《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 2 2


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Chapter 22

The floating palace was now in complete mess, with the two star barrier directly made by the Darling of the Heavens that was breached by the ghosts, the servants and guards around the floating palace were panicking and running for their lives while the ghost wisps continued to infiltrate the palace gate. Yue Yangxue slowly stood up, stepping up the railings of the balcony and slowly falling down like a falling sheet of a paper.

The beautiful woman continued to cry for help as she slowly struggled on the soldiers' grasp. Because of her grief, her eyes radiated a slight green glow and some of her spiritual qi started to uncontrollably leak out of her body. The ghosts dressed in black cloak with weapon on their hands knelt down in front of the beautiful woman's direction and spoke in a low voice,

The beautiful lady shifted her gaze at the ghosts dressed in black cloaks, her terrified expression turned into a hopeful smile,

Yue Yangxue said with a smile and slowly walked forward, unleashing her spiritual qi that slowly molded itself into a lace of a red ribbon. Yue Yangxue demanded.

A tall man spoke at the second floor blacony, his long straight hair was as white as snow and his skin was porcelain. Wearing a full black robes with black phoenix embroideries as a design, the tall man slowly stood up and jumped down the balcony, showing the features of his face. His face was long but slim, his golden eyes were downturned with straight thick brows, his nose was long and sharp and his pale lips were wide and thin, with a intimidating aura, the tall man seemed handsome and dark.

Jinglei Sect (Striking Sect) Master


Yue Yangxue replied with a scoff.

Yue Chenxui replied with a smile.

Before they could engage words more, the battle instantly started with one of the ghost generals holding a two handed sword made a first strike followed by another ghost general holding a flute from behind. Yue Yangxue tipped her foot to rise from the floor and slightly raised her both hands, the spiritual qi molded into a two lace of red ribbon responded to her gesture and rushed towards the ghost general with a flute on his hand while Yue Chenxui spread out her palms, blast of electricity slowly appearing at the top of his palms until it compressed into a two bolts of electric energy rushing towards the ghost general in two handed sword.

However, it was not as easy as it seems. Ghost generals are once renowned heroes from the Mortal Realm of every imperial kingdoms. After they die, the God of Death will take their souls to the Demon Realm and live as a ghost until they have a chance to reincarnate again. Although reincarnation is a good idea, it was one of the rarest cases to occur in the Demon Realm, and only one percent of the ghosts may undergo to that process, while almost all of them gave up.


They can either be lone wanderer from the Demon Realm, or enter a Ghost City and serve under one of the seven deadly sins devoting their souls to them as a sign of loyalty. Eventually, they might end up as a ghost general or other positions close to the Seven Deadly Sins. The Ghost Generals were not easy to injure, every slice of Yue Yangxue's ribbon lace only pass through the body of the Ghost Generals as if they were just a compressed smoke. And every electric bolts that Yue Chenxui release did no damage to the Ghost General that he's facing. It was no good.

Yue Yangxue and Yue Chenxui shifted their gaze at Shao Ling who spoke. Without any hesitation, the two activated their spatial rings by infusing their own spiritual qi and took out lots of golden talismans and threw it in the air, making the Ghost Generals took a hop back in intimidation and awareness. Shao Ling stared at them with a blank expression and lifted his left foot then stepped onto the railings, smoothly falling down to the arena floor like a bird landing down after a flight.

This time, Yue Yangxue and Yue Chenxui has the advantage in battles. With the help of the golden talismans and their spiritual energies, they were able to injure the Ghost Generals' bodies until in the pile of black smokes on their bodies, some parts of their bodies were slowly getting exposed with the black smoke slowly being brushed away by the golden talismans.

The other Ghost Generals also joined the battle and the other Peaks and Sects Masters joined in to lend them a hand. While the battle continues, debris of the marble floor flying everywhere, disciples running in panic, some were trying to fight for their life, cracks on the jade pillars and the sound of metal brushing on each other, a loud voice spoke that made Lian Ren aggressively shift his gaze.

It was the beautiful woman who spoke, but her voice turned out deep and husky, like that of a man. Her moss green eyes was radiating a bright green glow and as she spoke, her face was blank, as if she was possessed by someone or something. The soldiers were still bewildered until the beautiful woman aggressively shook her both hands that made the soldiers who were grabbing her body fly off and fall somewhere near the arena with a large impact.

The beautiful woman's face was blank as she took her step forward. The cultivators who tried to grab her was knocked back and was slammed on the wall but the beautiful woman just simply walked towards Shao Ling's direction who was also looking at her with a straight expression. However, Lian Ren knew what is going to happen. He immediately gathered spiritual qi on his both calves as many as he can to take one leap towards to Shao Ling direction to grab him.


However, it was too late. The possessed beautiful woman unleashed her spiritual qi that is now like an ink black smoke that immediately surrounded Shao Ling's direction, as if it was eating him away. Lian Ren caller out that made Shao Ling shift his gaze at him with his mouth slightly open. Lian Ren was able to pass through the smoke, but he knew that he wouldn't get Shao Ling out.

With the ink black smoke surrounding them, Shao Ling and Lian Ren remained standing up. It feels like they were lift up and thrown into some place dangerous, but Lian Ren knows where the beautiful woman took them. At first, all they can see was the ink black smoke covering their vision, until the ink black smoke disappeared and a plain black gate with a rough calligraphy of 憤怒 with means 'Wrath'. Lian Ren stood still in front of the plain black gate, staring at the calligraphy with a gloomy expression until he realized why he tried to get involve to the ink black smoke earlier.

Lian Ren shifted his gaze at the man beside him and secretly heaved a breath of relief. Shao Ling were standing straight with his both hands at his back while staring at the gate with a blank expression, his expression slightly changed when he heard Lian Ren spoke.

Lian Ren waited for Shao Ling's answer, but after waiting for a long time, he never heard Shao Ling respond to him. Usually, Shao Ling would at least give him a short answer but now, Shao Ling wouldn't give him any response at all. It must be because of what happened earlier.... Lian Ren took a step sideward beside Shao Ling, took a deep breath and started to speak.

Shao Ling cut him off, with a blank expression. But Lian Ren noticed his earlobes were flushed red, and behind those expressionless face, there was a slight flustered expression showing secretly. Shao Ling said with a sharp tone.

Shao Ling cut him off again. This time, his expression was giving a hint of annoyance.

Lian Ren tried to explain more but fearing that Shao Ling will really get mad at him, he eventually decided to shut his mouth and follow his orders. But you're more important that this...

Seeing that Lian Ren is now quiet and obedient, Shao Ling nodded with a pleased expression and started to walk towards the plain black gate as he spoke,

So he knows.... Lian Ren responded and also followed him from behind.

The place they entered were obviously another Ghost City. The buildings were made by burl woods and the city was very quiet, the ghosts living inside were looking like they were dying.... Even though they are already dead. Some of the ghosts glanced at Lian Ren and Shao Ling's direction but they immediately looked away in fear as if they didn't see someone. Lian Ren stared at the ghosts who look weak, they also move slow and their expressions were blank. I expected that this place was much more messier that the Ghost City of the Gluttony Ghost.... But it seems that the Ghosts here looks like captives and they live in fear.

Lian Ren was taken aback when Shao Ling immediately pulled him behind the large wooden boxes to hide. Lian Ren slightly raised his head to look at a certain direction and he saw the there were two Ghost Generals strolling around the city, the Ghosts around the city immediately tried to mind their own business and didn't even dared to look at the Ghost Generals, some were trembling and some were just trying to look tough. Lian Ren whispered.

Shao Ling replied with a frown,

Lian Ren stared down at the ground and pondered deeply until he heard some rustles on the bushes deep in the woods. Lian Ren immediately infused spiritual qi around his body to hide his presence and stood up, looking at Shao Ling as he spoke.

Shao Ling insisted, also infusing spiritual qi all over his body to hide his presence.

The two of them were carefully walking deep into the forest until Lian Ren heard another rustles from the bushes, and saw a white silhouette near the trees. The silhouette noticed them, but instead of running, the silhouette stayed still, looking at them with a slight confusion and a meaning gaze.


The silhouette slowly became clear as Lian Ren and Shao Ling walked forward, until they saw a young woman standing behind the trees and staring at them with a blank expression. Her curly hair was tied into a clean low bun and her skin was pale, her face was slim, with round grey eyes and long lashes, slim and straight brows with round soft nose and a round lips that was painted with a dark red color. Wearing a plain white robe, the woman slightly tilted her haid and slowly took a step back as she spoke.

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