《Cold // Enhypen (엔허이픈)》Part 2


Author pov

"Go away."

She said as she continued on eating her lunch. The boys got shocked because this is their first time being shooed by someone who named as a girl.

"You're the one that should go away because this is our seat."

One of them said irritately. Seems like the air changed. Jiah decide to go away from there. She stand up and took her tray making the boys look at her confusely.

"Where are you going?"

One of them asked.

"Lose appetite."

She said before walk away leaving them dumbfounded.


??? Pov

"Who is that? How rude she is."

Sunoo hyeong watch the girl with his disgusted face.

"I don't know. She looks new."

"New but already showed her true colour."

I said sarcastically.

"But, can't you guys see her eyes just now?"

Suddenly, Sunoo hyeong spoke making us look at him.

"What is it?"

Jay hyeong asked him curiously. We also curious about it.

"She looks like, miserable... You know?"

"How did you know she is miserable?"

Sunghoon hyeong asked him. Sunoo hyeong shrugged his shoulder.

"I don't know. I just saw it from her eyes. But, seriously, she looks like there have something bothering her all the time.i can see it from her eyes."

Sunoo hyeong really good in this. I start to trust him. Is she really okey? I also can see by her appearance. She looks like,... A little tired?

"Hyeong, hyeong?"

I got snapped when Niki nudge me with his elbow.


I asked him.

"You zone out just now."

He said.

"Oh sorry."

I said before taking bite on my lunch. My mind still can't stop thinking about that new girl.


Time skip

Author pov

Jiah was on her way to her classroom when suddenly she got stop after saw, there have many students surrounded in one place.


What happen right now? She just shrugged her shoulder before walk pass them. But, she got stop after something caught her sight.

The boy, laying on the floor while being kicked by the other boys who around him.

"Why just you follow my instructions, you idiot?!"

The boy who kick him asked.

"I-i'm s-sorry.. I-i will follow your instruction after this."

The boy who laying on the floor said. Jiah rolled her eyes. She doesn't really like this kind of situation, especially it comes in this school. The school is the place where you have a study, not where you being bullied. Why that boy didn't fight back?

Then, she was about to leave the place, when suddenly...

She bumped into someone making she almost fall on the floor when that person caught her by her waist. She was stun on her spot. She can heard some of students who watch them right now, gasped. She was confuse. Why they gasped? She look up to see the person who caught her.

It's one of the boy who she saw in the cafeteria just now. She rolled her eyes and stand properly before push the boy away from her. She fixing her shirt and skirt after that.

"Shouldn't you say thank you to me?"

He asked while smiling proudly infront of her. She just give him a blank face.

"No, thanks."

She said before walk passed him, leaving him dumbfounded.

The boy watch her walk away after that.


He said in his low voice while smirking. No one knows what he was thinking about right now...


Time skip

Jiah walk out from her class after the last period end. She walk through the hallway, and again, she stop. She look at the group of boys who were hangout at the place that not far from her standing right now.


It's the boys who bullied one boy just now. Now, they were together. Jiah can see the boy who got bullied was in the bully's hand right now.

"Hey, you! What are you looking at?"

She look at the bully who just talk to her. She look around. Pretend if someone to talk with her just now.

"I'm talking to you. Why are you looking at here? Are you interested to join us?"

He asked while smirking and wiggling his eyebrows. But, Jiah not satisfied by that. She just look at him like she not scare about what happen to her after this.

"Wah. It's our first time you didn't answer our boss words."

Other boy said making Jiah look at them with one eyebrow lifted. The boys look at her weirdly. Then, Jiah raise her hand and point her index finger to the boy who was under the boss's arm.

"Can you let him go?"

She asked with her blank face. The boys look at each other while the other students who walk pass them right now stop to watch the scene. This is their first time seeing someone who bravely asked about that to the bullies of the school.

The boys look at Jiah back after a few second.

"Why? Is he your friend?"

The boss asked. Jiah shook her head and cross her arms on her chest.

"So, why you want me to let him go? Don't you know who I am here?"

The boss asked.

"Who wants to know you if I'm not that interest on you?"

Jiah said blankly making everyone around her gasped. The boss look at her with wide eyes.

"How dare you say like that to the most handsome person in this school?"

He asked to her unbelievable. This is his first time beeing talked by the girl like that because he never got this before. Jiah rolled her eyes.

"Aren't you going to let him go?"

She asked the boss back, completely ignoring what he said just now. The boss have his limit and it's already on his limit. He look at his minions.

"Take that girl and bring her with us."

The boss said without smiling to his minions. The minions were walking towards Jiah who still stand still at her spot when suddenly...

"Aii, Ryan. Can you stop? We already talk about this right? Don't bully other people again. Why did you still stubborn?"

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