《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 6


Sunghoon pov

I can't believe that I will met the cold girl in this such a place because I know that she came from a rich family.

"What are you doing here alone?"

I asked her and take a sit on the chair beside her. After a few second, I sighed because she didn't answer my question. I turn to her who was watching at the people who walk pass us. I can see how uncomfortable she was. I realised that she still in her school uniform. Where is she come from? Why she still wearing a uniform? And... Why she look so beautiful in this side? I never thought about how pretty she was because whenever we met, she will be the one who walk away after that.

"Don't stare at me like that."

I snapped out after she spoke. I didn't realised that I've stare on her.


I said before look forward. We both keep silent. I feel so much awkward right now. I decide to broke it.

"Do you cold?"

I asked and look at her. But, she shook her head although I can see how much time she trying to cover her legs that exposed because she still wearing our school skirt. I sighed and take off my jacket before put it on her laps. She look at me weirdly.

"C-cover your legs. I know that you're cold right now."

I said as I look away. I don't know but suddenly I feel my cheeks burn because how she look at me. I don't know why I'm nervous when her eyes on me.

"You don't have t-"

"Just cover it. I see there have many man that steal a glance towards you when they walk pass."

I said making she look at the man who keep on stealing a glance towards her. She understand after that and cover her legs. I sighed relief.



She said.

"No problems."

I answer her. Then, we both keep silent again like before. The silent is too loud right now.

"Uhm... Aren't you going back home now?"

She suddenly spoke, broke the silent.


I turn to her and our eyes contacted after that. I can feel my heart beating faster out of sudden.

"Aren't you going back home now?"

She asked back with her blank face. Gosh. Why this girl can be so cold right now? But, why my heart beating faster? Stop it, hearteu!

"A-ah... Aren't you should going back home too?"

I asked her, remove my nervousness when around her, also look away from the eyes contacted because I can feel that my heart still beating faster. I hope that she can't hear it.

"I'm waiting for my driver. You should go back home now. Cuz it's already late."

She said. I don't know, but I feel overwhelmed after she said that. It's first time to hear that words from the person who we can call as cold person saying that words. Overwhelmed? I don't know how. It's just questing myself. I shook my head after that and look at her who already look confusely at me. It's first time me seeing her confuse face. But, I hold my laugh. She's too cute to handle right now.

Did I just said she cute? Ommo. What happen to you, Sunghoon ah?

"I will going stay here till your driver come."

I said, keep myself cool. She didn't say too much. She just nodded and look forward after that.

That's all? Didn't give me her best reaction than that blank face? Wah! I wanna be cool infront of her, but she the one who be cool right now. How can? I pouted and look forward.


After a few minutes, we saw an expensive black car stop infront of us. I bet, that was her driver's car. As I expected, the driver went out from the car and bowed infront of us after that. I was surprise when he bowed at us.

"Miss Kim, we should go back home now. Mrs. Kim already home."

I can see how scare the man was when he talk about Mrs. Kim. Mrs. Kim is Jiah's mother? I turn to her. She nodded and stand up from her seat. She turn to me and give me back my jacket.

"Thank you."

She said before walk to the car where the driver just now open the back door for her. I watch her till she went inside the car. The driver close the car and turn to me as he bowed to me just like how he did just now. I bow back. Then the driver walk to the driver seat. Then, the car drove away. I watch it till it gone from my sight. I sighed before look at the jacket that Jiah give me just now.

I don't know why I'm feeling different when saw Jiah just now. The feeling that I never had before. I shook my head.

You should stop thinking about it, Sunghoon ah. You just met her yesterday, it's doesn't mean that you already fall in love with her. Am I?


Author pov

"I'm home."

Jiah walk inside the house, being welcome by her mother who already waiting for her while crossing her arms on her chest at the living room. Looks like something is not right.

"Why are you not home just now? Where are you going? Did you hang out with your unintelligent friend?"

What's Mrs. Kim Jaein asked making Jiah look at her frowned but she sighed after that.

"I'm tired. I'll be going to my room."

She said.

"I didn't finish talking to you, Kim Jiah! "

She stop as her mother yelled her full name. Jiah turn to her and saw how mad her mother was right now. She sighed.

"I have to sleep early today. Tomorrow I still have a school."

She said before walk away leaving her mother who still calling her name. But, she just ignore it. She just need some rest right now.

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