《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 8


Sunoo pov


Jiah asked me confusely. I'm holding my laugh because she looks cute when she's confuse right now. What Sunghoon hyeong told us before, it's true tho. She's cute when she was confuse.

"I said, can I be your friend?"

I asked her back with my big smile. She look at me from the head to toe like judging me by my appearance.


She asked me shortly. I keep my smile one although I was annoy because she keep on asking the question although it's short.

"Because I want too. So, can I be your friend?"

I asked for the third time, hope that she can accept me as her friend. Yes. I really want to be her friend. Since the first time I see her, I really want to know who is she. But, her attitude that makes it hard for me to get it. Now, it's my chance.

She look at me for a second before said.

"Let me think about it."

She said and was about to turn around when I stop her and pouted. She look at me frowned.

"Can't you just not think and just accept me to be your friend?"

I asked her plus like begging hope that she can accept me as her friend. I show her my puppy eyes also the power of my pouty lips so she can fall for it. But, looks like it doesn't work because her face expression change into a blank one.

"Sorry. I don't need a friend right now."

She said straight to the point. Wah! How rude! I scoffed.

"You don't need a friend, but who Wonyoung to you?"

I asked her, about Jang Wonyoung, the famous beauty in our school. Yeah everyone knows her.


"My friend."

She answer shortly. I thought that she's going said 'she is not my friend' like the other dramas do. I rolled my eyes annoyingly.

"Then, if you said so, just let me be your friend too!"

I said, not give up yet. After a few seconds I give her glare, she finally sighed. It's my first time seeing her like that.

"Okey. You can be my friend."

What's she said enough make me jump happily. But, stop as saw there have many students watching me right now.

"So we are friend now?"

I asked her. And she forcefully nodded making me smile. Although she have such a cold personality, she still can't resist with something cute like me. I can tell that she have a soft heart behind the cold expression face. I hope that I will get to know her more after this.


Jiah was doing her notes when suddenly someone calling her name.

"Where is Kim Jiah?"

She look up and look towards the door where someone who just call her name asked. She raise her hand. Then, that boy look at her.

"Mr. Park wants to meet you."

He said before leave. Jiah look around her and see her classmate look at her. She ignore it and stand up from her sit. But she got stop as Wonyoung stop her by holding her wrist. She look at her.

"Why did Mr. Park call you?"

She asked. Jiah shrugged her shoulder. Then, Wonyoung let her wrist go.

"Take care."

She said. Jiah nodded before walk out from the class and go to the principal room which is Mr. Park's room.

She knock the door.

"Come in."

She slowly spinning the doorknob and open it before went in. She saw there have 7 boys in there making she frowned. What are they doing at here? Especially, they are Enhypen. Did they do something wrong?


"Miss Kim, you're finally here. Please take a sit!"

Mr. Park said and invite her to take a sit on the chair infront of him. Jiah obeyed and take a sit on it ignoring the boys who watching them right now.

"Well, you must questing about why I'm calling you here right?"

Jiah just nodded and waiting for the answer.

"I call you here because I want you to be a tutor for this 7 students that standing behind you right now."

After heard that, Jiah's eyes open widely and turn around to see the 7 boys smirking to her. Being a tutor? How can? Jiah look back at Mr. Park.

"B-but, aren't they in different classes, I mean they must be have some of them that more older than me and younger than me."

Jiah said.

"Yah! We're not that older okey!"

Jay protest about what she said. But, he keep his mouth shut after see Mr. Park, his father give a glare to him. Then, he look back at the girl infront of him.

"Yeah i know. But, you are too intelligent so I swear that you can tutor them with all subjects."

Jiah don't know what to say after that. She's really stunned to speak.


Sunoo walk closer to his hyeong.

"Hyeong, are we do a right thing?"

He whispered to his Heeseung hyeong who was standing infront of him right now. Heeseung nodded.

"Don't worry about it. I think she will never re-"

"Sorry, Mr. Park. But i don't think I can be a tutor for them."

After heard that, the boys looking at Heeseung, while Heeseung smile sheepishly. They turn back to the girl.


Mr. Park asked her. She sighed. She then move closer to Mr. Park making Mr. Park also move closer to her. He give her his ears.

"My eomma will never want me to do this. She will get mad if she knows that I'm being tutor."

After whispering, they sit carefully after that. The boys got curious about what they whispering right now. Mr. Park understand what Jiah said.

"Then, being their secret tutor. Don't need to show Mrs. Kim that you're their tutor."

Mr. Park said making the boys frowned. Didn't understand what they atlking about.

In the other hands, Jiah got shocked after heard that. How could he let the boys heard about that? She then turn around to see cofused boys that now looking at her too. She felt sorry for them. She decide...

"Okey, I accept."

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