《The Unseen》Chapter 65


Glenda stood and pushed her fists into the small of her back, stretching her spine. She detested getting old. It wasn't the lessening of youth, it was the onset of strange pains that were most annoying. Nothing major, just muscles and joints no longer happy doing any one thing for too long. She took a few steps around the table to loosen her knees and let her lower back experience a new position. It was rare to sew for more than an hour without having to change her altitude. Irritating.

That and the boy concerned her. Zello and his father thought him special as if the All-Father had whisked him from the heavens to serve the family. Glenda wasn't convinced. Kelton had a way about him. A strange mix of immature wisdom that was endearing if one thought it real. She couldn't deny the value of a picture mind, and he did remember the measurements. At first, she thought it a ruse, but he had repeated Yanda's measurements without effort. She had even added a few useless ones just to test him.

It was either naivete or a brilliant plan to query her about the lion. Glenda could see his mind working, those eyes shifting as ideas passed behind them. Dumb, he is not. Describing a lion to the uninformed was not an easy task, one step harder than describing color or smell. He pretended to have no reference to cats as large as a man. If it were a ploy, it mirrored his manipulation of master's desire for him to mate. Maybe an attempt at convincing her she was his superior, and he had no real knowledge or experiences to hurt the family.

Master was a fool for attempting the copulation in the first place. As if a woman's gifts would hold a man in their grip for eternity. In Glenda's experience, the gifts had more power before they were given. Either way, the demand was foul on the face of it, and she didn't like it being made. It wasn't the way the family operated, if one discounted Eveyin. Even a picture mind wasn't worth altering the family's decency. Property given respect delivered respect was how it was supposed to work. She hoped beyond hope that Zello had nothing to do with the demand. Eveyin should be the only stain on the family's honor.

"Glenda?" Master Travakain said, disturbing Glenda's thoughts and stopping her pacing. She hadn't realized she had made multiple trips around the table. It was rare when someone could surprise her, entering without her first noticing.

"Master," Glenda said, giving him a slight bow of her head. "Just stretching my legs. Been bent over too long."

"It gets harder every year, doesn't it," Travakain commiserated.

"It does that." Glenda smiled. "Did you wish something of me?"

"Aye, a large request." Travakain entwined his hands behind his back and paced to the left, his eyes leaving her. Not a good sign. "When my wife died, you did what I could not. Zello is the better for it. In truth, I am the better for it as well. The family has expressed its gratitude and given you freedoms, one of which is this room you requested." He waved his hand about, emphasizing the gift.


Glenda closed her eyes and tilted her head toward the floor. She had said too much, inserting her thoughts where they weren't desired. It was probably because she had done it in front of the boy. Weakening the master in the eyes of his prized property. The boy would be her curse.

"I know you enjoy the solitude in which to work," Glenda's master continued. He stopped pacing and turned to her. "It grieves me, but I wish to alter the arrangement."

"It wasn't my place to speak. I knew it, and yet I said anyway. It wasn't done with malice, master."

"What? Oh, that." Travakain smiled. "You have earned the right to speak your mind, but do so in private and not in front of others. I don't much like scolding you. Makes me sound like the woman who kept a young Zello in line." Glenda smiled. Her place hadn't been diminished.

"I made a promise, well a bargain with the boy, Kelton," Travakain said, his confidence again leaking away. "I'm sure you're aware of the importance I place on him. Vasco and I won't be around forever, and I must secure the future for Zello. Surely you, of all people, can appreciate that."

"Master, I'm not sure..."

"It's not that I don't value you or what you have done for me," Travakain interrupted. "It's the bargain I made with Kelton. I didn't put the limits on it I should, and now it makes me do things that are, well, uncomfortable. It was never in words, but I always felt I had made a bargain with you and now I dabble with it."

"The boy wishes something of me?" Glenda's mind was reeling. Just yesterday the boy claimed no knowledge of a lion and now he was making her master jump to his bidding.

"I wish something of you," Travakain corrected. Glenda stiffened. He sighed. "I promised him that Yanda could work in any capacity he desired. I thought the kitchen or house cleaning." He shook his head. "He requested she works here, with you."

"Here?" Glenda asked. Her first thought was for the loss of her sanctuary. The one place where everything was always exactly where she put it. It had been many years since Zello no longer needed her daily. Many years of exacting control over everything that entered or left her sanctum.

"The request surprised me as well."

"Request? It is not a demand?"

"I don't wish it to be," Travakain replied. He bit his bottom lip, but his eyes didn't waver. It was a polite demand.

"I don't even speak her language," Glenda pleaded.

"That would be an issue no matter where she worked," Travakain said. "She's not the first. You know as well as I, those problems are temporary."

"The others - the sewing building would be best for her. Women her age, and she'd learn faster."

"It was discussed," Travakain said. "I should have put limits on the bargain. It is here that has been requested." He pointed to the floor.

"Why would he want her here?" Glenda's couldn't fathom the reason. It had to be some tactical play. Maybe just to set her wobbling, to weaken her. Even now, her master was siding with him and lessening her. She shouldn't have pushed the boy. Should have stayed on the fringes until she had a better handle on things.


"In truth, I think he left the choice to her," Travakain replied, then shrugged. That was unexpected. Could it be she was too kind to the woman? If true, it was odd that the boy had power over Yanda twice, and relented twice. She had no idea what game he was playing at, or if he even knew he was playing.

"Is this what you wish of me?" Glenda asked. She could see master had bound himself with his bargain. To deny it, would be to have it thrust on her, weakening her relationship. It is best that she re-establish it as a request.

"It is."

"Then it will be done," Glenda said. Travakain smiled, the same smile she had seen mirrored on Zello's face. It had been her greatest joy for many years and even aged as it was on the father, it still held power over her. She could see that Travakain's happiness was tied to pleasing the boy. It pleased her to know that her happiness was also still on his mind.

"Good, good. I'll let the boy know it has been agreed," Travakain said.

More like ordered, Glenda thought. She didn't let the realization rise to her face. It was a line she has walked her whole life. Following Zello around had carried her to many other houses. Houses where property was held with little regard. Masters were never questioned, and demands could not be argued. And sons grew into monsters. Zello had grown into a man. She smiled. Her life wasn't wasted as so many had been.

"I trust you will let me know if anything is needed to make it work. I will have Vasco visit often so you may trade words with Yanda. Let her assume some of your duties and give that back of yours a break."

"Perhaps another chair, Master. Besides that, I think we'll be fine. Plenty of work, and she looks young and strong."

"You have taken another burden from me, Glenda. I find myself deeper in your debt," Travakain said.

"Zello was never a burden, Master," Glenda said, then gave him a sly smile. Travakain laughed as he left. Yes, Yanda was the only burden for which he should feel indebted.

It was after the noon meal when Vasco brought Yanda to see Glenda. The timing was unwelcome. Glenda was in the middle of hem and would have preferred them to wait until she was done. Glenda sighed visibly, then parked her needle in the cloth and stood. Vasco looked uncomfortable. At least someone else was suffering for her sacrifice.

"Did you tell her there is a sewing building? She might feel more comfortable among others of her age." Glenda said. She knew it was hopeless.

"She is aware," Vasco said. "I don't think it is the task that draws her."

"Ah, she has a motive. What might that be?" Glenda envisioned a lie coming. Vasco spent a few moments in conversation with Yanda.

"She wants to know if what she says is private," Vasco said. "I've assured her that I'll not repeat any of it." He shook his head. "Don't think she trusts me."

"Should she? Did you not bring her master's demand for mating." It was not the first time Glenda had made Vasco's face turn red. He hadn't known how much she had discerned. Men can be such fools. Vasco spoke with Yanda again, this time with more determination.

"She says you have power."

"Power? I am but property like herself," Glenda said. Her eyes narrowed as she studied the young black woman. She saw intelligence in Yanda's eyes and zero lack of pride. Strength. Nothing of the meek woman who had feigned carnal love for the boy. Vasco translated.

"I may have used the wrong word. It translates better as a mixture of strength and respect. Not a queen, but the one who the queen listens too. It's difficult since she speaks in reference to her land and I've never been there. I think there are subtleties I'm missing."

"What does she know of sewing?" Glenda asked. She tried not to smile. Yanda was complimenting her, but Glenda was unsure if it was sincere. Vanity was trying to convince her it was. Vasco's conversation took longer than Glenda expected.

"She doesn't think it will be difficult for her," Vasco said. Too short of a translation.

"Are you missing more subtleties, Vasco?"

"In her land, it is a man's task," Vasco said. "She said if they could do it, then she should have no trouble. She was pointing out many of her perceived weaknesses of my gender. I believe she is still angry with me." Glenda smiled. She was beginning to like this woman.

"Did the picture mind send her here?"

"Actually, he argued against it," Vasco replied. "He thinks you see him as a problem and wished to give you more time before imposing anything on you. She is the one who insisted. Said that if he meant to give her a choice, then he had to accept the one she made. It is a strange relationship they have. One minute, he is in charge, the next she dictates. They both claim they are here for the other, yet they didn't..." Vasco caught himself.

"I know they didn't, you old fool," Glenda said. "Ask her why she tied herself to him?" Vasco rolled his eyes, visible exhaustion setting in. Still, he translated as requested. His eyes widened when Yanda replied.

"Because he would die for her, and she desires him to live," Vasco said. "I'm not sure that makes sense. Mayhap, I got it wrong."

To Glenda, it made perfect sense. The boy has power, and now she believed he had no idea he wielded it. His innocence was real, and it drew people to him. Yanda knew and loved him for it. She was his mother, sister, and friend. A small step away from lover.

"Tell her to be here tomorrow, after the morning meal," Glenda said. She started to return to her hemming, then stalled. "And tell her I like the boy too."

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