《The Unseen》Chapter 82


"I do not know if they work," Kelton told the crowd in his room. "To make more without a test - well it may be time wasted." The construction of the muzzles had left his control. Yanda smiled as she examined the newest ones. There were ten in all, and after sew-hole modifications, they sealed tight along the face. It had taken a long time to construct the first one, and now excitement spurred fellow coppers to spend their own time creating more. Another twenty or so were in different stages of production.

"They will work," Glenda said. The exuberance was infectious and hard to dampen. Kelton lost control of the conversation as everyone spoke at once. Discussion of new methods of assembly and coordination to increase the numbers. People assigning themselves to different tasks and discussing the order the incomplete muzzles would be passed about.

"It good," Yanda said. She took Kelton's hand and pulled him in front of her. "It good," she repeated as she kissed his forehead. Kelton closed his eyes and sighed. It was useless to slow them down. Here was something they could claim as their own. Something a slave could do to alter the world for the better. He only wished he knew they worked in the mines. It would be crushing if they failed. It was the reason he meant to keep it private. There was no need to share failure.

"What is this?" Vasco asked as he squeezed into the room. "Is this your not so secret project?"

"It has grown on its own," Kelton replied exasperated. He held out one of the completed muzzles. Vasco took it and turned it about.

"It goes over your mouth and nose," Glenda instructed. "Then it is tied behind your head to keep it in place."

"For what purpose?"

"Mine dust," Glenda replied. "It does not go through it, yet air flows well enough."

"I have not been told of this. Is that why Laradia has come?" Vasco asked.

"He is here? Now?" Kelton asked.

"Aye," Vasco replied. "Though Master said no interruptions. I was told it is a social call. I believe he means to thank Laraida for his help with Felicity last month."

"I must see him," Kelton said, gathering a handful of muzzles and pushing through to the door.

"No house business allowed," Vasco warned, holding out his arm to stall Kelton. "We are not welcome any more than you would welcome Master in the middle of the night."

"I'll only need a moment." Kelton worked his way past Vasco. Glenda and Yanda followed, ignoring Vasco's objections. It was all for naught if the muzzle couldn't be tested.

Filgot was guarding the hallway when they arrived at the main house. He shook his head at their approach.


"Your master is not to be disturbed," Filgot said. He stood firm, blocking the hallway.

"It is of importance," Glenda said. She gave Filgot her best authoritative glare and tried to move past. She failed to advance a step.

"My orders are clear," Filgot said with a firmness that afforded no room for debate.

"I must speak with Master," Kelton argued. He held up one of the muzzles. "He does not know of these."

"What are...", Filgot started, then his attention moved behind Kelton. "Make a path here." Filgot used his arm to direct Kelton to the side. Eveyin was walking forward holding a tray of tea and a bowl of crogerts.

"They are muzzles for mine dust," Kelton said as he moved out of the way. Eveyin ignored the argument as Yanda and Glenda also yielded way for her. "Master Laradia must know of these. They may be worth many lives."

"No business today, those are your master's words," Filgot said. "It was made clear, I am to allow no interruptions." Filgot reached for one of the muzzles as he returned to his blocking position. He examined it, pulling on the straps. "You mean to muzzle men?"

"I believe it will stop the dust," Kelton said, his confidence o fading, along with his tone. "They will do naught here in this house."

"Mayhap, you can talk with your master tomorrow," Filgot said. He placed the muzzle over his nose and mouth to try it on, then retracted it. "It is an odd thing."

"It good thing," Yanda said. Her tone was less defeatist.

"Mayhap, you can bring them to Master," Glenda offered as a compromise.

"Nay, my good lady," Filgot replied. His smile was warm as if he knew better than to order Glenda about. "I too am forbidden to enter. Short of fire, he is to be undisturbed." Kelton was contemplating starting a fire when a crash could be heard beyond Filgot.

"All-Father!" Tarvakian's shout barreled down the hall. Unintelligible mumbling could be heard before he shouted again. "Filgot, send help. Call a healer." Filgot stalled for a moment.

"We are help," Glenda said, pushing past him. Yanda and Kelton followed as Filgot took off in search of a healer. They entered the meeting room to find Eveyin sprawled on the floor with Tarvakian hovering over lifting her head from the floor. She was lifeless, and the fear of it was in Master's eyes. Tea was streaked along the floor, outward from where the pot fell. Mugs and crogerts were strewn across the puddles. Master Laradia was lifting the kettle in an attempt at being useful.

"Glenda...good," Master said as he shifted Eveyin's head in his hands. "She just dropped, no warning...just fell." Glenda and Yanda rushed forward, Kelton placed the muzzles on the table and began work on recovering the tray and mugs.


"Did her head hit hard?" Glenda asked as she felt about Eveyin's skull.

"Nay, or mayhap," Master looked to Laradia.

"Not hard," Laradia added. "It was if her legs failed her and she rolled to the ground."

"She is breathing," Glenda said. "And she does not feel hot...or cold."

Eveyin groaned, and Tarvakian stepped back as her body began to regain its function. She looked about, her eyes wide. "What?..."

"You fell," Glenda said, her hands once again feeling around Eveyin's scalp. "I do not feel a bump. Does it hurt anywhere?"

"Nay, though the world twirls about," Eveyin said. Her voice was weak.

"Can you stand?"

"Aye." Eveyin stood slowly, using Glenda for support. Tarvakian visibly relaxed.

"A silly thing most like," Eveyin said, then she looked at Tarvakian and bowed her head. "My sorrows, Master."

"I'll not have her working ill," Master said. "Take her to bed and see to a healer." The panic in his eyes had vanished, replaced by the stern master. He waved Eveyin and Glenda away as if it were an irritation. "Yanda, go to the kitchen and request more tea. Kelton, follow her with that and let them know there is a mess that needs tending." Kelton nodded and accepted the teapot Laradia placed on the tray Kelton was holding.

"What are these?" Laradia asked. He retrieved one of the muzzles off of the table and was turning it about in his hand.

"Kelton?" Master asked, curious as well.

"A project, Master," Kelton said. "I desired that Master Laradia would see them. Filgot had stopped us from entering. It was why we were close when Eveyin fell." Tarvakian picked up one of the muzzles to examine and prodded Kelton to continue.

"It fits over the nose and mouth," Kelton instructed, upset that he was encumbered by a tray of mugs and kettle. "It is made for miners, Master."

"Miners?" Laradia asked. "You mean to muzzle men?"

"Aye. It will stop the dust yet air travels through well enough."

"Is this the project Zello spoke about?" Master asked. He held the muzzle to his face but didn't push in on.

"Aye, Master," Kelton said. "He did not know its substance, though allowed others to help in it."

"It looks complex to make," Master said as he felt the reeds under the cloth. Laradia placed it over his nose and mouth pushed it until the leather sealed. He took a few deep breaths.

"It will stop the dust?" Laradia asked, his voice altered by the muzzle.

"Aye, I believe so," Kelton replied. "It ties behind the head to free the hands. Only with true use will I know for certain."

Laradia laughed as he lowered the muzzle. "I will have to threaten beatings to get them to wear it. They will think it punishment."

"There is much time and cloth in this," Master observed.

"It is made with scraps, Master," Kelton said. Tarvakian's eyebrows arched. "And the time was freely offered. The house saw no less work from it. Many see it as a good thing." Kelton shrugged. "It is no longer my project alone."

"This one is seizing your house," Laradia joked.

"Aye," Tarvakian said, adding a chuckle. "It seems I do much to accommodate him." He handed the muzzle he held to Laradia. "It is your decision, Kark. I'll not envy you the trouble those might bring. Your property may think they are treated like dogs."

"There are a few who bend well," Laradia said. He looked at Kelton. "If they work, then it may well be worth the shame of wearing one." It was obvious he meant to try.

"I thank you, master Laradia," Kelton said with a bow of his head.

"You have other work to tend to," Master said to Kelton. It was said with kindness but clearly meant as a dismissal. Kelton left with the tray. He smiled as he entered the hall, then thought on Eveyin. He hoped she wasn't ill, yet it was a fortunate fall. One such as her needed less misery, not more.

"He take?" Yanda asked when Kelton entered the kitchen. She was busy preparing another tray of tea.

"Aye," Kelton replied as he placed his tray on the table.

"It good," Yanda said with a large smile. One of the cooks brought over a steaming kettle and added it to Yanda's tray. Another brought a small bowl of crogerts which Yanda wrinkled her nose at. "I take," Yanda said as another tried to lift the tray.

"Do you know if Eveyin is well?" Kelton asked Yanda before she left to deliver the tray.

Yanda squinted her eyes and looked at Kelton as if he were addle-brained. "She fine."

"You saw her?"

"Not sick," Yanda replied as she turned to leave. "You not think well." Kelton heard her chuckle as she left.

It took a moment for Kelton to process the words. He closed his eyes and smiled when it came to him. It had been a ruse, and he had been taken in as well. Eveyin must have heard the argument with Filgot and decided on her own to alter the outcome. Kelton wondered why one so ill-treated would care of others. She was an anomaly, and now more so.

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