《The Unseen》Chapter 167


"You did not," Juno said more abruptly than she intended.

Yanda nodded as she sipped the tea Floren had prepared. "I did, though I believed it was the best of bad alternatives." She smiled. "Did he not tell you?"

"He did not," Juno said. She was not sure if it upset her. Being cursed, there were secrets she held in abundance and had no desire to share. It could only hurt to share such things.

Yanda reached over patted Juno's knee as they sat cross-legged near a fire. "Worry not; you were deep in his mind, though I knew it not at the time." She chuckled. "It was horror to offer myself, and yet I thought his rejection was equally bad. I thought he found me undesirable."

"He was cruel?" Juno asked, never having seen that side of Kelton.

"Nay," Yanda replied, shaking her head. "He instead treated the wounds from my lashing with oil, his hands tender as a mother." She smiled as if it were not an unpleasant thought. "I believe he thought himself to blame for them - in a way, he was correct, for I had lived to suffer them. The rebellious princess inside me died, then was reborn anew from his care. In time, I returned home whole and claimed the one who stirs my insides about." She patted her belly with pride. "And have a new rebel growing within me."

"Kelton claims many friends," Juno said, her hand absently caressing the rose brooch pinned above her breast.

"Aye," Yanda agreed. "There is something about him that draws others in. He is like an unyielding chunk of iron that can float like a feather on the wind. When his mind sees wrongness, he bends the world to alter it in ways no others would ever envision."

"He is the Answer," Floren said as she added more herbs to the pot of water. She lifted it and placed it closer to the fire, atop some well-heated rocks.

"I have heard him called this and know some pieces," Yanda said, "But what is its true meaning?"

Floren began her interruption of the history of the Answer. Juno allowed her to continue uninterrupted even though the woman was delving deeply into the nighthouse mothers' understanding of the story. Yanda sipped her tea and listened intently, adding zeal to Floren's insistence that the last-of-the-line was the last door that Kelton needed to walk through. Floren assumed she was creating a powerful ally. In the short time Juno had known Yanda, she saw the respect Yanda held for Kelton. It far outweighed any ancient tale.

"So, you believe whose legs a man lies between determines the future?" Yanda asked when Floren finished. It was said with a contemplative face as if she were on the verge of acceptance.

"Aye," Floren said as she refilled Yanda's mug.

Yanda nodded and sipped the tea. She smiled and saluted with the mug to Floren. "It is a fine brew you have mixed. I can feel the wisdom of your healing. My back has stopped yelling at me for the first time in days." She swirled the tea in the cup and took another sip. "I am told you have great skill in birthings as well."

"Aye," Floren said. Yanda was changing the subject, yet Juno sensed Floren was unaware since the compliments were timely and smooth.

"Our most trusted midwife was left in Sorinnia, her age not conducive to sea travel," Yanda continued. "I have brought a young one who has attended a birth or two, yet as my time nears, certain fears arise, and I would greatly appreciate someone of your experience." She shrugged. "In case something does not go right."


"If you desire it, I will be there," Floren said. Few people could have noticed the deference in Floren's words. It was the slight increase in pitch, something rarely heard from a mother who ruled a nighthouse. She would attend to the princess with pride.

"I thank you for that," Yanda said, visibly relieved. "And I thank you for this lovely tea. A gift from the Goddess, to be sure." She smiled as if she and Floren were now good friends. "As for this bedding of women, well, I will leave it to Kelton. I have seen him wield his swords and think it unwise to stand between him and his desire." Juno stifled a laugh.

"You do not believe in the Goddess's will?" Floren asked, visibly disappointed in her skill of persuasion.

"I believe in this tea and your healing skill," Yanda replied. "Trusting in the words of the Goddess seems to bend this way and that, and the words you recite were spoken so long ago." She shook her head slowly as if it were too difficult of a task to trust in such things. "There is much joy when a man and woman willingly join, and only pain when it is unwilling." She pointed at the wilted rose on Floren's wrist, now faded with age. "I am to understand that mark says you know this well."

Floren looked down at her wrist, then back up at Yanda. A soft smile graced her lips. "You are not one easy to argue with, of that I see."

"My mother, the Queen, agrees with you," Yanda said, her smile mirroring that of Floren's. "Though she adds the word annoying from time to time."

Floren laughed, defeated yet remaining in good graces. "Send a runner when it is your time, and I will be there." Yanda placed her open palm upon her heart and nodded in thanks.

Juno found the exchange instructive. The comparison of Floren's words to that of the Queen's seemed to elevate Floren. Disagreement while acknowledging respect - a powerful tool. She wondered if there was a school for princesses to learn such things. It worked so much better than the anger Juno usually employed when Floren was obstinate.

"I had heard the army arrived," Serenity said, catching Juno by surprise. Serenity and Audria approached from her blindside. Daphne followed, drifting to hide behind Audria's skirts when she caught sight of Yanda. Someone new still made her cautious.

Juno stood, thinking it was her duty to present the newcomers to the princess. "Serenity, Audria, and..." she coaxed Daphne out with a wave of her hand. Daphne reluctantly left the safety of her cloth shield. "And Daphne. This is Princess Yanda Serinda Orctavia Onlain Grovic..." All that practice and the names were already fleeing her mind.

Yanda laughed and stood with Juno's help. "A noble try, dear sister. It is best if I remain only Yanda here." Juno smiled her thanks.

"You need not stand," Serenity said, seeing Yanda's condition.

"Stand, sit, lie," Yanda said with a shrug. "This belly is not pleased with anything for long. It prefers change and greeting you has given it an excuse to shift about." She turned to Floren and raised her mug again. "And barely a tinge in rising. Your brew is a glorious thing." Floren's eyes glowed with the praise.

"Your coming is a blessing," Serenity said. "It all seems less desperate with skilled warriors in our ranks. It is your bows that empower our minds most."


"You are the one who invades Kelton's dreams," Yanda said, stepping toward Serenity. "The last-of-the-line who some say is his destiny." Juno moved with Yanda, unable to sense her motive for such direct words.

Unmoving, Serenity nodded. "Aye, I poison his mornings, though it is not my doing."

"You do not desire him?" Yanda asked.

"I thought it my duty once," Serenity said, then shook her head. "Now, I see it as a fool's errand. Juno owns his heart, and he does not stir mine. I stay only to end this cursed Promise."

"She is a dear friend," Juno added, thinking Yanda a coiled snake ready to strike. Odd how Yanda's condition did little to weaken her projection of power.

"A wise and dear friend," Yanda corrected and handed Juno her mug as she embraced Serenity. "Kelton has told me as much."

"And you are the strong one," Yanda continued, breaking from Serenity and moving to Audria. "I have experienced some of the same, though my demons did not try as hard." She reached up and traced one of the scars on Audria's face with her finger. "I am sure my soul would have surrendered under the torment that marks you." Audria smiled, as did Serenity.

"They took much," Audria admitted. "But I would not give them what they desired most. In chains, you take what vengeance you can."

"Not all warriors strike with swords," Yanda complimented. She embraced Audria as she had Serenity.

"And you, young one," Yanda said, moving to Daphne. "Kelton had told me much about you as well." That brought out Daphne's smile. "Brave, he said, and getting braver by the day."

Daphne pointed at Yanda's belly. "A queen," she said in a voice that indicated desire. Juno chuckled as she realized Daphne was using the term to indicate her wants and dreams. It was not reserved only for Juno.

"One day, it is hoped," Yanda said. She took Daphne's hands in hers and placed them on the sides of her belly. "She is an active queen, is she not?" Daphne laughed with surprise in her eyes. "She must like you. She does not kick for many others."

"She is strong," Daphne said. Juno was pleased to hear words that held more relevance than Daphne's typical responses. "She wants to get out." Yanda laughed her agreement and stayed still until Daphne seemed to have had enough, or perhaps the babe had stopped kicking.

"I fear I have left my mother alone long enough," Yanda said. She turned to Floren. "I thank you again for the tea."

"I will fill an urn and have it brought to you," Floren said. "Best if you save it for late-day and not live upon it." Yanda nodded and said cordial goodbyes to the others. Then, she took Juno by the hand and had her lead the way.

"I do not like these dreams he has," Yanda whispered. "Serenity does not seem false, yet there is some appeal to her."

"Some?" Juno said. "Though I know her to be true, I have bad thoughts of taking her into the trees and beating some ugly into her."

"Aye," Yanda agreed with a chuckle. "The Goddess has been too kind to her. Mayhap, we can give him new dreams."

"And how do we do that?" Juno asked. The conspiring felt comfortable as if Yanda was a true sister.

"I have brought a trunk of clothes in hopes this belly would shrink soon. Alas, I fear it will be spring before they can wrap me again - birth or not." Yanda pulled Juno closer, entwining their arms together. "They tend to turn a man's head, and I have become quite the seamstress and will see them fitted right."

"I could not..." Juno began. She wondered if the stain on her skirts was even more visible than she had imagined.

"You will, dear sister, for I do enjoy teasing that man of yours," Yanda said. Juno knew it would be a joyous conspiracy.

"I heard your voice before, but I can place it, Landy," Kelton said. He looked hard at the soldier, a deserter still in uniform.

"I do not know when, for we have never met, Answer," Landy said.

Fingers' mouth curled as if he knew a secret. "Landy is the one who worked himself onto armory duty and convinced the other guards to flee their posts."

"The arms are well needed," Kelton said, though he lied some. The Sorrinians had brought wagon loads of swords, enough to fill every hip. Depleting the King's supply of arms did have a benefit all its own - both physical and mental.

"It was not as difficult a task as Fingers' lets on, Answer," Landy said. "There are many who need but a reason to flee. The King's coin no longer shines as it once did."

"We have met, I am sure of it," Kelton said. Fingers was no longer hiding his conspiracy-laden smile. "Mayhap, in a tavern or such. Your words have a particular song to them, something I would not forget, yet I can not place your face." Kelton sighed and raised his hands in surrender. "Are you testing me, Fingers?"

Landy looked between Fingers and Kelton. "This is the first..."

Fingers laid a hand on Landy's shoulder and shook his head to end Landy's claim of never meeting Kelton. "You have met before. Though you did not know it at the time, you did a far greater service than opening the armory." He looked back at Kelton with his most devious smile.

Kelton laughed when it came to him. "The barrel."

It took a moment for Landy to digest the words, and then his eyes opened wide. Kelton embraced him as he would a brother. "You were in the barrel?"

"Aye," Kelton replied, breaking the embrace. "I was the freshwater you helped to carry aboard. You saved me, and I think many others that day." The barrel ride was no longer a terrible memory. The pains of confinement and fear of exposure had dissipated with the passage of time. Now, it was seen as a grand step toward what had to be.

Landy smiled, losing the apprehension with which he had arrived. "A good day it was." He looked at Fingers. "And I thought it coin or such. It is no wonder you fought hard for my silence."

"And your boy?" Kelton asked. "Did he acquire the position you desired?"

"Aye," Landy replied. "And has grown to claim his own family with a new son that is now his worry. It is for them I opened the armory. I will have them prosper without this Promise scaring the land."

"A good and weighty reason," Kelton agreed. "I must have you meet Juno. She will find this reunion to her liking. We must snatch happiness where we can find it."

"And I am to relay some words to her from the nighthouse," Fingers said. "Is she about?"

"I have not seen her since the morn," Kelton said. "I fear she conspires with Yanda, the one I claim as sister. They will trade stories that will take me a moon to explain." He looked at Landy. "Another reason you should meet her - It is best her mind lingers on something other than the faults of my past."

"Are there so many?" Fingers asked, adding humor with the bouncing of his eyes.

"In truth, I know not," Kelton admitted. "It is an odd, fearful thing, for I know my sister enjoys torturing me with tidbits, and my love will have fun with it." He chuckled. "It is only my pride at risk."

Kelton looked up when he heard a distant 'my lady' from beyond the trees that secured the semi-secrecy of the meeting. Fingers thought it best not all knew everything, a precaution to protect those such as Landy's family.

"Women play," Landy said as if he were an expert. "It is better to be the target than ignored." That brought out a laughing agreement from both Kelton and Fingers.

"Is that the queen you spoke of?" Fingers asked. The honorific of 'my lady' was growing, some renditions making it sound a surprise. Kelton had noticed the term increasing in the camp, marking more women as their contributions raised their stature - a good sign. This time, it sounded as if directed at a single woman, one who was approaching.

"I know not," Kelton admitted, looking toward Fingers. "I am to meet with the Queen in the morn, though something may have changed that."

Surprise grew in Fingers' eyes as he rose, then bowed slightly, "my lady." Kelton turned his head as Landy was duplicating Fingers' greeting.

The breath in Kelton's chest skipped its exhale, and his lips quivered with words that died before they emerged. There was no mistaking that a lady stood before them, clothed as none in this land had ever imagined. It was Yanda's work, of that he was sure, for he had seen the Sorinnian style gracing Alliette long ago. A burgundy dress cut sharp from one hip, angling down to the opposite toe. Her right leg was well-covered in brownish leather, yet tantalizing exposed, revealing boots that rode up her shin as if they had grown there. An enticing amount of neck was exposed, and the fabric duplicated the sharp cut of the skirt in the angle of the sleeves. Upon her chest, inside of a golden embroidered circle, her rose broach shone as if it would know no other breast. Each of Juno's curves were covered in graceful splendor yet announced themselves proudly. She was power melded into beauty, and it sparked something animalistic in Kelton.

"You...you..." Kelton mumbled as he began to rise. He halted when Juno's hand demanded him to remain sitting.

"I wish to speak to my king," Juno said, her soft reddened lips curling in a most alluring way, "alone."

"As you wish, my lady," Fingers said, pulling the awestruck Landy away.

"That is no torture I know of," Landy whispered as the two left the circle of trees.

Kelton marveled at the two curls of hair that danced in front of Juno's ears. It was as if they refused to be bound back with the rest of her mane, dangling forward only to seduce his eyes as she moved forward like he were prey.

"Not even a sunrise..." Kelton began. Juno's finger on his lips stopped his words. She straddled his lap and sat, the clothing hindering none of the movements - a warrior ready for battle.

"I do not feel cursed dressed like this," Juno said, her hands lovingly testing the weave she had put in his hair.

"I care not for curses," Kelton said. Her eyes had been lined, darkened edges that sharpened their softness with magnetic intensity.

"Aye," Juno said. "Your eyes have never seen my curse. But know that until this day, I felt it inside." She cradled his head in her palms. "Now, I feel it not."

There was a new strength in the kiss that took Kelton's lips. It was demanding, and he melted into it. His eyes were doing war with the rest of him. They wanted to devour the vision before him, yet his core desired to tear her clothes from the curves they covered. His hands roamed as they kissed, desperately searching for access to her skin.

Kelton slowed when he felt Juno's chuckle grow to her lips. She pulled away enough so that they were eye to eye.

"Yanda has brought tents; one will be erected for us," Juno said with a desire that sent a delicious shiver up Kelton's spine. The implication was evident in her eyes, yet she worded it anyway. "We need wait no longer."

"My love for my sister grows each day," Kelton said as he played with one of Juno's teasing curls.

"Kelton!" Gossamer broke through the trees, destroying the most wonderful of moods. He stumbled out his sorrows when he noticed Juno but continued anyway. "An envoy from the King has arrived."

"Let him rot," Kelton growled.

Juno stood, ignoring Kelton's reluctance, and guided him to his feet as well. "We will meet with him," Juno said. She leaned in and whispered, "duty, then us."

Kelton wondered if duty was the real curse.

Kelton and Juno walked into the clearing where a circle had formed. In the center sat a soldier wearing an empty scabbard with his hands bound behind his back. O'fan, Gossamer, and Fingers were present, along with five other scouts.

"He was guided blindfolded, sire," O'fan said. A reasonable precaution, though if this soldier were false, anything he saw would die with him.

"Your name," Kelton asked, studying the man. There was no fear present as if he held no doubts of his safe release. The Knowing showed only a calm lack of intent.

"Verdi," the soldier replied. "Captain of the King's guard."

"I am Kelton. What is your duty here?" There was some lingering anger at the man's timing, and it added itself to Kelton's tone. The war had somehow become a secondary concern.

"I carry the King's words," Verdi looked around. "For your ears only."

"Unlike your king, I trust those at my side," Kelton said. "They will remain here, though I doubt there is anything worth hearing." He looked at Juno. "It would be wise to include the queen as well, would it not?"

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