《The Unseen》Chapter 156


Kindly edited by @CollinHarrison4

Kelton looked at the rudimentary bow and smiled. It did not have the artistic touches of Rolic's or Yanda's, but it was said to work. A new creation of Aragonia, a sign of growth. He could see the pride growing in the gathered army, all sitting around him waiting for his words. It was Serenity's idea. She had a knack for understanding when men needed encouragement.

"And it works well?" Kelton asked the creators.

"Almost as well as Rolic's," Ganner replied proudly. He was a young man, flanked by his graying father - woodworkers from a long line. "It is the range we do not meet."

"Accurate though," Rolic chimed in. "A hundred paces, mayhap more."

"A hundred?" Kelton said with visible surprise. "It is a masterwork in my eyes. I feared we may not receive the arms we need from afar. Now, I see they can be made by Aragonian hands."

"In time," Ganner said, his expression going grim as he looked at his nodding father.

"Time?" Kelton asked.

"It is the wood, sire," Polder, the father, replied. "Mayhap, we can make three more with what we have."

"Wood? Is there not enough?" Kelton asked as he glanced around the forest of trees that surrounded them.

"A hard wood is needed," Polder continued. His gray hair and confident reply added an air of wisdom to his words. "And it must be seasoned, or the bow will fail. Most seek the softer trees to build, not the hard. What you have was once a table, seasoned for winters. It is hard to find such a thing, though many are looking."

"Fingers?" Kelton asked.

"It is being sought, though little of use has been found," Fingers replied. He sat next to Hillbrand. The two had bonded well, which Kelton found heartening. Trust was hard to come by.

Kelton took a deep breath before he continued. The work was amazing, but even if enough wood could be found, it would take many winters to build the quantity needed. He knew he could not feed an army for that long. Nor would he wait even if he could manage the necessary supplies - not after what he had seen in the temple.

"It is brilliant work," Kelton said, handing the bow back to Ganner. He looked at his gathered army, a count larger than he desired so early in the game, but their willingness warmed his soul. "Polder and his son Ganner prove that we are a people with good minds. In a short time, they have taken what they have seen and produced a magnificent Aragonian bow, the first of its kind. A weapon the Brethren will fear."

Kelton stepped aside and bowed to the two woodworkers as the crowd added their praise. Ganner was beaming, a good sign for his future endeavors in what was to come. Polder bowed back with a smile on his face. Kelton sensed Polder knew the weakness of the count they could produce yet saw the importance of the effort. There was thoughtful wisdom in the wrinkles on his face.

"The tale of the temple," someone in the crowd yelled. It was echoed by many. Juno had warned Kelton that they wanted to hear it from his mouth. He would have preferred to leave it to another, but trust demanded it come from him.

Kelton nodded his head and held up his hand to establish silence. Gossamer smirked, probably seeing some of his storyteller teachings in Kelton's exposition. Kelton began with him and Rolic disguising themselves as Brethren. There were some below-breath comments of how that was not so difficult for Rolic. Kelton ignored the words since Rolic's past deserved that and more.


The army looked toward Audria and Daphne when Kelton talked of their rescue. Audria, sitting stoically next to Serenity, nodded her agreement with the tale. The first-to-fall's second and third deaths brought out the crowd's anger, as did the happenings at the tavern. By the time the story was complete, Kelton believed they would have taken on a hundred Brethren with their bare hands. The questions began, and Kelton took time to answer each one. If they were to die in what was to come, they deserved to know why.

"Why are there no Sisters? Evil is not the sole purview of men," Serenity asked when the other questions began to lessen.

Kelton shrugged. "I had not thought on it," he admitted, then looked toward Rolic.

Rolic rose, a seemingly difficult thing that caused his lips to tighten. Kelton doubted he wanted to come to the fore. More justice for his sins.

"It was tried long ago," Rolic said. A surprising answer. "The Chosen allows no other in the heart of the one they are tied to. It must be an unshared love by both, for that is where the power lies." Kelton saw bewildered looks. Rolic must have noticed as well, for he continued. "Women tend to evoke thoughts in men, and men bring out the same ideas in women. Daughters - what the Brethren call the Chosen - can see they have become second. Many rebirths failed, so it was decided that there would be no temptation. Abstinence is the only sure way."

"It is no wonder they are insane," a voice from the back yelled.

"Forever without women? It is a hell of its own making," another added.

"It is the truth of it," Rolic said, his voice fading to almost a whisper. He sat back down with the pain of his confession clear on his face. Most had been avoiding him now that the truth was known. The growing hatred was straining his eyes, giving him a look of pained sadness.

Kelton decided to reclaim the crowd. He needed Rolic alive, at least for a few more moons. "The truth is now known," he gestured toward Gossamer. "The tale you told me long ago, Gossamer, the one of Dar'quid's revival on the field of battle - well, it is truth, and it is who we face this day. He was the first and has remained with only a change in name. Dar'quid and Magna'est are one and the same."

"How can we fight such men, if that is still what they be?" a man shouted. There were disparate calls of bravery and fear. The odds insurmountable to some and warranting heroic actions to others.

Kelton raised his hands again to gather the crowd. "Burning is a final death even for one who has seen two thousand winters." He smiled to cast his confidence across the gathered. "We must bring them down and cast them into the fire. A task made easier with bows." He pointed to the weapon Ganner held.

"There are not enough!" a woman yelled.

"Aye," Kelton said, pleased that someone recognized it loudly. It fit his narrative. "Some we build and some we hope to receive from afar." He paused a moment to lend importance to his next words. "Yet, I know of many bows already here. Those, and other weapons." Calls of 'where' reverberated.

Kelton had their attention - the first step. "The Brethren's temples are said to hold many." The first gasp came from Rolic, who began to stand, the pending argument plain in his features. Kelton continued. "I devised a way to enter and acquire these weapons. A few select men are all I require."


"They will be ready for such a thing," Rolic argued. His face was ashen as he stepped forward. "You may enter, but you will never leave."

"Plan as they will, they will not see this coming," Kelton said, his assertive tone spilling out confidence to those who had gathered. "The next night of true darkness, when the moon fully hides, we will strike the temple near Shunneer City." He made a fist and shook it. "Their weapons will become ours, weakening them and growing their fear of what is to come. We will earn the ability to strike from afar."

"I will join you," Bynard vowed. Many echoed his words while others were shouting encouragement with talk of burning all the Brethren.

"It cannot be done," Rolic whispered. Kelton saw the wisdom in Rolic surrendering to a quiet plea since the crowd was drowning out any disagreement.

"It can, and it will be done," Kelton returned. He placed his hand on Rolic's shoulder. "If I am to play at king, I must do as I see fit. You, of all, should know this."

"You think Magna'est a fool," Rolic growled.

"Nay," Kelton said. "I think he sees me as one. It is an advantage, and I intend to use it." He turned away from Rolic and back toward his fledgling army. "It begins now," Kelton said loudly, claiming the crowd's attention once again. "This is the time where we turn from sheep to wolves."

Serenity stood. "To the king of the wolves!" The shouts of agreement echoed. To Kelton's surprise, it boosted his confidence as well. A feast for the soul that allowed him to ignore the doubts that always swirled inside.

Floren rose from the ground, her pride on display as she raised her arms to quiet the shared joy that had emerged. "It is best we are reminded of who," she pointed at Kelton, "gathers us here. It was foretold by Kushiel, and this be his answer:"

With head of fire, the first will fall

Marked by beast, three will breathe no more

Cursed is the witness who has seen all

Your end will begin, for hope will bring war

The last of my line will bind your fate

With unbreakable love, her sacrifice made

Hope will become anger, and anger hate

And warriors will bond to strengthen his blade

Then you will know the last day

Kelton's lips stiffened when she emphasized the last-of-the-line. Serenity smirked at him and rolled her eyes. Those gathered heard only the answer and cheered, for they saw the last-of-the-line and knew that the other signs had been met.

Floren was about to say more as Kelton moved forward. His desire to quiet her was made moot by another.

"The last day is coming," Gossamer yelled. He rose in all his storytelling glory, drowning out whatever Floren intended. There were more shouts of victory as Gossamer began to tell the tale of the first to fall. Kelton tried not to smile at Floren's expression - a look of aggravated defeat. She could not compete with Gossamer's talents, and Kelton had rarely seen him in such excellent form.

"A timely tale," Juno whispered as she moved to Kelton's side.

"Aye," Kelton agreed. "The love of a father." Juno wrapped her arm around him and leaned her head against his shoulder.

"Do not hate her," Juno said. It was a plea, not an order.

"Never," Kelton replied. That earned him a squeeze that held more value than a chest of gold.

Kelton sighed as Gossamer voiced his reservations to the small group of the most trusted. Rolic was nodding along, seemingly grateful that another agreed with his assessment. Fingers, Bynard, and O'fan were silent, their minds long settled on executing Kelton's plan - there was power in being declared the Answer.

"I have seen these temples," Gossamer said. "Built of stone and many men high. The ground around cleared so eyes as well as the knowing exposes all who approach. You may be able to advance unseen in the night, yet the ones with you will be as the sun. A needless risk, to be sure."

"The risk is not needless," Kelton countered. He kept his tone level, a sign of the respect he had for Gossamer.

"If you are ended, this is ended," Gossamer said, holding his arms wide to encompass all who fought for the cause.

Kelton smiled. "There is a way in and out. The Brethren will not know we were there." He let a chuckle escape when he thought of what was to come.

"It cannot be done," Rolic said, shaking his head. His face was pale, yet there was strength in his words. "You will be accosted at the door. The others will be sensed and die before they reach the walls. Magna'est is not a fool in such things. All will be on alert after our first incursion. You will face hundreds at the ready, not the handful you have seen in the past."

"It can be done," Kelton repeated. Again, he smiled and looked at Fingers. "We will need a diversion, one near the port. Something all in the city will see."

"A fire," Fingers said, nodding his head. "There are storehouses the loss of which should concern the Brethren. The last time one burned, the whole city came with buckets. More notice will be taken if it is two."

"You think the temple will empty?" Rolic asked incredulously. "Mayhap they will see the glowing of the flames on the horizon, but they will not run to assist. It is not their way."

"Aye," Kelton agreed. "But they will see the flames. It is their attention I desire."

"I will need help in this," Fingers said. "Best if they are unknown to the city, so blame does not remain if things go wrong." He looked to Bynard. "Mayhap, one or two of yours?" Bynard nodded his agreement.

"It will not work," Rolic insisted.

"It will," Kelton said. "The Brethren will not be ready, for they are blind to what is coming."

"I will hear how this will be," Rolic said with more strength than he had shown in days. Gossamer nodded as well.

"Secrecy demands that only those who travel with me will know the how, and you shall not be among them," Kelton said. "Do you not trust the Answer?"

"Mount the last-of-the-line and mayhap I will trust your mind," Rolic snapped back. His eyes retreated almost as soon as his words ended. Kelton could see the regret for the nasty tone grow in Rolic's face.

"Your anger does not make the last-of-the-line more enticing," Kelton said with all the calm he could summon. "Nor does my need of your trust." He paused to let his ire subside. Rolic's insistence on Serenity was becoming personal. The others looked shocked at how the conversation had turned. Kelton smiled, this time for Rolic's benefit. "Know that my trust in you has not waned. I value your knowledge and your counsel. If not for you, all of this would have ended long ago."

Rolic nodded his head and raised his palms in surrender. "It is your kingdom now, do as you will."

"Our kingdom," Kelton corrected, looking at those around him. It brought back smiles, and confidence reappeared. All must see the profit, or the agreement would be a feeble one - Tarvakian taught him that.

"You have found a weakness in the Brethren," Gossamer surmised, his head tilting in curiosity.

"Aye," Kelton said. "It is their belief in their superiority that hinders them. I will make use of it."

"I warn you, their superiority is their strength," Rolic said. This time it sounded like counsel, not admonishment.

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