《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 2 1


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Chapter 21

The soft sound of chirping birds coming outside of the balcony resonated throughout the room, awakening Shao Ling in his deep slumber. His eyelashes fluttered as he slowly opened his eyes, staring at the ray of light coming from the sun above the opened balcony. Stretching his body like that of a cat, he was about to stand up when he felt a heavy feeling clinging on his waist. Shao Ling's brows knitted into a frown in bewilderment and he rubbed his eyes as he looked down on waist.

It was a hand. When Shao Ling lowered his gaze even more to his own body, the pupils of his eyes shrunk from seeing that his night robe was ripped into shreds and his bare chest down to his groin was exposed. Shao Ling shifted his gaze to the side of his bed and saw Lian Ren sleeping soundly beside him. His both hands were embracing Shao Ling's waist and his night robe were opened, leaving his bare chest exposed.

Shao Ling didn't know what to do, he held his breath and stayed stiff for a while, fearing that Lian Ren might wake up and see their humiliating situation. Shao Ling saw his folded Yun Sect robes on top of the counter beside the bed and thought that he should get dressed first and wake Lian Ren after. Shao Ling bended his body side ward and leaned forward to the side of the bed, stretching out his hand to reach the folded Yun Sect robes. But all of a sudden, he was pulled back by Lian Ren's hand and Shao Ling's back was gently pressed on Lian Ren's body.

Shao Ling didn't know where to focus on, he was so distracted on the warmth of Lian Ren's chest that was pressing against his back. It was giving him shivers down his spine that made him a bit ticklish for some reason, making him terrified from the unusual feeling developing inside his chest. Because Shao Ling was too flustered, he struggled on Lian Ren's grasp. Shao Ling's body was not that muscular so he can't exert physical strength unless he infuse spiritual qi on a certain part of his body.

Lian Ren's body was slightly muscular but it was not enough to lock Shao Ling on his arms. However, for some reason, Shao Ling can't remove his both arms around his waist, making him struggle a bit more to reach the folded Yun Sect robes until Lian Ren pulled him again, this time, Shao Ling's back was slammed on his body, and in his bottom, he felt a hard weapon rubbing against him, making Shao Ling froze on the spot.


Shao Ling never experienced such indecency in his life. He lived as a man of integrity and he never did debauchery in his life. No, he would never do it even if he was forced to. He put the Yun Sect together and taught his disciples in a right way, so realizing that he had done such a thing, he couldn't contain his emotions. His both hands trembled and the corner of his brows twitched in anger, forcefully standing up on the bed and grabbing his fan, fusing his azure blue spiritual qi in it and throwing it on Lian Ren's direction.

Baam! With a large impact, the bed exploded into pieces and Lian Ren's back was slammed on the ground, giving him unbearable pain that immediately woke him up in his deep sleep. Lian Ren gasped and immediately stood up on the floor, staring at the debris of the bed in a daze with a dumbfounded expression.

Lian Ren noticed a silhouette of a person in front of him that made hin shift his gaze, and there, he saw Shao Ling who was already dressed in Yun Sect robes, staring at him with blood shot eyes and a gloomy expression. Lian Ren slowly stood up and brushed away the dusts on the hem of his night robe, Lian Ren was about to approach Shao Ling and touch his arm when Shao Ling motioned his hand, the fan infused with azure blue spiritual qi rushing on Lian Ren's direction.

With another Baam! sound, Lian Ren was slammed onto the wall, slowly sitting down and letting out a groan of pain,

Lian Ren was dumbfounded,

Shao Ling was glaring at him, and in Lian Ren's perspective, he's like a cat hissing in front of him, baring out his tiny but sharp fangs in awareness and letting out a hissing sound as he raise his long tail,

Lian Ren was still bewildered but Shao Ling had already walked away with a flustered expression, leaving him confused inside the messed up room.

Xin Mei sighed as she stared down at the wounds on Liam Ren's back, she grabbed the ointment and put it on every wounds and scratches on Lian Ren's back as she spoke,

Lian Ren replied with an exhausted tone,

Xin Mei stared at the ceiling and pondered for a while before answering,

Xin Mei continued to speak and Lian Ren listened with a deep frown, Xin Mei redirected her gaze at Lian Ren and felt sorry for his wounds and scratches,


Lian Ren answered with a slight smile. Fuck, i didn't even know what i did.....

Jian Jie yelled from the other side of the room as he read his book that came from the Yun Sect library.

Lian Ren's eyes immediately widened in a sudden realization. That's right! Shizun must've seen us together sleeping! But he never reacted when we slept together at the Mist temple.... Or is it because he was really sick at that time? But he was also sick last night..... Shizun wouldn't get angry at a small thing like that.... Then what did i do?..... Could it be his clothes that i ripped? Should i explain it to him and say sorry?

However, Lian Ren wouldn't get a chance because in a few minutes, the last round of the Rising Star Cultivation Battle was about to start. Lian Ren wore his Yun Sect robes and gave Xin Mei a gentle smile as a sign of gratitude,

Xin Mei laughed and slightly slap his arm.

Lian Ren gave her a thumbs up and replied, And i also experienced it a lot back then.

Jian Jie closed his book and stood up, looking at his direction with a scowl on his face. Yes, yes.

Xin Mei smiled at both of them and ran to the door,

Almost all of the participants were already at the stage arena, all dressed in their perspective Peaks and Sects' uniforms with a refreshed and motivated expressions. Xin Mei, Jian Jie and Lian Ren also climbed on the stage arena and Lian Ren subconsciously gazed at the third floor balcony, realizing that his eyes met with Shao Ling's, and all of a sudden, he remembered what happened last night.

But Lian Ren's thoughts didn't last long because he was taken aback when Shao Ling glared at him and averted his eyes off to his direction. Wow.... He's really angry at me.... Lian Ren redirected his gaze back at the beautiful woman's direction with a slight dejected expression until the beautiful woman spoke,

A floating palace guard slammed the door opened as he shouted, running towards the stage arena and kneeling in front of the Peak and Sect Masters with a terrified expression,

The beautiful woman frowned and the corners of her fingers twitched,

The bewildered audiences as well as the participants shifted their gazes at the woman who spoke at the second floor balcony. Her ink black hair was tied into a clean bun and her skin was like that of a porcelain glass, glistening and looking moised. Her fitted white clothes that exposed her neck down to her busts with an outline of red and orange was looking lovely and alluring as well as her face that was molden into a small and slim shape. With ink blank almond eyes, thin and slick brows, sharp pointed nose and pouty red lips with a mark on her forehead, her appearance was unearthly beautiful.

Tian Xian (Heavenly Fairy) Peak Master

Yue Yangxue

"It's the Tian Xian Peak Master!"

"Goodness! She's so beautiful! She should be out of the sun more often!"

"Shh! Don't say that! The last man who said that to him had his head fed to her tiger pets."

"She's more dangerous despite her appearance."

"You should be more careful..."

Yue Yangxue stared at the audience with a slight smile on her face that made the audience instantly silence, to the point that they didn't even dared to breathe. Yue Yangxue redirected her gaze at the beautiful woman and spoke once again,

The beautiful woman stuttered,

Yue Yangxue cut her off with a smile.

The beautiful woman slowly took a step back but Yue Yangxue laughed sweetly and slowly raised her hand, bright red spiritual qi with a sweet fragrance rushing on the beautiful woman's direction as it turned into a bright red ribbon, tying the beautiful woman like a gift with no escape. Yue Yangxue said with a sweet laugh.

The beautiful woman cried out.

Yue Yangxue cut her off again,

The beautiful woman yelled, after a moment, her green eyes radiated a bright green glow until she let out a loud shout.

Countless ghost wisps were rushing onto the direction of the floating palace. The guards can't stop them so the ghost wisps arrived at the arena in a short amount of time. Some of the Martial Masters stood up, gathering their spiritual qi into their palms and throwing it onto the door, building up a barrier. However, the barrier was easily broken like a shattering glass, and ghosts dresses in black cloaks with weapons on their hands appeared, making Lian Ren frown. Ghost Generals? Why are they here? Could it be that the one behind this is....

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