《The Unseen》Chapter 138


Juno glanced at the symbols scratched on the side of the tavern. It was the second time she had seen their like, an odd mixture of lines, some touching, some not. They were told it is the symbol of the Answer. She shook her head, a strange choice since it was difficult to reproduce. Though similar to the ones she saw carved into a dead tree, it was somehow different. For the life of her, she could not put her finger on what had been altered.

"You would think they would have chosen something simple," Juno said to Floren.

"Odd," Floren said in agreement. A group pushed past them, rushing toward the tavern.

"Uncouth," Sanlina said, loud enough for the group to hear. Juno cringed since many didn't consider the cursed worthy of cordiality. Confrontation was not their goal.

"It is the Answer," a young woman said, pointing to the Tavern. Juno already knew that. "He is inside." Juno didn't know that. Joy and apprehension collided inside her, a growing hunger eaten by fear. She was not ready.

"We have found him," Sanlina said, helping Juno forward. Sanlina showed no apprehension and wished Juno to move without thinking. The woman was smiling as if it were such an easy thing to confront one's dream. Juno stalled, her mouth struggling to force an objection. It is as likely he would see her and blanch at what she had become. She was scarred and no longer the girl he knew.

"It is time," Floren said. Her smile was less forceful. "He returned for you. There are no worries here." She took Juno's hand. "You will guide him, nothing more."

"I have changed," Juno said.

"His mind has not," Sanlina said. She took Juno's hand from Floren and walked backward toward the door, pulling Juno along. "He only sees his dreams, and you are in them." Juno couldn't see anything of duty in Sanlina's smile, only a perverse pleasure in the coming meeting. It was frightening to face what was coming, yet Juno followed Sanlina. She told herself the land needed her, using the duty to step forward.

The tavern was full, not a table open. Many were standing, and a confusing chant demanding a choice was growing amid the smiling faces. There were men wearing swords, and not bearing the cloth of King or Hold Lord. Sanlina pulled Juno around a table, toward where most eyes were looking.

Juno's breath caught as she came upon a tall head of unruly red hair. Two swords were crossed upside down in sheaths, strapped to a strong back. Kelton was broader of shoulder than she remembered, yet even from the back, she had no doubt who he was. Kelton stood between two other men, both of whom seemed to take pleasure from what was happening.

Floren caught up, opposite Sanlina, forming a wall of strength around Juno. "You will lead him," Floren whispered as if she were concerned Juno might falter and change her mind. Juno ignored the words and tried to breathe normally, straightening her skirts to give her hands something to do besides shake. She wanted him to turn, yet she did not. A growing fear that the man would not desire what the boy did.

Amid the chants and laughter, Kelton raised his hands. It was like a command as if the world shifted to his desires, and silence ensued. So much strength. "Is it not the duty of the Answer to free the cursed?" Kelton called out. "I will not choose."


Juno smiled, hearing more than the words. There was a plea in them, one that came from the boy she remembered. She leaned left to see beyond Kelton and discern his concern. Four cursed stood before him, struggling to attract his desire. It took little to assemble what was going on; his men were urging him to a night of pleasure, and the crowd was in agreement. Her smile disappeared as her anger grew, or was it jealousy.

A golden-haired cursed said something Juno couldn't hear, then a shout from the back demanded Kelton choose. New laughter began, which angered Juno more. Sanlina took Juno's hand and called out above the din. "Mayhap, they are not the right woman."

The words terrified Juno, and Floren whispered a prayer to the Goddess. Kelton turned, a man replacing the boy Juno remembered. He had changed and for the better. Juno's breathing halted as his eyes traveled from Sanlina to her, then froze. The crowd faded from her vision, their din receding, as Juno's mind saw only one.

Kelton stepped forward, his eyes full of concern. He raised his hand, fingers touching his lips. Juno filled her chest with air as the gesture was unmistakable; he remembered. She raised her fingers, duplicating what he had done. A smile, the one that lived in her memories, grew behind his fingers. The girl inside her, the one she thought lashed away, took hold, and her lips curled on their own accord. The boy moved forward with haste only she understood.

Floren whispered something stern, which breezed by, unheard by Juno's ears. Sanlina chuckled and released Juno's hand. Juno broke away from both of them, pulled by Kelton's smile. He stopped a pace away, his face losing its boyish charm as it filled with concern.

"Have I been gone too long?" Kelton asked.

Juno's eyes welled as she forgot all of Floren's instructions. She didn't understand how her happiness and eyes could be at such odds. Unasked, she surrounded him with her arms. Kelton embraced her, holding tight as if she were the greatest of treasures.

"Nay," Juno said, tears still refusing to acknowledge her joy. Almost too long, but he will never know that.

Kelton's lips graced her ear. "I should have never climbed down that rope," he whispered.

"Aye," Juno said, a chuckle escaping. "I should have never brought the rope."

"I fear my path is a risky one." Kelton's words softly tickling her ear. "But I desire you at my side. I do not know why - you are in me and will not leave."

Juno pulled away enough to see his eyes. They were as moist as hers. She smiled and answered with a kiss. Kelton's lips were as a river, flowing through the parchness that was her life. She could die right then, with the thrill climbing from her toes, and think her life fulfilled. A shiver ran through her boy, a feeling she knew was her creation, a return to the us forged by blended lips. Winters had passed, yet it was as if he had climbed back up the rope.

Outside the private cave their reunion created, sounds began to emerge. They had forgotten the tavern and all who watched. With obvious reluctance, Kelton separated his lips from Juno's. His honest smile said more than any words. He reached up and caressed errant hair from her face, tucking it behind her ear.

"A walk?" Kelton asked, ignoring the calls from behind. Many were hooting that he had made a choice. Others, including an upset golden-haired cursed, were demanding to know who Juno was. Juno nodded her acceptance, ignoring Floren's pleading words. She shared a smile with Sanlina as they headed toward the door. It was Sanlina who was gently holding back Floren, a gift from one cursed to another.


A short man, well-weathered and wearing a sword, ran up to Kelton. "The path to the west," the man said, pointing to his right. "It leads to the lake. It is quiet there this time of day. we will see it remains so."

"I thank you, O'fan," Kelton said, his hand entwined with Juno's. She smiled at O'fan, who gave her a slight bow and grinned as if he knew what she intended. Her only intent was to be close and to stay that way - forever.

Juno let Kelton lead her toward a well-worn path that disappeared into the trees. They remained hand-in-hand and silent until the eyes of the world were no longer on them. It was then he lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. Juno could feel his smile as he did so.

"I have been far away," Kelton said. His pace slowed, and time slowed with it. "I have seen wondrous things and found my place in it." He stopped and turned toward Juno. "I meant to gather you and take you to it, then..." He bit his lip.

"Now you are the Answer," Juno said, adding a smile as if it didn't matter. It did. In truth, she didn't desire to share him with the land. "And I will see it through with you." She wasn't sure if that was Floren talking or her own words.

"I mean to send you there," Kelton said as he took both her hands in his. "When I have done what I must, I will join you."

"Send me where?" Juno asked, then thought better of the question. "You are in my dreams, and I'll not leave you now."

"I wish you safe," Kelton said, though it sounded more of a plea than an argument.

Juno smiled and lifted his hands to her lips. "I care not for safety if it means I leave you." She kissed his knuckles - strong hands.

"I have heard what was done to you," Kelton said, proof of his argument for her safety. Juno could see the anger that burned behind his eyes at the idea. It sent a thrill through her. There was none of the pity others had shown, no weakness. It was vengeance, and it would be executed in her name. He would be her dagger if she desired it.

"Aye," Juno said. She reached up and stroked Kelton's cheek. He shivered, then leaned into it. She had as much power over him as he had over her. "Though I am one of many." She retracted her hand and shook her head. "I will not leave you. You are in me as well."

Kelton shrugged, then smiled. "I must bathe then."


"The women I have met think it important." Kelton retook Juno's hand and continued walking as if sending her away was no longer an option in his mind. It was odd, but his acceptance empowered Juno. "I have a desire not to smell in your presence."

"I do not mind your smell," Juno said. It was a woody scent and smelled of a new day.

"I think it best that you bathe with me," Kelton added, his smile all boy again. This time, there was confidence in his lip's curl—a very pleasing turn of events.

Juno smiled. "Mayhap, your smell is a bothersome thing." Then she let the image of him unclothed fade as she thought of his words. "Women - what women?"

"Yanda was one," Kelton said. "A princess, though I did not know that at first. We shared a bed and many baths."

Juno slowed, pulling Kelton to a stop. "I had heard different," she said, wondering why it was upsetting. She had done as much or more, though not of her will.

"Heard what?"

"Sanlina...it was her words..." Juno stuttered, not sure of how to say such a thing. Perhaps Sanlina had not been truthful.

"She knows some," Kelton said. He sat down in the middle of the trail, pulling Juno to the ground as well. "Her words have upset you, so ask me what you will. You will have my truth." It surprised Juno that he saw her concern and desired it settled with swiftness.

"It is just," Juno began, then thought better of it. It did not matter. "It is nothing."

Kelton pursed his lips and seemed to struggle with a thought. He took Juno's hands in his. "You have been in me since I climbed from that window. I have seen much, and yet my mind always returns to you, and...and the kiss. Now that I see you, and your lips have ignited me again, and I fear I have been short-sighted."

"I do not understand," Juno said. He looked forlorn as if he meant to divulge a dreaded secret.

"I am not skilled in such things," Kelton said. "It is the first time I desire what my body does, and now," he pointed back at the tavern, "I have been told it can be done wrong." Juno starred as he spoke.

"It is the ale in my head," Kelton said, misinterpreting her stunned look. "I did not mean to..."

Juno threw herself at him, knocking him to his back. Her lips found their most perfect target as her hands combed into his hair. It took only a moment for him to get over the shock, his participation enhancing the loveliness of it. There was so much passion in him, and it blossomed hers. He had waited for her. She was unworthy of it, but she would die before she let him figure that out.

Kelton thought he would melt into the ground. Juno was more than her memory, more than he imagined, and more than all the life he had traveled through. Her lips seared joy into his bones, awaking the hairs upon his skin. She was a light breeze, a tempest of horrible power, and the warm sun on a cold day. He could die this very moment and think his life well lived.

"We could not do it wrong," Juno whispered into his ear. She nibbled there, sending intense sensations down his neck. She rose and held out her hand. Kelton took it and gained his feet as well. "It is not the place for such things," she said with a smile. "And I was promised a bath."

Kelton shook off the lingering passion that continued to invade. Her touch was intoxicating, especially her lips on his ear. He wondered if it would feel the same to her. He would put his picture mind to use, and remember to attempt that later. Maybe, her delicate neck was worthy of a taste.

"And a bath you shall have, my lady," Kelton said, feeling twice the man he had thought himself that morning. He gave her a small bow, which elicited an adorable chuckle. He wanted more of that as well.

"I will hear of this...Yanda," Juno said. "And the other women you spoke of." Her smile was almost devilish as she spoke. Kelton had no idea why it made her more appealing. Had it presented itself on another, it would have caused suspicion. On Juno, it only increased the pounding of his heart.

"It is a long story," Kelton said, as he continued to lead the way to the lake. "Yanda is a stubborn one, with a beauty only rivaled by yours." Juno took his hand, wrapping it in a most wonderful softness. "She is also a warrior and deadly with a bow."

"A woman soldier?" Juno asked. "And what is this bow?" Unlike the tiresome conversations Kelton repeated to others, he found explaining detail to Juno a joy. She absorbed everything and was entranced by his words, as he was of her questions. Kelton discovered a joyful new goal, making her laugh. It was better than the first call of a morning bird and lifted his soul to the clouds. He had indeed waited too long to return, but he would die before he let her know he almost stalled in the Waitland.

Floren tore her arm from Sanlina. "You saw her eyes," she said, enhancing her scowl. "We should have slowed this, not allow them to leave alone."

"You wish her to hear your wisdom?" Sanlina asked.

"Aye. And now they are gone." Floren threw up her hands. It was not part of her plan. "I should have stepped between them, reminded them of the duty that lies before all."

"And you would have bred hatred. You saw what lies sheathed on his back. They are for king, Brethren, and now - all who stand between him and her." Sanlina shook her head. "Nay, it is best they find their place together, then hear your words. At least, you will still have your head to speak them." She laughed.

"And if they desire to seek their dreams and ignore this land?"

"They will not," Sanlina replied with confidence. "They will desire both."

"He is for the last-of-the-line," Floren insisted.

Sanlina shrugged. "Mayhap, it is Juno by some twist of words. If not, it is another's problem, not ours." She smiled in a dream-like way. "Did you not see his eyes. It was as if he were blind to all but one. If I can not have such a thing, I wish it on her."

"It is dangerous to be so close to the Answer," Floren said, her insides churning. Her eyes found the ground as she thought of the ramifications. King and Brethren would seek Juno. She would become a surrogate for Kelton's head if they could not reach him.

"It is her choice," Sanlina said, concern entering her voice.

"It was my back that should have been slain on that pole," Floren said. Her eyes began to tear as she looked up. "She would not have it and accepted my due. She is as a daughter to me. I desire her far from such turmoil."

Sanlina's eyes became serious, her tone filling with compassion. "Stand between those two, and you will be sent away. Fate is at work here, and your daughter is willingly wrapped in its arms."

"It is terrifying." Floren closed her eyes and prayed the Goddess would set forth a clear path for Juno, one that saw her to old age.

Juno watched as Kelton removed his clothes. They had found a secluded portion of the clear lake, a cavity hidden by trees designed for such things as bathing. Smooth pebbles were strewn across the entrance and filled the bottom of the clear lake. There was no hesitation in Kelton's disrobing, a difference from when they had last been together. She smiled, remembering the shy boy. A fond memory, though not missed this day.

"Am I to bathe alone?" Kelton asked with a smile as he removed his tunic.

"Nay," Juno said, then sucked in her breath. His chest and side were scarred and matched the wounds she had dreamed of. She had drawn green markings on his shoulder and arms, and now they lay there. "I have seen this," she said, running her hands along his healed injuries. "It was in my dreams over many nights." Kelton stood still as her fingers traced the Nagada markings. "And these. I dreamed of marking you with my finger."

"It was you," Kelton said, his hands cupping Juno's face. "Many thought I would not see another sun, yet it was you who woke me." He smiled and kissed her. Their lips once again merging as if they were carved from one part. The longing, the feeling of him, swelled inside and flooded all other desires. It was hard to think of the land amid the loudness of their shared passion.

"It was real, those dreams," Juno whispered when their lips parted. She realized she had always known the truth. They were connected.

"Aye," Kelton agreed. "As was your call to me." His lips seized as if in pain. "It is what sped my return."

"My call?"

Kelton turned. Juno saw the old marks of a lash. "We share much," Kelton said, making it sound like a curse. Juno let her hand run along the lines, feeling the muscles twitch on his back. He sighed as she attempted to caress the memory away. "I believe I was awoken by a dream of your lashing." He turned around.

"It was your name I screamed," Juno said, the memory of it sending a shiver through her. Kelton wrapped his arms around her, aging the memory to oblivion in a moment.

"There is a force connecting us, though I know not its source," Kelton said. "I only thank it, for it is why you are in my arms. For this moment, there is nothing I would not endure."

"I am not last-of-the-line," Juno whispered, dreading the words. It needed to be said before things traveled farther. He needed to know her limitations.

"Aye," Kelton said. "Though it would be an easy thing to twist the words and make you so." She looked up into a smiling face. She had no idea how he could turn from man to boy so quickly. In a blink, his strength became playful, and she wanted to melt into it. She smiled as his fingers found the ties on the back of her skirts and began to loosen them. This boy's desires were not hidden with the timidness she remembered. It was a pleasurable change.

Kelton's eyes traveled Juno's naked form, an inspection she did not fear. A day ago, it would have stopped her heart, but now she knew it mattered not. His eyes signaled their joy, his hands turning her about to see what he knew existed, scars to match his own.

"They have healed well," Kelton said, his fingers feathers along the lines. Lips caressed the higher ones, leaving their healing caress and sending warmth into Juno's core.

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