《The Unseen》Chapter 104


When the Queen came for her visit, Kelton made himself scarce. The idea of tempting fate with the crown so soon did not appeal to him. Tarvakian agreed and had Vasco assign him duties that kept him from the main house. They decided it was time to take a tally of all equipment and supplies. An inventory of the house, now that it had grown large and could no longer be managed by eye. Tedious but useful.

The discussion with Yanda and Alliette had continued most evenings. There was so much they did not know. Some pieces and parts fit together; others were dangling by themselves and unable to be sewn into the whole. Alliette was sure the Brotherhood was at the heart, driven by Kelton's opinion that they ruled over the King of Aragonia. In Kelton's mind, ruling one King did not mean ruling them all. The Goddess held no sway in Masocrate. He did not see how the Brotherhood could rule without that claim of authority. Yanda agreed, seeing that the Goddess was revered in Sorinnia, and no one ruled over her mother. Also, Aragonia was a small island nation, weak compared to Masocrate. The weak ruling the strong went against everything Kelton understood about the broken world.

Kelton was busy counting bolt poles when he was interrupted. Of all people, Eveyin was the last person he expected in the cloth storage house. She was leading two other women - one a silver, the other a prominent lady if her dress was an indication.

"This is Lady Bellina Faithorn, Kelton," Eveyin said in her stiff way. "I am tasked to tour her about." Bellina was a pretty woman for her years. Her hair done up with care and still held a youthful brown color. Her eyes a bright green, inquisitive yet inviting. Only the wrinkles that formed near the corners gave away her time.

"My Lady," Kelton said with a slight bow that didn't disturb the tablets in his hands. He had lost count and would have to start over.

"What a unique weave in your hair," Bellina said. "I was not told of that. And done with such care."

"You have been told of me, my Lady?"

"Aye." Bellina moved closer. "The color of your hair and the scar. But nothing of such a weave. You would think it mentioned." She smiled as she spoke as if the meeting pleased her. "You are a picture mind as well, are you not?"

"Aye, my Lady," Kelton said, becoming uncomfortable as Bellina moved even closer.

"I am told, I have you to thank for my short travel from Mila. I do dislike ships, all that up-and-down plays havoc with my insides."

"There were many who opened the road, my Lady," Kelton said. "My Mistress the Princess, and her brother were the key to that lock."

"I spent a day talking with Lady Beany on my way here," Bellina said. Kelton couldn't help but smile when heard the term lady placed in front of Beany. "It is her words that I trust in this. A most interesting woman. Rough and capable, yet lacking the refinement I find in the cities. I sense only truth from her. Do you disagree?"

"I would be pleased to hear she is doing well, my Lady."

"Very well, if her disposition is a guide. I am to forward a message for you, though it is odd, and I fear, inappropriate coming from a lady." Bellina's smile deepened. "I am to tell you Lady Beany has been spending mornings with her sword and wishes for another meeting with you." Kelton lost his decorum and laughed. Beany was more than alright; it sounded like she was thriving.


"If you are to see her again, my Lady," Kelton said. "I would be pleased if you told her I would fear such a meeting, for I am not allowed to practice with the sword."

"I shall see her again," Bellina said. "I find her refreshing and have promised to bring her a dress befitting a lady in the city. It is my desire she and her man join me at my house for a gathering. I think many would enjoy her views. The normal conversations have become stale over the years."

"Lady Beany would enjoy that, my Lady." Kelton couldn't help himself. He liked Bellina, and his mind began sifting through possible options to help the Queen facilitate the joining of the houses. It could free Eveyin from her forced duties, and absorb a free-thinking mistress to help guide an even larger house Tarvakian.

"Will you join me on my tour, Kelton?"

"I have been tasked with..."

"Your master has given Eveyin the task of seeing that all is done to please me." Bellina looked to Eveyin. "Since Kelton and I have a mutual acquaintance, I would find Kelton's presence pleasing. Would that be fitting with your Master's orders?"

"Aye, my Lady," Eveyin said. Her eyes narrowed, but the rest of her face remained like stone. Her interest in the world was forever tarnished by her bondage.

"There it is done, you will join me and point out the important parts of the house," Bellina said as she signaled for Kelton to take the lead. "I wish to know how it works." They were exiting the building when she added. "I understand you know why I am here."

"Aye, my Lady," Kelton replied. He decided Bellina was not a woman who appreciated half-truths. "The Queen spoke of her desire to see your house and my Master's to join through marriage."

"And how do you feel about that?"

"It is not my place, my Lady," Kelton replied. Bellina laughed.

"Sara, what is my opinion on questions?" Bellina asked her silver.

"A question asked should be answered, irrespective of place, Mistress," Sara replied. She looked younger than her Mistress, by ten years or so, with raven hair rolled about itself in a single weave that trailed long down her back.

"So I ask you again," Bellina said, sharing a smile with Sara. Kelton realized they were close in mind and were comfortable with each other.

"Profit wise, it would be a good union, my Lady," Kelton said. "I suspect a man's name would further the growth and dealings of your house. A foothold in Mila would greatly enhance ours." He looked at the ground as he considered the joining. "You seem to be of open mind, which enhances your appeal. It is the closed-minded who stagnate the world and profits. I would not feel burdened to add Mistress to your name." He looked up. "But that is all in the realm of sums. It is my Master's joy that must be considered. Happiness is not measured in coin, and only he can determine its value."

"Master is opposed, my Lady," Eveyin said with more strength than Kelton had seen expressed in the past.

"Is he now?" Bellina asked.

"I have heard it so, my Lady," Eveyin continued. "He dwells on the passing of his wife. He will not belittle her love by marrying another."

"He is adamant?"

"Aye, my Lady," Eveyin replied. "The idea angers him."


"Well, I must see if I can change that," Bellina said. "As Kelton has said, it is a good union for our houses. Your Master is not unpleasant to look at, nor have I seen a sign of this anger." She ticked off three fingers and went to a fourth and fifth. "Well placed in the King's consul, and shrewd when it comes to profit." She smiled. "There are a handful of reasons to pursue the match."

"Eveyin is right, my Lady," Kelton said. "My Master is not keen on the idea. Mayhap, if it evolved over time and not thrust upon him by the Queen."

"The Queen would not dictate such a thing," Bellina said. "It was my request. After the fall of house Mortique, I wished to know the cause, for I have an interest in the land. Then I watched the cause grow from a small house to a great house." She looked at Kelton. "Your Master sees people as they are, and allows them to blossom. I seek a partner who builds loyalty in lieu of fear."

"You requested this?" Eveyin asked.

"Aye. The Queen and I shared teachers long ago. That friendship lives strong today," Bellina said. "We trade favors now and again, as friends are ought to do."

"Then my Master's anger will be with you, my Lady," Eveyin said. Kelton wondered if that anger was transferred to Eveyin when the doors closed. He hoped it did not.

"We shall see, Eveyin. We shall see."

Bellina looked confident in her arguments. The conversation drifted to house concerns as they entered the dying vats area. Bellina asked thoughtful questions about the functioning and made sure to meet those that knew the full answers. Kelton liked that she allowed the workers their pride and listened intently to their descriptions of their duties. Her requested clarifications were not trivial and showed intelligence. A formidable woman to be sure. It would not be an easy denial for Tarvakian.

Heralic Tarvakian had been pacing the room for the better part of an hour. His mind was traversing through every argument he could muster to end this proposed match. The Queen assured him he only had to hear the proposal, not agree to it. Unfortunately, his mind associated turning down Bellina Faithorn as turning down the Queen.

Heralic sorted the arguments in order of perceived importance. He decided a tact of listing the weakest first, then progressing to the stronger ones to make them seem insurmountable. If he treated it like negotiation and was able to enlist Bellina's agreement to canceling the idea, it could placate the Queen. After all, they would have tried.

Bellina and her silver returned from their tour far sooner than Heralic desired. He hadn't finalized the order of argument, after turning it on its head for the fifth time. Perhaps the most egregious argument first and the others in support of it.

"You have a fine house, Heralic," Bellina said. "Your property are kind and well-schooled in its functioning." She smiled. "I dare say they like their master."

"It is them I owe all of this too," Heralic responded. He struggled to ignore the pride that burst inside from her words.

"I spoke with Kelton, and he was telling me of a festival. Do you mean to close your doors a month from now and give your property five days of no labor - all at once?"

"Aye," Heralic replied. An opening for small disagreement to start the bigger ones. What owner would agree to such an unprofitable thing? "It is a frivolous and expensive thing. I know the whip is cheaper, yet I lack the will to deploy it."

"Hmm," Bellina commented. The beginning of the end, Heralic thought.

"The Queen is busy finding joy with daughter and grandson. A lovely child might I add," Bellina said.

"I thank you."

"It is a good time for us to talk. Mayhap, some tea?" Bellina asked.

"Eveyin, bring us some tea," Heralic ordered. As good as any other time, and better if the Queen is not present.

"Aye, Master."

"And four cups," Bellina added. "There will be another joining us."

"Aye, my Lady," Eveyin said as she retreated. Heralic winced as he imagined more direct pressure from the Queen. This wasn't going to be easy. He gestured for Bellina and her silver to take a seat. He wondered if he should have demanded Vasco to be present. At the moment, he felt outnumbered. After they sat, he chose a seat opposite. Separate sides that he hoped would remain permanent.

"I understand you are uncomfortable with the idea of another marriage," Bellina said. Her silver Sara looked at Heralic with the same curious intent as her Mistress. The pair must have been together for a long time.

"Aye, in truth," Heralic said with a sigh. An attempt at making it sound emotionally unbreakable. "My late wife still holds my heart. She was...is...irreplaceable."

"Tina was her name?" Bellina asked.

"Aye." Heralic was surprised Bellina knew. "As shrewd as anyone, and as loving as a child. Her beauty still haunts my dreams." It would all be an easier argument if Bellina were ugly.

"Your first love?"

"Aye," Heralic said. Bellina was making one of his most persuasive arguments easier. He began to describe Tina in depth. Her memory still evoked passion, so it was an easy discussion where no embellishments needed to be inserted. It helped that Bellina was an intent listener. He went deep into a funny story of how the two of them unknowingly secured separate contracts from the same house. Hers more lucrative than his.

Eveyin interrupted when she returned with the tea. The conversation stalled as they watched her prepare the brew. She brought a cup to Bellina, one to Sara, and the last to her Master. Bellina signaled to Sara, who rose and closed the door to Heralic's surprise.

"And the last cup," Bellina instructed. Eveyin looked to her Master. Heralic shrugged unknowingly and gestured for Eveyin to comply.

"Can we agree that a merger of our houses would be a profitable one?" Bellina asked, then sipped her tea as she awaited a response.

"If coin were the only concern, Aye," Heralic replied. There was no denying that fact. He glanced at the door expecting the Queen to burst through. Timing was important if maximum pressure were to be applied.

"Then it is our secrets that concern you?"

"Secrets?" Heralic asked, confused. Eveyin finished preparing the fourth cup and stood with the same look of confusion. She also glanced at the door.

"The tea is for you, my dear," Bellina said with a smile. Sara sipped her tea, failing to cover her grin.

"Eveyin doesn't..." Heralic began.

"We can haggle all night, Heralic," Bellina interrupted. "You listing one argument after another and never getting to the heart of it. This match works in both our interests. Our secrets demand it." She looked at Eveyin, who was still frozen in place. "Please sit, Eveyin." She gestured to the tea. "Take it and sit."

"This has gone far enough," Heralic said with some anger. It was his house, after all.

"My secret first then," Bellina said. She placed her tea down. Sara duplicated the move and leaned toward her Mistress. Heralic sucked in a breath as Bellina cradled Sara's face in her hands and kissed her lips as one would a lover. Sara returned the kiss with equal vigor. Eveyin unfroze and traded a look with Heralic. He gestured for her to take the tea. She did and sat next to him.

"Now I am naked before you, Heralic," Bellina said. "Is my trust misplaced?" Heralic hesitated but was thankful Eveyin did not. Her hand found his, and he lifted to his lips and kissed it. He shared a smile with his secret love.

"She's blushing," Sara said, pointing at Eveyin. Heralic let his smile grow and pulled Eveyin's hand closer to his heart. She always looked more beautiful when she blushed.

"And I am naked before you," Heralic said. His arguments were fading as the secrets were exposed.

"Owners cannot marry property," Bellina said.

"They would lose credibility. Shunned by all as shameful," Heralic agreed.

"I am doubly at risk," Bellina continued. "My love is sinful, and could force a forfeit of my house without a man at the helm."

"Love is love," Eveyin argued. "It should be held no matter the cost."

"May your words fly to the All-Father's ears," Sara agreed.

"How did you know?" Heralic asked.

"I only suspected. It is known you bed property. I queried some, and noted it was only one woman," Bellina replied. "I am sorry, Eveyin. I baited you with my words to Kelton. You claimed your Master adamant, yet I only heard your disagreement. I knew then." She took Sara's hand. "We have a lot of experience with lies and half-truths."

"I forgive you, my Lady," Eveyin said with a smile.

"I do not want his heart, my dear," Bellina said to Eveyin. "Nor his warmth in my bed. I seek only to borrow his name, and his mind from time to time for dealings. In return, I can offer camouflage that will allow you to be more open with others, and still hold the secret love you have."

"Can such a thing be done?" Eveyin asked Heralic.

"The idea is more to my liking then a moment ago," Heralic replied.

"I have only one great fear," Bellina said to Heralic. "What happens to Sara and Luian if I were to pass from this world? By nature, I should be claimed first."

"Luian?" Heralic asked.

"Ahh," Bellina said. "My late husband and I had a similar arrangement to the one I propose here. The care of Luian was my promise to him, one I must perpetuate in any deal we may strike. Like ours, his heart found a home in property."

"You wish more than my name," Heralic said. "You desire my son and his wife, as well."

"Your mind is quick," Bellina verified with a nod. "There are no children of house Faithorn. I assumed your son has promised to care for Eveyin. Love demands such things of us."

"Aye, and Alliette as well. They hold no secrets between them. No others know."

"I wish to add two names to that list of care," Bellina said. "In return, I join my house to yours. Your name and gender lend me power to grow our concerns in Mila. Your son and grandson will inherit the greatest of houses." She smiled. "Your love and mine will have room to grow as suspicions are replaced by royal formality."

"We would have to attend functions together," Heralic pointed out.

"Aye. And I, as the wife of a great house, will be attended by property. Evelyn and Sara will join us." Bellina looked at Eveyin. "Imagine being cradled in your love's arms in the palace. The world will grow bigger, and you will see what we see."

"It sounds like a dream, Heralic," Eveyin said. He could see a renewed sparkle in her eyes. A world beyond the main house. She had given up so much to join her heart with his. Now he had a chance to give some of it back. It would still be a ruse, but one with fewer restrictions. And she'd be able to smile more, no longer playing the victim of a stringent master. That would be worth it all by itself.

"The crown will title everything to my name," Heralic warned.

"Aye. The law is strict in this," Bellina said. "I will accept your word, which I am told by many is set in stone. We will be partners where our interests cross, yet each will lead where their knowledge is strong. You in cloth and shipping. I in cattle and horse breeding. Mayhap, we will come to train each other, and even those traits will combine."

"What does the Queen know of this?" Heralic asked.

"She has a good mind, though I have told her nothing. Like many, I am sure she suspects and would prefer us to alleviate those thoughts in others. I shared teachers with her years ago and hold her friendship today. You house her daughter and grandson." Bellina shrugged. "She will support us no matter her suspicions."

"I have no more arguments," Heralic said, surprising himself. Everything had been turned on its head. He looked at Eveyin. "I leave it to you, my love."

Eveyin squeezed Heralic's hand and smiled. "I wish you to marry another, my love."

"Odd how that sounds," Heralic said. He raised his eyes to Bellina. "Aye, we will marry, and you have my word it will as partners. The family will support your promises of care and mine." He chuckled, shaking his head. "To think of the effort I put into stopping this."

"Good," Bellina said as she relaxed back in her chair. "Very good."

"I have a new master, and you a new mistress," Sara said to Eveyin. "That makes us sisters, does it not?"

"Aye, and one I can talk too plainly," Eveyin replied. "I am looking forward to that." Heralic felt a weight lift off his shoulders. He had long known that Eveyin felt smothered by her choice to be at his side. Now she could share it with another, and still be by his side. The world became brighter, and so did his love.

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