《The Unseen》Chapter 86


"Eyrus figured out the reeds, Master. The muzzle wouldn't work without them." Kelton explained as he, Vasco, Master, and son walked down the hall. Laradia had left earlier in the morning after a good night's rest. Master had decided to query the builders of the muzzle and make sure they understood it wasn't a demand.

"She had done baskets before, had she not?" Master asked.

"Aye," Vasco replied as the approached to door to Eyrus's room. She was not paired with another because of her child. Kelton had been told that the father had died some time ago of an illness. Zello knocked.

"Master?" Eyrus said when she opened the door, her arms full of her child. "I was putting another cloth on Lillian and will be straight to work." She retreated back into the room, towards her shelf. There was concern on her face as if she'd been caught doing something she shouldn't.

"Babes take time. It was so with this one," Master said as in pointed at Zello. He smiled and stepped inside. Zello followed. Kelton stayed out with Vasco. The room was not a big one. "It is about the kuzzle that I am here."

"Kuzzle, Master?"

"Kelton's muzzle." Master turned to his son. "It seems Laradia's name for it is stuck in my mind."

"It is a good name," Zello said, glancing back at Kelton.

"It was my own time, Master," Eyrus said. She shifted her position, keeping herself between the shelf and her Master. "It was Glenda who asked. I did not think it wrong." She pointed at Kelton with her free hand. "I was helpful, was I not, Kelton?"

"Aye, it couldn't have been done without you," Kelton said, adding a smile. Master shifted, as did Eyrus. She was hiding something on the shelf with her body, and it was becoming known to all. Master stopped moving.

"The house desires more kuzzles, yet they are not fully proven," Master said. "Kelton has suggested that making more on your's and other's own time would not be a burden." He shifted his head, and Eyrus moved to keep herself between his eyes and the shelf. "A fund for all who do so would be collected to be spent as desired. Wine perhaps, or sweet things and such."

"A fund, Master?" Eyrus said. "Coin for us to spend?" There was excitement in the question. So much so, Eyrus forgot to move when Tarvakian shifted to the side.

"It is Manck, is it not?" Master asked. Eyrus's face reddened, and she stood out of the way. On the shelf, leaning against the wall was a stretched cloth. On it, was an image of man Kelton didn't recognize.

"My sorrows, Master," Eyrus said. "I should have not taken the cloth. It is just that..." Her voice cracked, and she covered her eyes with her free hand, tucking the babe closer to her chest.

"Father, it is done with dots," Zello said as he neared the image. He lifted the image and examined it closer, then handed it to his father.

"I...I only wished to remember," Eyrus said. Tears leaked out behind her hand.

"As do I, Eyrus," Master said with empathy. "He was a good man and knew his dyes. House Tarvakian is less without him." Eyrus looked from behind her hand, red eyes still shedding tears.

"For Manck, we can spare the cloth, Eyrus," Zello said. His father nodded in agreement as he looked over the cloth image. Eyrus smiled weakly.


"It is a good likeness," Master said. "And you have done this?"

"Aye," Eyrus whispered in reply.

"One tiny speck at a time?" Master asked. She nodded. "Are there others?" Eyrus started crying again as she returned a slow nod. Master sighed. "I am not angry. My cloth has been put to worse uses. I wish to see them - all of them."

Eyrus started shaking, her tears now streaming. She moved to the only chest in the room and nearly dropped Lillian trying to open it. Vasco moved in and relieved her of the child. Eyrus opened the chest and withdrew two more cloth panels, both stretched around a frame of sticks like the first. The first was of Lillian sleeping upon the bed, done in the same manner as the first with thousands of dots.

"Where did you get the colors?" Master asked.

"D...dye vats, Master," Eyrus blubbered. She handed Master the next one which Kelton was out of position to see the front. Eyrus was terrified. Master froze, and his eyes began to fill.

"It...It is a fond memory, Master," Eryus said as an excuse. "She would come down here when I was small and read to us. My sorrows, Master. It wasn't to be shared."

"She's fat with child. Who is she?" Zello asked. Eryus covered her eyes again.

"It is your mother," the father said. "It is you in her belly. She would come down here to practice for reading to you." He wiped his hand across his eyes and handed the image to Zello. "Your care was all she dreamt of." He turned away from everyone to clear his eyes again.

Kelton saw the image. A woman dressed in a long flowing yellow gown sitting in a chair. Resting on top of her large belly was an open book she held in place. The smile on her face was framed with golden brown curly hair that flowed like water down her back. Kelton could see Zello's cheeks and nose on her face.

"She is beautiful," Zello said. There was awe in his words.

"Aye," Master agreed, turning back to face the room. He forced a smile. "I would have that image in the main house, if you will allow it, Eyrus."

"It...it is your cloth, Master."

"Aye, and my dye. But I cannot claim how it is assembled without destroying the fondness that put it there."

"It honors me to think of it hanging there, Master. Do with it what you deem best." Eyrus said. Her apprehension was fading, and with it, her tears.

"Now, I can't have property taking what they want, now can I, Vasco?" Master said. Eyrus was taken aback, and fear began to grow in her features again.

"Nay, Master," Vasco replied. Eyrus didn't see him smile.

Tarvakian took back the image from his son and examined it more closely. "There is much toil in this. Days upon days, I would guess." He looked up at Eyrus, who nodded. "I would have you make me one of my son to hang next to it. That will be your punishment."

"Master Zello?" Eyrus replied, not yet comprehending what was transpiring.

"Aye, Eyrus. An image of my son to place next to his mother." Master smiled. "It is your new duty. Vasco will see your needs outfitted." He looked toward Vasco, who was still smiling as he held Lillian. "She will need a place to work unhindered. Good light, I would think, and a spot for her babe."


"I will see to it, Master" Vasco said.

"What of my kitchen work?" Eyrus asked.

Tarvakian ignored her question and handed the image to Kelton and asked, "What do you see?"

Kelton looked the image over. As a whole, the image was clear, but as one's eyes neared, the little individual specks could be counted, if one wanted to waste a year. "I have not seen much, Master, but this is unique to all I have seen." He looked up at Eyrus. "How is it done?"

"I use a stick cut to a point. Dip it, then press it. Many times." Eyrus moved her hand, duplicating her process in the air. She looked toward Tarvakian. "I wanted to remember things, and it seemed the best way when Manck passed in illness, Master. Dyes bleed on cloth, yet small dots of near-dry dye do not."

"It is most pleasing," Kelton said. "Others would value such a thing. Value it greatly." He handed the image back to Zello, who looked as if he desired it.

"I value it greatly," Zello agreed.

"As do I," Master said. "It is your new duty, Eyrus. First, my son. Then there will be others who will gladly trade coin for images of themselves or others. Mayhap, you could make some of your own choosing to show."

"It is hardly punishment, Master," Eyrus said, a grin forming on her face.

"It will feel so when I ask you to train another in the skill," Master countered. "But first, you will do my son so I may see him next to his mother whenever I feel the need."

"Aye, Master. It will be as you desire," Eyrus said.

Tarvakian made to leave, then turned back. "I almost forgot. Though you have a new duty, the kuzzles are not part of it. You are allowed to help build them during your own time, but it is not a demand. Your time is yours, as always."

"I wish to continue then, Master. I have a small part, but it pleases me to be part of it," Eyrus said. "This fund you spoke of, it will be ours to use?"

"Aye. It is shared, and I will discharge it as all builders see fit."

Eyrus smiled and wiped the remnants of tears from her cheek. "May your day be a good one, Master." It was said with meaning far beyond the common courtesy. She relieved Vasco of her child, happiness drying her eyes.

"It is a lovely thing," Zello said to Kelton as they walked down the hall. "I can almost feel her near me." He held the image out with admiration.

"A gift I wish I had as well, Master. I know nothing of the one who birthed me."


"Aye. There is little I would not do to have an image like you hold." Kelton sighed. "I am used to not knowing. Yet I still imagine her when sleep is hard to find."

"She must have hair as red as fire."

"Or my father," Kelton said. "I knew neither. In that, you are luckier than I."

"It is a good image," Zello said, once again admiring the semblance of dots.

"The technique is different. The images I have seen in the library are smooth, inks smeared in a pleasing way to blend. Not unlike the scribes flowing words. Never have I seen a repeated image used in such a way that it creates another to the eyes."

"Repeated image?" Zello asked.

"Aye. All those tiny dots are the same, Master. A circle, though each may have a different color, they are the same. It makes me think about other shapes that could be repeated."

"It is more than the shape, Kelton," Zello said, a grin forming on his face. "To make your hand draw what can be seen is the real skill. Do you think many others could do as well?" He held up the image at arm's length as they walked.

"Nay, Master. Few, if any, could do as Eyrus has done. That is not the type of image that I am thinking on." Kelton's mind mulled it over for a moment. "Is it allowed for property to have a small blade, Master?"

"Many have need of them." Zello nodded as he responded.

"I desire one, and some small pieces of wood as well."

"What are you planning now?" Zello asked as he lowered the image of his mother.

"It is just a thought, Master. It is only half-formed and not worthy of words." Kelton replied.

"Filgot tracks blades and such," Zello said, lifting the image to his eyes again. "I'll let him know you have permission. You will let me know once it becomes worthy to speak about."

"Aye, Master, and thank you."

"And what of Barrenkee? Have you and Vasco found more in the library?"

"Proceedings only, Master. Some records of the King's Counsel's work. A Mortique has sat on the council since its inception. There is precedent with other families holding a seat into perpetuity. Mayhap, it means nothing." Kelton shook his head. "There was a topic brought forth by seat Moritque two years ago. A request for all new laws to be sanctioned by King and Counsel. The King thought it unnecessary and retained the power in his hands, leaving the Counsel in its advising role." Kelton shrugged. "It was not an unreasonable request. Many minds can work better than one. The muzzle is proof of that."

"I suspect the King does not want to share. Nor leave less for his son."

"Aye, Master. It was my thought as well."

"And what of the red tarp?"

"I have thought on it. Mayhap, it is a flag of sorts. It would allow another to tell a Barrenkee wagon from others."

"Who would care?" Zello asked.

Kelton thought for a moment, then the obvious made itself known. "The ones who need the extra food," Kelton said.

"Barrenkee is feeding someone?" Zello asked. "It is not something most would hide." He lowered the image of his mother and slowed to a stop. Vasco and his father continued on ahead.

"Mayhap, they are on the path to Mila with little access to food. Mayhap, they do not allow wagons without red tarps through," Kelton thought out loud. "One guard, one property, and a red tarp. All others meet with failure." He looked up. "Would you not feed those who gave you such an advantage?"

"You know this to be true?"

"It is a guess." Kelton let out a deep breath. "Given more time, I could think of another reason for tarps and food."

"It fits, though the return cargo is still not known." Zello started walking again. Kelton followed. "And who would you find to live in the woods to do your bidding?"

"It is where I grew up," Kelton said. "It can be a good life if you know little else. There are times I miss it greatly."

"Miss it? What is there to miss?"

"Solitude mostly, Master," Kelton replied with a smile. "There is no King or masters in the woods." He chuckled. "And I miss going unbathed."

"Yanda wouldn't hear of it," Zello warned.

"Aye. Soap is ever her friend." They laughed together.

"Father," Zello called as he and Kelton caught up. "Kelton believes the red tarp is used to mark Barrenkee's wagons and keep it them free from molestation. The food is for those molesters who live on the route to Mila."The father slowed to a stop. Vasco squinted in thought as he stopped as well.

"It fits what we know," Tarvakian said, nodding his head.

"It is rough country. Thick trees and rocks mostly," Vasco added.

"All the more reason to feed them," Tarvakian said as he rubbed his chin. "It would take more coin than he could profit to fund such a thing. I doubt you would find any to live there for food alone."

"Mayhap, the hidden cargos fund such a thing, Master," Kelton said.

"It is a smart thought, Kelton" Tarvakian said, then laid his hand on Kelton's shoulder. "Your mind is always working, is it not?"

"It does not turn off," Kelton replied. He savored the compliment and the hand on his shoulder. It was hard to have the enmity he should have for his owner.

"We could run a wagon with a red tarp and see," Zello said.

"Aye," Tarvakian agreed. "Or we could use what Kelton has divined as a basis for more knowledge before we risk a wagon and those that ride upon it. Vasco, what do you think of this?"

"It is a more targeted line of thought," Vasco replied. "Mayhap, find who made the red tarps and query them. If nothing else, it would give us the correct red for there are many shades. Felicity may be able to tell us more of the food's makeup. Is it dried, or meant to be eaten quickly? It would help validate Kelton's thoughts if it were long lasting."

"It would be wise," Zello agreed with a sigh. Kelton could see the disappointment in his eyes. Zello desired quick action, and Kelton wanted the same. It would take days to find the makers of the tarps, if they found them at all. More days of House Barrenkee.

"Then that's how it will be done," Tarvakian said. "Find what we can before we risk." His other hand reached out for Zello's shoulder - a bridge between young owner and new property. "If we find nothing, we will revisit sending a wagon. I can see it both of your eyes, and I do not blame either of you. If it is in our power, House Barrenkee will fall."

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