《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 2 0


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Chapter 20

Lian Ren knitted his brows in astonishment. Reborn? He grabbed the black fur ball tighter and pulled it closer to his direction, Lian Ren asked.

The black fur ball glared at him and continued to struggle on his grasp,

Lian Ren became impatient, he raised his other hand and widened his palms. Blue spiritual qi started to flow put of his body and compressed into a small blue energy ball, Lian Ren pulled his other hand that was flowing out of blue spiritual qi closer to the black fur ball, threatening him as he spoke,

The black fur ball immediately yelled and surrendered itself,

Lian Ren withdrew his hand but the blue spiritual is still flowing out of his palms, making the black furball intimidated on his deadly aura as it started to speak,

Lian Ren replied, he remembered that he had picked up a random book that he found amusing because it had no title and only blank pages. And to think that the black fur ball was actually the black mist that was hibernating inside his body for a long time....

Lian Ren raised his eyes,

The black fur ball tilted it's whole body and replied,

Lian Ren replied hesitantly.

The black fur ball pondered in Lian Ren's grasp,

All of a sudden, the black fur ball was slammed into the rectangular boulder at the center, giving a huge impact on it's back even though it hadn't received even a bit of damage because of it's soft cotton body. The black fur ball was dumbfounded but it was taken aback when it felt a dangerous aura in front of him, until it saw Lian Ren's glowering eyes that was radiating a bright blue glow.

With such a tone of authority, the black fur ball was so intimidated to the point that it's soft cotton body started trembling like a black poodle,

All of a sudden, the sound of the chiming bells were ringing all over the Tian Shou Mountain, followed by a pleasant voice of a woman speaking,

After the announcement, the place that looks like a paradise was filled with a deafening silence, the black fur ball didn't even dared to breathe, even the streaming water didn't dared to make a sound. After a while, Lian Ren closed his eyes and heaved a breath, making the black fur ball frightened.


As Lian Ren opened his eyes, his eyes were back to normal and the bright blue glow was already gone. He grabbed the black fur ball on its head and started walking out of the cave as he spoke,

The black fur ball was starstruck. Why are you blaming me?! How is it my fault?! The black fur ball had no strength to break free from Lian Ren's grasp so it just let Lian Ren grabbed it's body as it silently cried. Lian Ren went out of the cave and went back to the entrance of the Tian Shou Mountain, he saw that only a few participants were able to get a Heavenly beast for themselves since taming a heavenly beast is a very hard task, considering that they are a high tier species that normal beasts.

Lian Ren shifted his gaze at Xin Mei who spoke. He saw that Xin Mei was riding on a snow white deer with beautiful big golden horns, it was not suitable for battle but it's a very good mount with a defensive abilities. Xin Mei noticed that Lian Ren was looking at her heavenly beast and scratched her head with an awkward laugh,

Lian Ren replied,

Xin Mei asked with a hopeful expression,

Xin Mei added with a smile on her face,

Lian Ren shifted his gaze at Jian Jie's direction when he heard a loud growl near him. A black panther with blood red eyes was near Jian Jie who was caressing it's head with a blank expression, it was both good as a mount and also as a battle companion because black panthers are fast beasts and it's claws and fangs can pierce through iron armors, it also had a offensive abilities but it lacks defensive abilities.

Jian Jie noticed that someone was staring at his direction when he realized that it was only Lian Ren. In a blink of an eye, his face showed a grimace expression as he spoke with his chin lifted,

Xin Mei's eyes twitched in astonishment,

Jian Jie arched his brows as he stared down at the raging black fur ball who was glaring at his direction and shouting, Before Lian Ren could say anything, the gate portal was already opened and all of them went out of the Tian Shou Mountain.

Only ninety four participants were able to get a heavenly beasts, and the audience were shocked by the results because a large number of participants were eliminated for the last round. The beautiful woman announced that the last round will commence tomorrow because the sun had already set. Only the Peak and Sect Masters with their disciples who were able to proceed through the last round will stay at the floating palace for the night. The service was very good and the rooms were not bad, but what Lian Ren was confused is that.......


"I can't sleep with Shizun! What if Shizun hears my snores? It would be humiliating!"

"You dared to let me sleep with Shizun?! I respect Shizun and i will never be on the same bed with him. I am not deserving."

Lian Ren heaved a breath and rested his hand on his forehead with a frown. So many reasons..... You guys just need to say that you're both scared to be in the same room with Shizun!

Lian Ren was taken aback when Shao Ling suddenly asked. He shifted his gaze on Shao Ling's direction who was sitting beside the balcony with a tea on his hand and wearing the same thin plain white night robe that the maid gave them when she knocked on their room. Shao Ling's long and straight ebony black hair was slightly rustling as the cozy breeze from the open balcony went pass through him and his soot black eyes was slightly glistening as it was illuminated by the moonlight. Lian Ren was starstruck but he managed to give an answer.

Shao Ling responded as he slightly arched his brows,

A deafening silence filled the room, and Lian Ren can't take the awkwardness anymore so he stood up on the queen sized bed and went to the couch and lay down.

Shao Ling stared at him for a while, his mouth was slightly opened but no words came out until Shao Ling gave him a nod as a response and redirected his gaze at the moon outside the balcony as he continued to drink his tea. Lian Ren was bewildered because he though for a moment that Shao Ling wants to say something, he had always noticed back then that when Shao Ling wants to say something, his mouth would always be slightly opened.

But with another thought, Lian Ren knew that Shao Ling in this life had changed so he thought that it shouldn't be the case anymore. He rested the back of his head and his neck on the arm of the couch and closed his eyes to sleep. Asking the black fur ball with Shao Ling present in the room would be a bad idea because Lian Ren had no excuses if Shao Ling ask him about their conversation about his soul so Lian Ren decided to ask the black fur ball tomorrow morning.




Lian Ren's eyelashes fluttered as he slowly opened his eyes. He stared at the window on his side and saw that the moon is still bright from the outside, but what caught his attention even more is the groans of pains of someone inside the room. All of a sudden, a wave of spiritual qi spread out of the room, pushing away the furnitures with an average impact but it was enough to know where the wave was coming from, until Lian Ren's gaze stopped at Shao Ling's direction who was shifting left to right from the bed as he breathe loudly.

Lian Ren immediately stood up and ran to the bed, carefully grabbing Shao Ling'd back and slowly lifting him up, Lian Ren called out,

It was no good. Shao Ling cannot hear him at all. Lian Ren tried to shake him but Shao Ling's eyes was still close, as if he was in a deep sleep. With a swift of Lian Ren's hand, blue spiritual qi flowed out of his fingertips and pressed Shao Ling's meridians to ease the pain, but a huge wave of spiritual qi coming from Shao Ling's body instantly removed Lian Ren's spiritual qi that made him bewildered and panicked.

Lian Ren cursed under his breath and tried to stroke Shao Ling's arm to atleast ease the pain but it was also not helping until he heard the black fur ball spoke,

The black fur ball exclaimed,

In a hurry, Lian Ren was about to rip Shao Ling's clothes when he stopped in the middle, breathing heavily and his heart pounding like crazy. No, no no! There's no time for this! Stop thinking about it! Stop thinking about it! Lian Ren heaved a breath and redirected his gaze back at the lace of Shao Ling's belt as he whispered,

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