《The Unseen》Chapter 89


Kelton rubbed his sore wrist as he crossed the house grounds. After completing the tally at the dye building, he was to gather with Vasco to consolidate the house sums. It was better duty then scribing another set of instructions for muzzle construction. When first he thought of the idea, it seemed a simple task. Now, having spent weeks scribing, he reevaluated his notion of simplicity. The muzzle's leatherwork alone took an entire page, and many upon many copies were needed. The books in the Unglang library gained new value in his eyes.

Evelyn emerged from the bathhouse as Kelton passed. He smiled, which she returned with an expressionless nod.

"Good day," Kelton said, slowing to walk at her sullen pace.

"Good day," Evelyn replied with eyes never veering from forward.

"I wish to thank you."

"I have tasks," Evelyn said and lengthened her stride.

"You allowed me to display the muzzle to Master Laridia. I am grateful is all," Kelton said, increasing his speed to match hers. He could almost feel her desire to avoid him.

"I know not of what you speak," Evelyn said. She turned suddenly, moving in a direction that forced Kelton to run to catch up.

"You do know," Kelton argued. He disliked the tone in her voice. A mixture of fear and irritation. It should not be present in House Tarvakian. "I only wish to help you, as you have helped me."

Evelyn stopped, and her jaw tightened. She gave their empty surroundings a glance, then settled on Kelton.

"You can not help me," Evelyn said, enunciating each word as if Kelton were dull of head. "I pay the price for what I have done, nothing more." With that, she turned her back to Kelton and strode off with a purpose that desired no company.

Kelton watched as Evelyn disappeared behind the drying building. He tried to imagine what she could have possibly done to warrant such poor treatment - in her eyes or in her Master's. Maybe something that demanded a much harsher punishment, and Tarvakian was being merciful. Though forced bedding didn't fit any crime, and Tarvakian was ever logical. It was painful, not knowing. A life wasted is all Kelton saw - a miner without a muzzle.

"Increased?" Tarvakian asked Vasco as Kelton entered the room. Zello sat forward in his chair and turned Vasco's tally around so he could see better.

"Aye, Master," Vasco said. "Eight more bolts than normally done, or demanded." Kelton nodded to the group as he sat down at the table, his tallies added to the others.

"It is odd. Mayhap, an error," Zello said as he read the tally. "Why would they work harder than instructed?"

"The skins increased as well." Vasco moved his next tally toward the center.

"There is an increase in finished cloth as well," Kelton said. "It is to be expected." All eyes rose from the papers and steadied on Kelton.

"Expected?" Tarvakian asked.

"Aye, Master. You have allowed your property to profit from muzzles. Muzzles are built from scraps. To make more muzzles, they must make more product to produce more scrap." Kelton shrugged as if it were a simple thing.

"And you saw this coming?" Tarvakian asked. He leaned back in his chair with a growing smile.


"It is logical, Master," Kelton replied. "Are you not motivated by the benefit gained?"

"We are selling every muzzle we produce," Vasco added. "Some well above the two silver mark. The other houses have yet to catch up. It will be a month or two before we are deemed less advantageous."

"And then we profit without effort," Zello said, his smile as broad as his father's. "It seems much is going our way."

"And what of your princess?" Tarvakian asked his son.

"She will return in two days for her second fitting." Zello's happiness was displayed on his face. "She desires a pairing of her own choosing, and I can not think of a reason to deny it. The advantage she adds to our house is immeasurable."

The last time the Princess was at the house, Kelton inadvertently walked in on an intimate moment. Zello and Alliette were joined at the lips and didn't seem to need air or notice Kelton's arrival. He backed out of the room, past the Princess's guards who rolled their eyes.

"Be sure she adds advantage to you as well, son. She hides a mind behind that beauty, and like all her kin, it can be cunning if it chooses."

"Aye, father. Though I admit, I do not always think straight when she is around."

"She does have a mind, Master," Vasco said, adding a chuckle, "Though I think it is weakened around Master Zello as well." Kelton smiled his agreement.

"So be it," Tarvakian decided. "I'll not interfere and trust your decision. If you two wish each other, then I can only bless it and hope her father feels the same."

"Then our house is in good order, so what of Barrenkee?" Zello asked.

"Vasco has some news," Tarakian said, his hand giving Vasco the floor.

"Aye, Master. I have found that House Parthen produced the tarps from our stock. Doubled layered, the red on only one side, bare on the other. It is our red Barrenkee uses."

"Then we can make our own," Zello said. There was excitement in his voice. Kelton wanted desperately to chime in, yet he felt it must be driven by Zello. He wanted nothing, especially misplaced owner pride, to interfere with an attempt to sink Barrenkee.

"We can," Vasco said with a nod. "We still have little knowledge beyond the tarp and the excess food."

"Nothing more on Mortique?" Tarvakian asked.

"Nothing, Master," Vasco replied. "The library holds no more clues, and it would be unseemly for me to ask others."

"I wish to send a wagon," Zello said, his conviction embedded in the words. The Princess had instilled more determination in him. Kelton sat taller. Yanda had done the same to him.

Tarvakian sighed. He didn't seem as willing to take action. Vasco shrugged when his Master looked at him.

"And who would take the risk?" Tarvakian asked. Kelton knew it was meant to make his son think about safety as well as the goal.

"I will, Master," Kelton volunteered before Zello had time for second thoughts. "One property, one guard; that's what Felicity has told us. No one else should know why we send the wagon, and Vasco is needed here."


"You see," Travakian said, throwing up his hands and looking at his son. "Is it worth risking the future of our house?"

Kelton nodded to Zello when they exchanged a look. They were of one opinion when it came to Barrenkee. The man was a foul taste that had lingered too long.

"It is a risk worth taking," Zello said. "Barrenkee is hiding something nefarious, and I wish to bring it into the sun. Who best to do it, if not someone who dislikes the man as much as I?"

Tarvakian looked back and forth between Zello and Kelton. His mouth shifted in disapproval, yet Kelton could tell that his Master was struggling for more words to dissuade his son from the endeavor. It was his past promise to consider the option that had him stuck.

"You would risk Kelton, and who else?" Tarvakian asked. A good maneuver. Kelton had volunteered, another may not.

"I will go," Zello said. "I will don a guard uniform and..."

"Out of the question. Your duties to this house and its future allow no such risk." Tarvakian said. It was worded in a way that all knew disagreement would not be allowed.

"Filgot then," Zello said.

Tarvakian sighed. There was a small measure of defeat in the sound. "Broach the task to him but do not demand." More strength entered Tarvakian's voice, and his finger jabbed the air towards his son. "You will make it clear that a rejection has no ramifications on his future with this house."

"Aye, father."

"If Filgot agrees, I will instruct him to turn the wagon about at the first sign of trouble."

"Aye, father."

"And you..." Tarvakian's finger moved to Kelton. "You will think of Yanda and not seek peril or..." Tarvakian stood, his voice settling as he looked at Kelton. "I have made promises, and they will be kept. Yanda, Felicity - they will have a place in this house no matter the outcome."

"My only intent is to return with knowledge, Master," Kelton said. His Master's words bound him tighter than iron shackles. There was no need to fear him running. Tarvakian nodded and walked out of the room, signaling for Vasco to follow.

"I desired it, and now I worry," Zello said. "Do I risk too much as my father says?"

"Aye, Master," Kelton replied. "And yet I desire it as well. Are not some risks worth it?" He remembered pushing through fear and driving a sword through a brother. Rebecca was worth the risk, and therefore by extension, a whole house is worth as much.

"Aye." Zello nodded his head. "Though I'll not forgive myself if something ill befalls you or Filgot."

"Filgot may say nay."

"He has a hero inside." Zello shook his head. "He'll think it a challenge and lead you to it. It is my request that will condemn him to the task."

"Then we must not fail, Master."

"Aye, no failure is allowed," Zello said, adding a chuckle for the ridiculous command.

"Take long?" Yanda asked. Kelton flicked the edge of the knife trying to scrape off a small piece from the wood he was working on.

"Two weeks if nothing happens," Kelton replied. "Less or more if it does not go well."

"When leave?"

"Two days." Kelton pressed the tip of the blade into the wood and flicked, creating the sharp angle he required. "I have to learn to drive a horse and wagon. Can't have Filgot do it. It wouldn't look right." Yanda moved a cloth deeper onto Kelton's lap to catch more of the shavings. She disliked them floating about the room.

"You careful," Yanda ordered.

Kelton moved the block of wood to his knife hand and examined his holding hand. It was nicked with tiny scars from numerous times the blade slipped. "I am trying," he said with a smile.

Yanda slapped his shoulder. "You know!"

"Aye. On the road, I'll be careful." That statement earned Kelton kiss on his forehead.

Beldin and Felicity arrived with the nightly tea. The service had continued well past when Kelton thought it would have faded away. A frivolous thing that should be halted in all fairness to others. It was so pleasant, he didn't want to question it and jog his Master's memory. Besides, Yanda always smiled when it arrived.

"Good day," Felicity said. Her confidence and happiness had grown since she had first arrived.

"Good day," Kelton returned. He rolled up the cloth of wood shavings and placed it and the knife off to the side.

"More carving?" Beldin inquired. His confidence had been altered as well. There was more concern for the world around him and not his position in it. A good thing to see. It reaffirmed Kelton's thoughts about house Tarvakian. The world may be skewed, but here it was tolerable.

"Aye. A project is all." Kelton added the small piece of wood he was working on next to the others on the shelf. He lined them up and checked their heights. "Not sure if it will work, but it keeps me busy."

"Have you seen the dress Yanda is designing?" Felicity asked.

"Designing?" Kelton asked, looking at Yanda.

"For Princess," Yanda said proudly.

"I thought it was Glenda's duty."

"It is," Felicity said. "And she chose Yanda to do it. It has a Sorrinian cut to it."

"You did not tell me," Kelton said to Yanda.

"Mayhap, bad," Yanda said with a shrug. She pointed at the carvings. "I wait - like you." There was a grin in her eyes. Kelton's penalty for not sharing the muzzle before it was near completion, or the purpose of his new project.

"It is well done," Felicity said as she placed the teapot on the shelf. Beldin deposited a bag of tea, mugs, and infuser next to it. "You must see it. I have hemmed some of it, and it is different than a normal gown. More proud, or stronger, I think." Yanda nodded her agreement as she began to load the infuser with leaves.

"I shall see it, if Yanda allows," Kelton said. He smiled when Yanda shrugged again as if she was indifferent to the idea. "If it is half a beautiful as her, then I shall adore it." It was enjoyable making a princess blush.

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