《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 7


Author pov

The next day

Jiah walk down from her room to the kitchen after she got changed into her school uniform. As she got into the kitchen, she saw her little sister was eating her breakfast.

"Hi, eonnie!"

Her sister, Kim Hana, greet her sister after see her. Jiah was about to smile when the maid also there making she control it.


She humming only before take a sit beside Hana. Hana look at her weirdly. Jiah look Hana with her poor eyes.

'I'm sorry, Hana.'

She said in her mind.

"Good morning, Ma'am."

The maid greet their mother when she walk inside the kitchen just to see her two daughters eating.

"Good morning."

Mrs. Kim take a sit infront of Jiah and Hana while they were focus with eating. No one dare to talk while eating right now. The silent is too loud.

"If you got to school, don't be friend with other students at there. They all are not good for you."

Mrs. Kim said to Jiah making she look up to her mother frowned.

"I don't want you to be friend with students at there because they are not intelligent as you."

She continued making Jiah look at her with more frowned. Hana who listen to it curious.

"Why eonnie can't have a friend, eomma?"

She asked innocently to her mother as the both of them look at the little one. Their mother smile.

"Because your eonnie will get affected with her friends if she be friend with the students at there making her not good in the study."

She said while smiling at Hana, which making Jiah feel a little frustrated because she lied her.

"Ohhh... If that so, can I have no friend too?"


She asked making Jiah look at her with wide eyes.

"Of course you can!"

Mrs. Kim said with smile.


Jiah yelled making the both of them look at her shockly. The maids also look at her too.

"How dare you yell at me?! Who are you?!"

"I am your daughter! Why you taught her the things that she will never do?!"

Jiah asked frustratedly.

"What do you mean by that?! She will do it if she wants too!"

Her mother yell her back. Jiah gritted her teeth before stand up from her seat.

"I'm full."

Jiah said before she left the kitchen.

"Kim Jiah!"

Her mother call her name but she just ignore it. She really disappointed at this time to have this mother as her mother. Now she just want to go to school, to find a peaceful place.


Time skip

"Jiah? Are you okey?"

Wonyoung asked her as they sit on the table in the cafeteria together right now. This is Jiah first time eating lunch with someone that called as a friend. Jiah look at Wonyoung who already look at her worriedly.

"Yes, I'm okey. Why?"

She asked before take a bite of her lunch.

"Nothing. It's just... You look surrender right now."

What she said making her stop eating and look down on her food. She doesn't want to show her emotions to other people especially Wonyoung because she don't want any pity from her.


Jiah got snap from her thoughts after that and look at Wonyoung who look at her more worriedly.

"Are you really okey? Do you want me to send you to the infirmary?"

Jiah shook her head.

"I'm okey. Just eat your lunch."

Jiah said before take a bite of her lunch again. Wonyoung who watch that sighed. She didn't dare to ask again since she knows that Jiah will get annoyed by that.


While they were eating their lunch, they heard some screaming. Jiah got interrupt by that making she's groaned.

"Why can't they didn't stop screaming like a crazy people?"

Jiah said madly making Wonyoung look at her shockly. Jiah realised what she did just now.


She said before look down on her food.

"It's okey, Jiah. It's my first time see you angry. It's great!"

Wonyoung said happily making Jiah look at her.

"Do you think it's great?"

Jiah asked her. Wonyoung nodded sincerely.

"You always show me your reactionless whenever I annoy you or other people annoy you. You never show your expression. That's why I'm feeling that great after see that. Looks you are normal after that."

After what Wonyoung said, Jiah thinking about it. Is that so? She is not normal person because she expressionless? She should give them more expression of her after this. Then, they continued eating their lunch.


Time skip

Jiah walk through the hallway to go back to her class since she was from the washroom just now. She wearing her earpods and turn on the musics so she distracted from the sounds around her right now when suddenly she felt someone tapped her shoulder lightly making she turn around and see a boy who smiling widely to her right now.

She knows who is him. It's Kim Sunoo. Another of famous students in this school. She look at him with one eyebrow lifted. Sunoo point at his ears. Jiah understand what he means. She take off the earpods after turn off the song. Then put it in her pocket. After that, she look back at the boy.

"Hi Jiah!"

He greet her. She look at him frowned. What's wrong with this dude?


She hi back making the boy smile widely.

"Can I be your friend?"

He sudden question making Jiah more frowned.


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