《The Unseen》Chapter 25


The rope dropped to the ground at Kelton's feet. He looked up and waved to the first girl he had ever kissed. Juno waved back, then ducked inside and closed the window. Confusion was muddling his plans. When climbing down the rope, he wasn't sure he was going the right way. Her lips were different than he imagined lips would be. They were soft and inviting, drawing him toward her and coating his insides with an unknown excitement. His dream of Serenity felt different. Juno was softer, kinder, and real. He touched his lips, careful so as not to forget how hers felt. She said she liked it.

Kelton shook his head to clear his thoughts. He didn't have time to stand there and think. After shoving the rope into his pack, he shouldered it and decided he knew which way was generally north. He could skirt a few buildings, cross the road into the trees and move until morning. It would be slow going in the dark, but the distance would make following difficult. Gossamer would most likely try and needed to fail quickly. Goddess, he hoped Gossamer would understand. Kelton raised his hood over his head and headed out.

People were traveling between buildings, unaware of Kelton sneaking about. His years of moving silently in the shadows were paying off. An education in thievery had its benefits. Kelton waited at the edge of a home for an old man to saunter out of his line of travel. The waxing moon had risen high forcing Kelton to take extra care. The man was feeble in his movement and probably wouldn't notice a figure streaking across behind him, but Kelton could sense two more people on the other side of the building he was using for cover. Waiting seemed prudent. There was no need to risk unwanted attention when he was so close to the trees.

"Tell him!" The voice was masculine and filled with anger. The old man stopped in his tracks and stared beyond the end of the building Kelton skirted. Kelton moved tighter into the building's shadow, unable to see the origin of the voice. There was a soft mumbled response, followed by a sound that was unmistakable. Skin against skin with undue force.

"Tell him!"

"I am dung," a feminine voice replied amidst whimpering. The heavy voice filled the night with a drunken laughter.


"I am dung," the female responded louder. "It would be more pleasing inside, Captain," the woman begged.

"It wouldn't please me, you cursed bitch!" A body lurched into Kelton's view, thrown to the ground in front of the old man. A larger man wearing the King's blue followed the body, his boot finding the prone woman's midsection. It drove the air from the woman's lungs. "I've given my coin and demand my satisfaction. Is that not the way?" The large man pointed at the old man.


"It is, Captain," the old man replied. "I will leave you to it." He turned to walk away. The Captain grabbed him by the arm and threw the old man to the ground.

"You will witness every thrust of my staff into this wrinkled hag." The captain walked over to the woman lifted her to her feet by her hair. The moon hit Florin's face, bruises and blood marring the surface. "Disrobe, and I'll have my pleasure here, with you crawling in the dirt."

Fear churned with anger inside of Kelton. The captain was a large man with a confidence Kelton lacked. But no one deserved to be treated in such a manner. Florin was a healer, a protector of life and this man was treating her worse than one would a dog.

"Please, Captain. We should take this inside." The Captain's hand moved. Kelton winced as it struck Florin's face, sending her back to the dirt. Kelton squeezed his eyes shut, wishing he never left Juno. The truth of the world was horrid, and it followed him wherever he went. A weak grunt opened his eyes. The captain had used his boot again. The way he laughed at her was more than Kelton could take. Dying here would make things easier. At least, Gossamer would know what happened.

Kelton pulled back his hood and drew his sword from beneath his pack. He stepped through the thickness of fear and embraced the anger.

"Disrobe, hag!"

"No!" Kelton came forward brandishing his sword. The old man scurried crab-like out of the way, next to the far building. "You will leave her be."

"I'll have your hand for that blade, pup," the Captain said. He pulled his own sword from his waist. "Or you head if you wish to swing that thing at me." Floren was shaking her head, waving Kelton away.

"My head then," Kelton said, dropping his pack and speeding his approach. The Captain's eyes widened as the moonlight made him aware of who he faced.

"Come, make me a hero, demon." the Captain smiled and raised his sword. Kelton ignored his words and swung using his momentum to add strength. The swords clashed, and it forced the captain to step back. Kelton stepped forward and cut upward with his blade. The Captain blocked and returned with a thrust to Kelton's midsection. Kelton sucked in his stomach and knocked the blade away with his. Kelton stepped back, his momentum lost to his opponent's strength.

The captain attacked with fury, his blade moving with a power Kelton didn't possess. The strokes had no particular style, nor were they difficult to counter. It was the sheer strength that was weakening Kelton, allowing him little chance to counterattack. The Captain was forcing Kelton backward. As Kelton's panic rose, the Captain's intent became known. Not the outward desire, the unobvious. Kelton could sense the Captain's sword strokes before they began. He knew to parry left before the sword started its arc. He knew the next stroke was a feint, nothing but a distraction for the fist coming from the other side. Blocking, ducking, and footwork became easy, almost effortless. The Captain had only brute force, and it was trivial to avoid.


Kelton no longer had to concentrate on the Captain's body movements, no longer had to keep his eyes on his opponent as Gossamer had taught. He looked at the sweating face of the Captain and watched the man's fear begin to grow. He knew the end was coming, and Kelton could see that knowledge grow in his eyes.

Kelton looked at Floren bleeding on the ground and trying to shuffle away from the combat. He could sense the Captain looking for an opening, a brief weakness in which to run. He desired to be surrounded by his men. Kelton looked back at the captain as he effortlessly blocked a useless series of blows.

"She is my friend," Kelton said. He blocked the next blow, then thrust the tip of his sword into the Captain's bicep. The captain yelled and redoubled his efforts as panic invaded his movements.

"She is my friend!" Kelton repeated. He stabbed into the Captain's chest, then dragged the blade past his shoulder. "She is my friend!" He drove his blade into the captain's stomach and wrenched it to the side. The captain dropped to his knees as parts of him flowed from his belly. "She is my friend," Kelton whispered and stuck his blade into the man's neck. Blood spurted from the wound and heated Kelton's arm. The last breath left the captain as he dropped lifeless to the ground.

Kelton stared at what he had done. The Captain was a mass of dead flesh floating in a pool of his life. Kelton turned toward Floren, his eyes beginning to flood.

"I'm sorry," Kelton said. He dropped to his knees and cast the contents of his stomach upon the earth. Floren crawled to him.

"They will kill us all," the old man said as he walked forward.

"Shut up, Berrit," Floren said, slurring the words through her damaged mouth. Kelton's stomach lurched again, though nothing new came out.

"I'm sorry," Kelton repeated during a stall in the spasms.

"You need to run," Floren said, though she draped her arm over him as if she meant to hold him there. "There will be others soon." Kelton nodded, then his stomach heaved again.

"They'll destroy the whole town," Berrit continued.

"Not if you tell them it was the red demon," Floren said. Kelton nodded in agreement and struggled to his feet. He helped Floren to hers.

"Tell them it was me," Kelton said. "I did all of this." He pointed to Floren's face then gestured at the Captain's disembodied form.

"You are the one they are looking for," Berrit said as he examined Kelton's face. His eyesight was poor, forcing him to come closer to see the scar. "You are said to kill babies. Why would you save a cursed one?" Kelton looked at the odd man while he struggled to hold his stomach in check.

"Because you would not." It was obvious to Kelton. Why could Berrit not see it?

"I am old, and she is..." Berrit lost his words, then dropped his eyes to the ground. "I didn't want to die."

"It is a worthy goal," Floren slurred. "I do not think ill of you because of it." She looked at Kelton. "You are the fool. You cannot protect everyone, especially one such as I."

"I would do it again," Kelton said. "Especially for one such as you." Floren's mouth opened and closed, words halting in her throat as if she meant to argue the point with him, then failed the argument with herself.

"You are a strange boy," Floren said at last.

"You will look after Juno?" Floren nodded. Kelton wiped his sword on his pants and walked back to don his pack. "Wait until I'm in the trees. Then run for King's Own." Kelton told Berrit. "Floren refused me and the captain interfered." He looked down at the scene. "You can leave out the part about me getting sick."

"You wish me to lie?"

"It is what they want to hear," Kelton replied. "My life is forfeit already. No more need to die."

"Go," Floren said.

"You will speak with Gossamer?" Kelton whispered as he moved passed her. Gossamer would be angry, and Juno would take the brunt of it. Floren stopped him and kissed his forehead softly with her swollen lips.

"You need not worry about anyone but yourself," Floren replied. "I will speak with him. Now go." She pushed him off toward the trees. Kelton ran.

The moonlight was enough to allow Kelton to make good his escape. He could barely hear Floren's scream, which he hoped was the start of the lies. Everyone safe, that's all that mattered. He needed to get far away.

The killing the captain was eating at him. He was becoming a monster and feared how many more deaths would follow in his wake. He wanted the Captain dead, and the thought frightened him. How long before evil became easy?

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