sleep when I call her last night."

Heeseung hyeong said making us look at him.

"You call her?"

Jay hyeong asked him.

"Just asking about the question. Nothing more."

He answer it nervously. I don't know if other members notice it or not.

After a few minutes, Jiah come back inside the library. But, this time, she looks a little down. A really down. We never seen her like this before.

"jiah.. What's wrong?"

Sunghoon hyeong asked her. She shook her head and pack her things making us look at her confusely. She look at us one by one.

"Well, we postpone this tutor day. I have emergency things right now that I have to go."

She said. The last sentence, her voice was so low, almost we didn't heard it.

"Okey, then. We will see you tomorrow."

Jake hyeong said. She nodded and slang her bag on her shoulder. She bid a goodbye to us before walk out from the library. What happen to her?

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