《The Unseen》Chapter 70


The tension faded from Juno's muscles as she stepped into the open air. The tavern she left behind was full of men deep into their drinks, spouting words as if they were kings. One had requested her, though lacked the coin and stamina for an entire night. She straightened her skirts and shook off the drunken fool. It was the bravado she disliked the most. A few swigs of ale and they thought themselves glorious gifts to womankind. In truth, he was large bellied and cared little for her comfort. Sometimes the curse was tolerable, other times it stood up and screamed like a nightmare. It was lucky she had long lost the ability to cry.

The sun had just begun to disappear behind the horizon. An early end, well before the night had taken hold. It was a good thing when she could find her bed before the dawn, much less near sunset. It meant more time to dream that she wasn't of the Wilted Rose. Fantasies of home and family, her as queen and Kelton as king. It was his naivete she loved the most. He recognized none of her curse, his eyes seeing only her. Alas, she had only a kiss to remember him by. Her fingers caressed her lips as she remembered that night. He was always so determined to do his version of right that he forgot about himself. She had never met anyone like him.

Juno wondered where Kelton was, or even if he was still alive. The whispering way spoke of many sightings, but few of them rang true. Kelton had a direction about him, some path he was heading even if he didn't know the route. The rumors passed around were rambling in nature. Sightings of him emerging, then disappearing without a trace. The Kelton she knew wouldn't expose himself without purpose. He forced events and left a mark, even if it was unintentional. Juno smiled. He had marked her well.

Juno's eyes caught someone running between the buildings, disappearing behind the tailor's shop. It was the flash of red hair that caught Juno's attention. In the fading light, she wasn't confident about what she saw. The hair was unruly enough, yet the figure didn't seem to have Kelton's height. Still, her mind placed his face on the figure as it sped by. She hurried past the tailor's yet saw no one emerging from behind the building.

Juno slunk along the side of the shop with caution, staying close to the wall. It wasn't a wise idea. Running could mean trouble, but she had to know. A shiver grew up her legs and blossomed in her stomach when she reached to corner.

"Is someone there?" Juno called softly. It felt better to let her voice travel behind the corner and keep the wall between her and whoever was on the other side. She heard an intake of breath.

"Who are you?" Juno asked. Still fearful of what lay beyond. She knew she should let it be and return to the safety of the night house. Unfortunately, someone was there with red hair. His breathing was muffled as if he were winded and struggling to silence it.

Juno was about to turn the corner when hurried steps could be heard approaching, along with the clang of flopping metal with each step. The figure gasped then rounded the corner and ran directly into Juno. They fell to the ground in a tangle, a clump of red hair flying over Juno's head and landing an arm's length away.

"My sorries," the man whispered as he started to rise. His face had a line, ashes most likely, running from ear to lips. Short hair and almost black. He slipped and fell atop Juno again. The running footsteps had split, now coming down both sides of the tailor shop. It sounded like many men. "Oh, Goddess," the man cried. Barely out of boyhood if Juno read his tone and clumsiness correctly.


"Still," Juno said as things began to make sense. She reached out and dragged the clump of red hair and pulled it under herself. Juno pulled the man back down as he started to rise again. "Still," she repeated in her Mother's voice, the one she had learned from Floren. Licking her hand, she wiped at the faux scar. At first, it smeared, then it began to break away. She pulled him entirely atop her when the first of the soldiers came upon them.

"Coin first," Juno yelled as she struggled to push the man off of her. Wide-eyed, the man stared at her in confusion. "Ahh, the King's own have arrived in time. There are laws governing even one cursed like me." She pushed harder, and the man rolled off of her. Juno sat up, careful that the red hair remained hidden under her skirts. She pointed at the man who now had fear in his eyes. "He claims me without coin for the Goddess," Juno accused.

"Bah," one of the soldiers groaned. "There is another we seek, one who ran through here." His hands went to his head as if he had hair covering his bald top. "Mangy red hair, and a scar down his cheek."

"The red demon," another of the soldiers chimed in.

"He steals from the Goddess!" Juno insisted, pointing at the man whose confusion was fading. She brandished her wrist, displaying the wilted rose.

"Did you see anyone else," the first soldier insisted.

"You will do nothing!" Juno argued, her hand shaking at the Kelton impersonator.

"I wished only a taste to see if she was worth the coin," the man said. "My intent was to pay, but now I think not."

"He laughs at the Goddess. You must force him to pay, or I will speak to the Brethren when they come to gather the tithe," Juno said to the soldier.

"Did either of you see someone else," the soldier demanded. He spoke slow and enunciated each word in warning. He wasn't to be ignored.

"Aye," Juno said, her voice quieting into submission. "Another ran that way, into the woods. I did not see any hair for this fool was atop me."

"I...I was busy and didn't see anyone," the fake Kelton stuttered.

"That way?" the soldier verified, pointing where Juno had indicated.

"Aye," Juno said, then added. "Will you do nothing? He has fondled me enough, and I am due coin."

"Pay her or begone," the soldier yelled as he and his men ran off into the woods. Juno and the fake Kelton watched as the soldiers disappeared into the trees. The man was visibly shaking when Juno rose, lifting the now dirty wad of red hair with her.

"I owe you more than coin," the man whispered.

"You're a fool," Juno said, throwing the wig at him. Anger surged through her. She wasn't sure if it was the idea of Kelton's return being shattered, or the risk she had taken. He quickly tucked the wig into his shirt, surprised that she had exposed it.

"My sorries," the man repeated again. He sounded remorseful. "It was not my intent to risk more than myself." He stood up brushing off his pants and wiping his cheek as if Juno hadn't already removed the fake scar.

"You scarred the wrong cheek," Juno said, pointing at his other cheek. "And you're not tall enough." The man stopped and stared at her. Respect filled his eyes.


"You met the Answer?"

"And he would hate what you are doing," Juno continued as if no question was asked. "Ending your life in his name would pain him more than you know."

"It is a ruse to help him," the man argued. He reached into his trouser pocket. "I have coin for your troubles. I have been paid well to do this and will gladly share."


"Aye, and I am not the only one." The man produced five coppers and held them out to Juno. "Here."

"What is your name?" Juno asked, ignoring the proffered coins.

"Grevi," the man replied, again trying to give her the coppers.

"Who would pay for such a thing?"

"It is not something talked about," Grevi said. He took Juno's hand and forced the coins into it. "I thank you and will leave you be."

"Now you have paid," Juno said with a smile. Kelton had started more than he knew and she wished to know how far it has gone. "Follow me."


"It is best you follow me," Juno said, grasping his hand. "We must continue the ruse."

"I did not intend..."

"And my skirts will remain on," Juno laughed. "We will share some food and words. You have paid for my time and shall have it." She dragged him until his hesitation dissipated and he followed of his own accord. Clumsy reluctance was the only thing he had in common with Kelton.

"What is this?" Floren asked, surprised that Juno would bring a man into the kitchen. During the cold months, the kitchen was a favorite room. It was warm, the coals in the cooking hearth still glowed red.

"This is Grevi, Mother," Juno replied. "He has paid for my time and wishes a bite to eat. Ran into me while he was running from the King's Own."

"And you thought it wise to bring him here?"

"She is right, I should be on my way," Grevi said.

"He likes to pretend he's someone he's not," Juno said, gesturing for Grevi to take a seat. "I thought it best to not watch him killed for it. That and he said some things that interest me." Floren's eyebrows rose. "Show her your other head of hair," Juno said to Grevi.

Grevi sat down and sighed. Juno smiled softly knowing it would relax him. He closed his eyes and reached into his shirt to retrieve the now tangled mass of red hair. Juno held out her hand, and he placed the hair in it.

"Says he was paid for it," Juno said, displaying the hair to Floren. "The King's Own were at his heels when we met."

"I believe there is some stew left," Floren said as she stood. "Mayhap, some day-old bread to sop it up with as well. I'm in the mood from some conversation."

"I thought that might be so," Juno said.

"I shouldn't be talking," Grevi said.

"And I shouldn't have lied to the King's Own," Juno argued, adding her best smile. "I think I am owed some trust. Will you not give it?"

"Think on that while I gather some stew," Floren said and winked at Juno. Grevi sighed again, this time signaling his capitulation. Juno found his surrender empowering. It was rare for the cursed to have control. During healing or birthing it may be given, but rarely other times. It was a good consolation after an afternoon with a large-bellied slob.

Floren flitted about the kitchen gathering what was left of the afternoon stew. It had been kept warm on the side of the hearth in case of need. In short order, Grevi was presented with a wooden bowl of warm stew with a fist-sized chunk of bread. Juno scooted along the bench to allow Floren to sit next to her. They watched him begin to eat, which he did with relish.

"You say you were paid?" Juno prompted. Grevi nodded, his mouth full of soaked bread. He mumbled an undecipherable response, then took a moment to chew his food.

"Forgive me," Floren said. She rose and retrieved a mug and a pitcher of water and set them before Grevi. He smiled his thanks, filled the cup, then washed down the stew and bread.

"Aye, almost two silvers," Grevi repeated without food muffling his words. "I got a family, and it will go a long way. It gets sparse before spring."

"You risked much," Juno said while Grevi took another bite of the bread. He shook his head in disagreement while he chewed. Another swig of water.

"Wasn't supposed to be that way. The King's Own weren't supposed to be there. I was meant to make myself seen in the town center, then not seen. One time is all. Seemed an easy task and I'm weary of my young missing meals."

"How would you know where the King's Own should be," Floren asked.

"Was told. Not rightly told, but told." Grevi took another bite. Juno realized his child wasn't the only hungry one in Grevi's family.

"By the one who paid you?"

"Aye. He seemed to know things." Grevi shook his head. "Mayhap, didn't know nothing."

"What was he called, this man who paid you?" Juno asked.

"Don't know. He came out of the woods and greeted me fair enough." Grevi pinched his nose with his fingers. "Hadn't seen a bath in a long time I was thinking." Juno chuckled at the demonstration, which seemed to please him. "Head to toe in deerskin, well sewed but had seen better days. Hunter most like, well traveled I thought."

"No name, yet you did his bidding?" Floren asked.

"It seemed a secret thing. He said it was to keep the King's Own running about, chasing their own tails instead of finding the Answer. The sighting was meant to bring the soldiers and draw them away from the true Answer." Grevi shook his head. "Soldiers were already there. They didn't need to be drawn. That's when I ran."

"So, the Answer, he still lives?" Juno asked. She immediately regretted the vehemence she placed in the question. The tone gave away too much.

"You met him," Grevi said, his smile indicating his pleasure with the idea.

"We have heard much about him," Floren thankfully interrupted. "It is an intriguing story, as is yours. This man, he told you the soldiers weren't near?"

"Aye," Grevi replied. "I like to think he meant it as truthful. Figure he could've just stuck me if he wished me dead. Gave me that hair to cover mine, and told me to make the scar." He looked toward Juno. "Wrong side, you said." Floren gave Juno a stern look.

"Aye, from what I heard," Juno attempted to cover.

"Not tall enough," Grevi continued. He smiled again.

"What you did risks a hard death," Floren injected. "Do you think it would be less for those who claim to know the Answer? We have heard they killed someone they thought his witness."

"Tortured, I heard. Hung on a tree," Grevi said, a tremor visibly running up his body.

"But you still believe he is the Answer?" Juno asked.

"My little one, she has only seen two winters. I do not wish her to stand at a Choosing when the time comes. So, aye, I believe some. If someone wishes to give my family coin, I believe more."

"It feels good to believe in him," Juno said.

"Aye," Grevi agreed.

"I wish to buy this," Juno said, holding up the ragged red hair. She placed the coins Grevi gave her on the table. He nodded in a dumbfounded way. She smiled and tossed the hair on the coals. It sizzled and caught flame.

"I would have let you have it," Grevi said.

"And take food from your young one? I don't believe Juno would allow it," Floren said. She waved her hand in front of her nose. Though most of the smoke from the hair disappeared up the chimney, a foul scent still poisoned the air.

"And I wish to keep our words private," Juno said.

"Ahh," Grevi agreed. "I too. My wife would not think well of me for being here." Concern filled his face when he realized what he said. "She does not blame you for your plight you see. But she would me."

"There'll be no word from us," Juno said, sharing a grin with Floren.

"You took a great risk," Floren said after Grevi had left.

"It came upon me in a strange way. I was thinking of Kelton and saw Grevi running with red hair." Juno shrugged.

"You thought him returned."

"Aye, it was my hope. Do you think me less because of it?"

"Nay," Floren replied, shaking her head. "It is strange, this man who gives coin to others to play the boy. I don't see the why. True, it keeps the story alive, but where does it lead?"

"Mayhap, there are many who wish to help Kelton."

"Help him do what? King and Brethren can't be stopped. At best, false hope is kept alive."

"Is hope ever false?" Juno asked. Floren smiled.

"I think it best we keep this from the whispering way," Floren said. "You have let on more than you intended and it's best if no one else knows of Grevi. I do not wish the killing to reach our door." Juno nodded her agreement.

Juno found her bed a most pleasant place to be. Grevi made it so. It was in his eyes, his admiration for Kelton. There were others who think of Kelton. Kelton never believed, yet there were those who believe in him. People who saw him as hope. She knew it was futile, but still, Juno closed her eyes and dreamed.

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