《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 2 3


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Chapter 23

Lian Ren frowned at what the woman named Qiying said about tasting her. He immediately shook his head as a response and replied,

Qiying slightly tilted her head in confusion but her face remained blank, she slowly took a step forward to their direction, lowered her guard and spoke, Qiying said with a slight frown,

Lian Ren was about to speak again when Shao Ling signalled him to quiet and spoke, Shao Ling asked bluntly. Qiying shifted her gaze at his direction with a blank expression, until she saw the strolling Ghost Generals at the alley of the city on her peripheral vision.

Qiying simply said then turned around,

Shao Ling and Lian Ren glanced at each other before they quietly decided to follow Qiying from behind. As they go deep into the forest, the sound of the crows and their fluttering wings were heard all over from above, some of the glowing red flowers were illuminating the forest, making it look easier to see because of the gigantic roots of the trees. Qiying went from left to right then went straight deep into the forest until they ended up in a plains with no grasses growing on it's poluted soil, but red glowing flowers were seen around.

At the side of the plains, two to three small hut were built and there were elders sitting on tree trunks while ghost childrens were playing with sticks and leaves. Lian Ren frowned as he looked at the small houses and the ghosts while Shao Ling continued to walk forward, wearing an unreadable expression on his face. It was weird for some reason because as soon as Lian Ren entered the Ghost City, the ghosts he could see were only humans. There were no demons, witches or even monsters. Only pale humans were seen all over the city, it makes him wonder even more what is going on with the Sin of Wrath, and why human ghosts were living on his city.

The ghost children's faces immediately brighten up as soon as they saw Qiying's face. Qiying gave them a small smile that slightly brighten up her face and patted their heads,


Qiying simply said and patted their heads more.

The ghost children shifted their gazes at Lian Ren and Shao Ling's direction with their mouths slightly opened. Lian Ren gave them a warm friendly smile as a greeting while Shao Ling remained staring at the children with an unreadable expression, his soot black eyes was showing a hint of sympathy and sadness. Because of intimidation, the ghost children took a step back until they slowly ran away with a flustered expression. It seems that they are not used to seeing unfamiliar faces for a certain reasons.

Qiying greeted the sitting elders as she went past them and Lian Ren also did the same while Shao Ling just glanced at them with a blank expression and gave them a simple nod. When Qiying stop in front of the third hut that was a bit small that the two huts, she opened the worn door and slightly turned her head at the two.

Lian Ren came inside without hesitation and Shao Ling followed him from behind, Qiying offered them a seat at the two tree trunks on the floor and Qiying also sat in front of them.

Lian Ren replied as he shook his head.

Shao Ling said with a serious expression,

Qiying stayed quiet and stared at him for a long time. Shao Ling also stared back at her with a serious expression, his eyes was slightly gleaming, determined to know the truth. Seeing that Shao Ling was serious about what he said, Qiying heaved a breath and sat properly before answering his question.

As Qiying spoke, her emotionless face was showing a hint of confusion and rage, as if she was disappointed of her situation right now

Qiying said with her brows knitted into a deep frown. She stayed quiet for a while, remembering all of the horrifying scenes from the past then continued,

Instantly, Qiying's face turned bitter. She bit her lip tightly as she tried to stop herself from bursting into tears. It took her a while to calm herself down, she tried to breathe heavily until eventually, as she swallowed hard, she continued to speak,


Qiying's lips trembled as soon as she finished talking. She slowly lifted her gaze at Shao Ling who was looking at her with a straight expression and Lian Ren who was also looking at her with the same expression. Qiying asked.

" Shao Ling replied. He stood up, releasing his azure blue spiritual qi and letting it dance around his palms until his spiritual qi went inside his spatial rings, plain robes and different foods slowly materializing. Shao Ling handed the robes and foods to Qiying,

Qiying was speechless as she accepted the robes and foods from Shao Ling,

Shao Ling cut him off.

Qiying held tightly on the robes and foods, a slight curve on his lips was shown as she spoke.

Shao Ling didn't replied but he gave her a simple nod as a response.

Qiying asked when Lian Ren and Shao Ling went to open the door.

Lian Ren opened the door and Shao Ling exited the hut, he turned on Qiying's direction and answered, Before Qiying could say anything, Lian Ren already closed the door and start walking behind Shao Ling as they slowly walk out of the forest.

Lian Ren called out to him from behind, however, Shao Ling didn't respond as she continued walking forward.

Ha.... This is not good. Shizun is angry right now. Lian Ren knew that this side of Shao Ling was very annoying, because it was his one and only weakness. Protecting the weak was always Shao Ling's virtue. It was always what he do, and the reason why he established the Yun Sect and the five areas of the town around it. As long as it involves mortals, Shao Ling would always lose control, he would do anything just to save them, even if it means risking his own life and ending up being vulnerable.

"You can save these people, but you can't save yourself? Shizun, are you even ashamed of yourself?"

"Protecting the weak.....is always right, Lian Ren."

"Hah! This is why people belittle you, Shizun. Your weakness is so obvious!"

"Don't call me Shizun."


"We are not Master and Disciple anymore."

"Fine then. Suit yourself."

Lian Ren called out again, this time, he grabbed Shao Ling's shoulder to make him stop and look at him.

Shao Ling yelled. He aggressively pushed Lian Ren away with a raging expression, his both hands were trembling and his brows were knitted into a frown as he stared at Lian Ren in disbelief,

Shao Ling froze when Lian Ren suddenly grabbed his both cheeks with his hands. He felt shivers down his spine when Lian Ren's thumbs caressed his face, Lian Ren's eyes remained staring at his face with a serious expression that made Shao Ling speechless. In a few moments, Shao Ling was taken aback when Lian Ren spoke,

Lian Ren closed his eyes and took a deep breath. As he opened his eyes again, Shao Ling's disturbed expression greeted his gaze. Lian Ren asked.

Lian Ren called out to him again. This time, Shao Ling took a quick glance at him then averted his gaze, giving him a small nod as he pressed his lips together. Without knowing, Lian Ren's lips curved into a smile but it instantly disappeared when a rustling sound covered the entire forest.

Three to four Ghost Generals were surrounding them in a circling motion, pointing their weapons at their direction with black mist covering their bodies. Lian Ren and Shao Ling immediately let go of each other, wandering their eyes on the direction with their hands slightly raised, readying for battle.

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Yo guys! I'm sorry i'm not updating a lot lately.... I've been experiencing vertigo attacks for straight five days and it's making my daily life difficult o(╥﹏╥). Still, there are times when my dizziness subsides so i was able to update this but it took me three days to finish this. Sorry guys! I hope you understand!~

R u n n o x

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