《EVERLASTING || manjiro sano》wishing well


"where the hell is ken-chin?" mikey looked at his watch. he tapped his foot hurriedly at draken's tardiness. isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

mikey heard a noise coming closer each second. "move over!" a voice shouted. mikey immediately knew it was y/n's.

"very polite." mikey said sarcastically.

y/n held a huge jar of coins in her arms. "who cares about your feelings now, mikey?!" y/n shouted in exhaustion.

she placed the jar down on the ground. a bunch of coins filled up the huge jar. "damn, this should at least be 2,000 yen." mikey stared at the jar.

y/n gave the jar a pat in pride. "these are my savings of 6 years. you know, half of these are yours." y/n admitted as she picked up the jar again.

"MINE?" mikey asked in shock.

"mikey, it's not my fault you drop loose change everywhere." y/n breathed in and out from the heavy weight.

mikey stared off into the distance as he tried to remember it. "oh yeah. i used to do that." mikey remembered while laughing.

y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "used to?" she pointed at the coin on the ground.

mikey picked it up in happiness. "what do you need the jar for?" mikey asked.

"it's for the wishing well." y/n motioned towards the well.

mikey stared at it and at the coin. "i want to wish there too." mikey flipped his coin.

"then let's go."

y/n opened the jar of coins. up close, they were a lot. y/n picked up a nail polish stained coin. "this is yours." y/n handed it to mikey.

mikey looked at the blue nail polish. "this isn't mine. this has nail polish on it." mikey handed it back over to y/n.


"no, it's yours. remember when i painted your nails that one time?" y/n tried to remind him.

mikey remembered by widening his eyes. "GOD WHY DID I REMEMBER IT AGAIN?" mikey hid his face in frustration.

"MIKEY. PAY ATTENTION AND SHUT UP. just throw the blue stained coin into the well and wish. that's it." y/n simply said.

she grabbed a random coin from her jar and held it in her hands. she intertwined her hands together and whispered things under breath. "what are you brewing there, witch?" mikey asked her jokingly.

"that's how i wish! now you wish too!" y/n returned back into her praying mode.

the whole point of today: draken, approached them. "hey mike—." draken began but stopped at the sight of both of them. he saw them both smiling from ear to ear. do they not see it?

mikey laughed at y/n under his breath. but stopped when he realized he didn't know what to wish for.

the safety of his members? no, only they can guarantee that.

to protect his gang at all costs? that's not guaranteed.

there wasn't anything he could wish for. he looked over to his right and saw that girl wishing her heart away. he smiled slightly. his grip on the coin tightened. i wish she'd stay with me mikey wished before throwing the coin into the well.

y/n opened her eyes when she heard the coin hit the bottom of the well. "how did you wish for something so fast?!" y/n shouted in amazement.

she looked down the well admirably. "it was easy." mikey stared at y/n.

mikey turned around at the feeling of a presence behind him. and he was right. draken looked at both of them from afar with a small smirk. "look who finally decided to show up." mikey said, walking towards him.


y/n went back into wishing for whatever. "mikey, i know you like her." draken told mikey. but quiet enough for no one to hear.

mikey just stood there and looked at y/n. when he made sure she probably wasn't listening he said, "so what if i do?"

draken shook his head and they both walked away. but little did they know,,, "mikey... likes me?" y/n's hands fell down in confusion.

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