《The Unseen》Chapter 41


Juno moved through the house stifling a yawn. She had been woken early before the sun had begun its descent. The previous night was long, her customer preferring her to sleep. He wasn't cruel like some but was unbathed and full of drunken stamina. Mother's need for her must be important to wake her after such duty.

The nighthouse was quiet as it usually was during the day. The cursed slept while the world was awake. Juno forced her eyes wide as she turned down the hall to Mother's room. Her blinks were long and almost had her walking into the wall. She steadied herself before the door and tried to ignore the soreness between her legs.

"Come," Floren said in response to Juno's knock. The window was shuttered, weak sunlight leaking through the seams. A single candle flickered on a shelf, casting shadows across Floren's nightclothes as she slumped in a chair. Her eyes were leaking and red.

"Mother!" Juno said, moving forward quickly. Floren signaled for her to shut the door. Juno turned to close the door.

"There has been word about the boy," Floren said. The words came out as if they were dragged along bark. Juno stiffened. There was never any question of who the boy was. She placed her forehead against the door and waited for something she wasn't sure she wanted to hear.

"He is not the one," Floren continued. "His...his witness is dead." Juno turned, her emotions confused. Floren did not say Kelton was dead.

"What of Kelton?" Juno asked, sounding more desperate than she intended.

"Nothing is said of him." Floren's eyes found the floor. "But his witness was tortured and hung on a tree for all to see." Floren struggled to steady her voice. "I have done this to her." Juno kneeled in front of the chair, her hands embracing Floren's.


"You have done nothing." Juno's words were hollow. All she could think of was Kelton and that he was not dead.

"I am the one who sent word," Floren cried. "They found her and carved her up because I thought an ancient story held weight. I cursed her a second time."

"You don't know that. They could have found out another way," Juno whispered. Never had she seen Floren so distraught. Mother was always strength, not weakness.

"I let myself believe. I told myself not to, but I did," Floren mumbled. "The boy made me dream again." She looked up into Juno's eyes. "I saw what you saw in him and wanted to hasten it along. It was for naught. Another woman dead and still we are cursed."

"It is not your fault. She should never have left him," Juno said as she rubbed Floren's hands.

"All I see in my mind is her screaming as they cut her." Floren closed her eyes, and a shiver ran through her. "There is no hope." Juno released Floren's hands and stood.

"Kelton is hope!"

"His witness is dead."

"He is my hope."

"Do not dream as I have. It will come to nothing, and you will be worse for it," Floren argued.

Juno took a step back, fighting off the strange anger that was brewing in her. She had been cursed to be taken by men. They never asked, and she never enjoyed. There was only one she had asked. One whose lips sent lightning through her, and for the first time, made her happy to be a woman.

"Kelton is the Answer," Juno said. The determination in her voice surprised her. "It matters not that his witness is dead. It matters not that you have lost hope. It only matters that I believe."


"It is a bad dream," Floren warned.

"It is a wonderful dream," Juno said. Her smile grew as she remembered Kelton's face as he climbed down that rope. She could tell he wanted to climb back up. "I will dream it forever and no one, even you, will take it from me."

"Mother!" The shout came from inside the house, footsteps running toward the door. Floren stood, wiped her eyes, and straightened her nightclothes. The door opened and Peronni entered, her frazzled hair as red as Kelton's. "The Miller," Peronni huffed, "His wife is birthing, and they have called for you." Floren let out a breath, and her color returned. Juno was pleased to see her strength again.

"I will be a moment, Peronni," Floren said as she shooed the girl out of the room. When the door closed, Floren turned to Juno. "Birthing is a messy miracle, one I sorely need. Does your dream allow you to attend me?"

"Aye, Mother," Juno replied.

"Then we shall bring another life into this world. May the Goddess grant that your dream shapes a better future for it."

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