《The Unseen》Chapter 87


Kelton woke with Juno in his arms. She murmured as he pulled her close, his arm nestled under her breasts. His mind smiled, and the warmth of her glowed along his skin.

"You dream," Yanda whispered, though she made no move to untangle herself from him. Kelton tried to hang onto the fantasy, but it flew away on a breeze of reality.

"My sorrows," Kelton whispered back. Yanda forgave him by shifting her body closer. It was morning, but neither wanted the day to begin. There was peace in their shared sanctuary. Proof they were not alone in the world.

"It warm," Yanda breathed.

"Comfortable," Kelton agreed. He knew she was smiling in the dim light, her muscles still languid. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the simple pleasure before the day interfered.

"Wake!" Yanda said as she shook Kelton's shoulders. He had fallen back to sleep - for how long he did not know.

"Huh?" Kelton asked, stupidity still cluttering his mind. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"We bathe," Yanda said, trying to pull him from the bed.

"Bathe? I am to meet Vasco for tallies, then a meeting with Master," Kelten argued as he shifted into a sitting position.

"Change," Yanda said as she handed him trousers. "Glenda say bathe, then Master." Kelton shook his head as he rose. He was sure her love of bathing would cost him the last layers of his skin.

"What changed?" Kelton stumbled on his first attempt to step into the pants.

"Rider come," Yanda replied, holding a shirt for him. She shrugged at Kelton's questioning look. "Not know more."

"Food?" Kelton's stomach forced him to ask the question. Yanda shrugged again. Kelton rolled his eyes and donned the shirt. He had gotten used to filling his belly at the same time every day. He had almost forgotten what it was like to go hungry.

The bath was a functional one. Yanda washed Kelton and he repeated the process on her. They had little time to enjoy the hot water. Yanda's fingers moved at a speed he thought impossible as she weaved his hair. Glenda must have put the fear of the Goddess in her.

When Yanda was satisfied, she held Kelton's face in her palms and kissed his forehead. It always made him smile, and to feel a bit less manly. He knew it was her showing pride in him, so he ignored the subservience of it and enjoyed the pressure of her lips. Yanda moved them with haste to the main house.

Tarvakian was beside himself. He was ordering others about in the meeting room. This needed to be clean, that needed to be moved out. There weren't enough chairs. Someone needed to check on the tea. Others should be cleaning the entryway. He ordered Zello to check on the stables and make sure there was hay enough for the expected horses.

"You desire us, Master?" Kelton asked from the doorway. Vasco ran by rolling his eyes. He had been ordered to check on those who Master sent to check on the tea.

"The Prince comes," Master replied. He moved over to a shelf and slid the image Eyrus had done to the left. Kelton didn't see what the movement had accomplished, but Master seemed pleased.

"The Prince?" Kelton asked.

"And the Princess," Master replied. He started to move to the other side of the room, then paused and looked at Kelton. "Why would she know of Yanda?"

"Master?" Kelton was confused.


"She requested both of you." Tarvakian completed crossing the room and straightened some books that were leaning into the stone block used as an end. "There has never been a royal in this house." He paused again. "Never, not with my father or my father's father."

"I spoke of Yanda," Kelton said, answering the first question. "I know not why she wishes to see her." A hand filled Kelton's. It was Yanda's, and she was beaming at him. He guessed that princesses, however hidden, desired to know each other.

"The rider gave no subject for the visit," Master said. Kelton could see the panic in his eyes.

"It is most likely the muzzle, Master," Kelton said.

"And how would they know..."

"I told the Princess, Master," Kelton said.

Tarvakian stopped moving, his eyes ended their sporadic search of the room and settled on Kelton. "You approached the crown about this without speaking to me?"

"Aye, Master," Kelton said with conviction. "It was sooner than I desired, but an offer was made, and I chose to accept it."

"Sooner than you desired?" Tarvakian said. There was underlying anger in his tone. "Who do you believe runs this house?" Yanda let go of Kelton's hand.

"You do, Master," Kelton said. He stood tall. The plan required he not flinch until it was done. There was more than House Tarvakian at stake, and Master wouldn't understand until it was over.

"And what will be their interest in the kuzzle?" Tarvakian asked, enunciating each word as he moved closer to Kelton.

"The laws, Master," Kelton said. "Due care will demand that each mine equip each man with a muzzle. I think they come to see about construction."

"Did you not slow down the idea of increased construction?"

"Aye, Master."

"I ask again, who runs this house?"

"Kelton good, Master," Yanda said. Tarvakian's anger fluttered as he considered Yanda's words.

"You run this house, Master," Kelton repeated. "It is not my intent to anger you, nor play at being owner."

"There are schemes in your head." Tarvakian pointed at Kelton. "I can see them brewing there. Am I not the one who should know them first." He shook his head. "I should have declined the Princess's request to meet with you."

"Aye, Master," Kelton agreed. "There are schemes in my head, as you say. They dance around things never done, yet may be done. It is not your risk if I voice them. They would be words of a slave and can be ignored, not the words of an owner."

Tarvakian groaned, squinted his eyes and dropped his head into his hand. "You test my tolerance, Kelton."

"Trust me, Master. As I trust in you," Kelton pleaded.

"Trust you? I fear you intend to dismantle my house."

"Never, Master," Kelton said with shock in his voice. "I see Master Zello inheriting a house many times larger by your deeds. I will do nothing to harm that image."

Tarvakian sighed. "Will you tell me what's in your head for this day?"

"If I must, Master. Though you do not wish to know. It has risk in it." Kelton's hand filled with Yanda's again. The princess in her stood tall next to him and looked proudly at her Master.

"Yanda says I should trust," Tarvakian said, indicating their joined hands. He looked between Kelton and Yanda, then emptied the breath he had been holding. "We will talk when this is over."


"Aye, Master," Kelton said. A small victory accented with Yanda squeezing his hand.

"Father," Zello announced as he entered the room. "I would like to present his royal highness, Prince Sandatic Victalica, and his sister, her royal highness, Princess Alliette Victalica." Kelton pulled Yanda down to her knees with him, and they bowed their heads. For a moment there, he thought Yanda might remain standing. Tarvakian bent at the waist as the two royals entered, followed by Master Laradia. Royal guards, by the look of them, stayed in the hall.

The Prince was wearing riding attire, well-fashioned, and designed to hide the dirt of the road. His age was hidden behind a manicured beard, which lied with his youthful eyes.

"Rise," the Prince said. "It was a long ride, and I'll not waste time with pomp." Kelton and Yanda rose.

The Princess was clothed quite differently. A dress that hugged her figure and flowed as she walked. It was purple, the color found at sunset. It was evident that she hadn't ridden in on a horse like her brother. A carriage most like.

"You are the one I seek," The Prince said as he approached Tarvakian. "Heralic Tarvakian, master of House Tarvakian if I am not mistaken."

"You are not mistaken, your highness." They clasped hands, the Prince smiling through his beard as if he intended they be friends. It brought a grin to Tarvakian's face as well.

"Your man, the large guard I saw sending people about outside, is he named Filgot?" the Prince asked.

"He is, your highness."

The Prince laughed. It was hearty and full enjoyment. "I sparred with him when we were both boys. Wooden swords of course, though we thought them the greatest of weapons. He has grown much, but has the same look about his face." He stroked his beard. "His father was a member of the royal guard if memory serves." He turned to his sister. "Oh, how we argued about who won those bouts. Do remember those days?"

"I remember mother counting your bruises and telling me not to encourage you," Alliette said. "As if you needed prompting." They shared a laugh, which forced smiles on everyone's face.

"I have tea coming, your Highness. It was short notice, but the kitchen has been instructed to prepare some bread and cheese as well." Tarvakian said. "May I offer you a seat?"

"Tea and cheese would be most welcome," the Prince said. "And forgive me if I remain standing. I have a new saddle that is arguing with my backside. Right now it's winning." Again, laughter filled the room. "But please, everyone else sit." Alliette, Laradia, and Zello sat as instructed. Then to Kelton's surprise, Alliette rose and shifted over a seat so she was next to Zello who had created the space when he sat. Zello's face went visible red.

"We are pleased you have decided to visit our house, your Highness," Master Tarvakian said. "It is the first time we've had the privilege of hosting the crown."

Vasco entered the room and dropped to his knees and bowed his head. The Prince sighed and signaled him to rise. Sandatic made it obvious that genuflection was not his favorite thing.

"Master, the tea will only be a moment," Vasco announced, then stood next to Kelton and Yanda.

"Thank you, Vasco," Tarvakian said.

"Is this Kelton my sister speaks of," Sandatic asked, indicating Kelton.

"Aye," Alliette said. She turned to Zello. "Kelton has been most helpful to me. I appreciate you allowing him the time."

Zello's face turned redder. "It is our pleasure, your Highness."

"Please, Zello," Alliette said, as she reached out and briefly placed her hand over Zello's on his chair's arm. "Call me Alliette when there is no function about."

"As you wish...Alliette," Zello said. Kelton could see him struggling not to smile. It was hopeless, and it deformed his face oddly. Her brother rolled his eyes and turned back to Kelton.

"You are the maker of the kuzzle?" Sandatic asked.

"House Tarvakian is, high Master," Kelton replied. "I only began it. My Master allowed me to continue and contributed to its success. Without this house, there would be no muzzle."

"He is loyal, this one,' Sandatic said as he turned to Tarvakian. "You are to be commended, Heralic. It is not fear I see in his eyes, it is respect for you and yours. A rare thing to see in a copper these days."

"We hold our duty to them as most important, and thus they hold their duty to us, your highness," Tarvakian said with pride. What of Eveyin, Kelton thought, then let the exception fade as the Prince continued.

"Gladfee says I am to test you," Sandatic said, turning back to Kelton. "Page 209, 4th word."

Kelton went through his mental catalog as Vasco smirked. "'Symbol,' high Master."

"Correct." Sandatic clapped his hands. "What I wouldn't give for a mind like yours. It took all I had to remember the page and word number."

"Of what do you speak?" Tarvakian asked.

"The King's truth," Sandatic replied. "He has reviewed it once and remembers each page and each word upon those pages. Did you not know?"

"Gladfee cares for the library in our name," Alliette added. "He has made a game of it. Trying to find a page or word that Kelton does not remember."

"The whole book?" Zello asked Kelton.

"Aye, Master. It sticks in my mind. For how long, I can not say," Kelton replied. Yanda grasped Kelton's hand again and squeezed it full of her pride. He accepted it, though the memory skill was just there and required no effort.

The tea arrived carried by Eveyin and two others. Behind them, another carrying a tray of white cheese sliced thin and small bread. It was all placed on a low table in front of the chairs. The Prince accepted his tea and leaned against the wall to enjoy it. Zello and the Alliette were having a whispered conversation as they were served.

"It is a fine tea," Sandatic complimented.

"A mix of leaves, your Highness," Tarvakian said. "I have a secret desire to deal in tea, yet I have no land or skill to grow it." He took a sip. "So I must be satisfied with drinking it."

"We inherit our lives, do we not?" Sandatic asked. "I, the crown, and you, your textile house. Our responsibilities outweigh our desires."

Kelton remained standing with Yanda and Vasco watching the exchange. The Prince seemed reluctant in his duties. There was a sense of play in him that was suppressed by his lineage. On the other hand, the Princess looked comfortable with her position.

"Brother," Alliette began. "May we dispense with protocol for the day?" Her eyes shifted to Kelton, and those who stood silent next to him.

"As the master of the house desires," Sandatic replied with a smile. "Heralic, my sister and I will take no offense if you wish your property to sit in our presence."

"Then I shall command it, your Highness" Tarvakian said, sharing the smile. He waved his arm to the three and indicated the empty chairs opposite the royals and next to Laradia. Kelton was happy for the reprieve. It was challenging to stand not knowing what movement, if any, was acceptable. It pained the feet.

"Yanda, is it?" Alliette asked.

"Aye, high Mistress," Yanda said, her accent stronger than usual. It weakened the 'high mistress.' Kelton thought it intentional.

"Yanda is of Sorinnia, Sandatic," Alliette said. "Women rule there, and by the looks of her, they do so proudly." It was meant as a compliment, but Kelton felt it was also a continuation of some past conversation with her brother. Yanda straightened in her seat.

"Fierce with the bow, I hear," Sandatic said. Yanda's eyes widened.

"A queen rules there," Alliette continued. "I have heard say she is strong, though they shroud most of their land from the outside. Is your queen strong, Yanda?"

"Aye, high Mistress. Hard land. Strong queen." Yanda's accent faded and was replaced with strength. Kelton patted her arm to remind her of her ruse.

"You see, Sandatic. It is the mind that rules, not muscle. A woman's mind is no weaker than a man's."

"More cunning, I would think." Sandatic chuckled. "But we should talk of the true reason for our visit." Alliette sighed and let the matter drop. Kelton was sure she meant to bring it up again when alone with her brother. "Kark, tell us all of your experience with this kuzzle."

"As I have said, your highness, men fitted with the kuzzle do not show signs of the cough that plagues unmuzzled miners. It is early yet, but my property is more willing to endure another lesson then to enter a mine without a kuzzle. I believe it will allow my property to see old age. The All-Father must have guided Kelton's hand when he created them."

"At the direction of my father, and with the help of owner Laridia, I have witnessed this first hand," the Prince said. "It is the Crown's position that the kuzzle is due care and it should be used in all mines. Simply stated, it saves lives."

"And increases production," Laradia added. "My property spends more time mining with less dust driven fatigue. And they are oddly happier for it."

Tarvakian face was alight with impending profits. "House Tarvakian will support the crown's will as always." He looked at Kelton with renewed pride.

"Careful, Heralic. You have not heard the rest," Sandatic warned. "Due care is important to the Crown, and we believe the kuzzle will save many lives. We desire all houses that can make them do so. And do so now."

"It is our advantage!" Zello said without thinking. Alliette's hand once again covered his, and he settled back in his chair. "Your Highness," he added with less vehemence.

"My son is correct. Do you mean to take our advantage from us, your Highness?"

"It is lives, Heralic." The prince placed down his tea and paced across the room. "The numbers are vast, and you would expect the muzzle to be copied anyway."

"Aye, in time it will be copied," Tarvakian argued. "But not quickly as you imply. It is our houses advantage, our profits you take. The laws protect such things, do they not?" He put down his tea and stood. The cordiality of his words was fleeing. "My sons future is tied to such things."

"The laws collide here," Alliette said. Her voice was calm, an attempt to lower the growing temperature. "We must measure lives against your profits. There will still be profits to be had. House Tarvakian will produce the best kuzzle, will they not?"

"You talk of scraps," Tarvakian said. Kelton could see his master's eyes beginning to fume. It was time. It was necessary for the argument to be established by others, so the solution would seem viable and less unusual.

"Master," Kelton said. Tarvakian ignored him at first and stumbled over more angry words. Kelton repeated louder.


"There may be another way, Master." Kelton stood.

"This is not the time to..." Tarvakian began.

"I will hear it," the Prince interrupted. "I dislike what must be done - almost as much as you do, Heralic."

Kelton waited as Tarvakian let out an exasperated breath, then signaled Kelton to proceed. It was important that his master felt he was part of what may come. He had to believe Kelton acted in his interest, and at his bidding.

"It is true, the lives saved are most important. My master can see that, yet harbors fears for the future of his house and all who toil within it. The laws of advantage are clear. It is rarely taken away, and only when other laws are broken to obtain it. House Tarvakian has broken no laws." Kelton took a deep breath. "The crown could preserve both life and advantage if it chose."

"And how could that be done?" Alliette asked. There was a smirk forming on her face as if she could sense what was coming. Kelton ignored it.

"A royal writ, high Mistress," Kelton replied. "Vasco and I could scribe the directions for creating the muzzle for all houses, and House Tarvakian would agree to not sell any muzzle below 2 silvers." He continued before questions could be raised. "In exchange, a stipend to House Tarvakian of 3 coppers would be paid for each muzzle sold by another house. All would profit, and lives would be saved." Tarvakian stood stock still with shock painting his face. Kelton could see the sums going through his mind.

"And who would collect such a stipend?" Sandatic said as if the idea was incredulous.

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