《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 1 9


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Chapter 19

With the remaining participants at the arena stage, all of them entered the gate portal that leads to the Tian Shou Mountain one by one. The sound of chirping birds were heard all over the mountain as well as their wings that loudly fluttered as they soared to the sky. The Tian Shou Mountain was very huge and the plants were filled with rich and pure spiritual qi.

Lian Ren hanged his sword on his waist belt as he wandered his eyes on the surroundings. Xian Mei murmured as she stared at the spectacular scenery of the mountain.

Jian Jie replied to her as he stared at his own holy weapon.

Xin Mei frowned in bewilderment,

Jian Jie replied,

Lian Ren asked with a proud smile on his face.

Jian Jie immediately scowled at him with an answer, Can you stop making it obvious that you hate me, shixiong?

Almost all of the participants were already travelling all over the Tian Shou Mountain to search for a heavenly beast so Xin Mei, Jian Jie and Lian Ren also made their move and decided to split up by heading to three different pathways. Jian Jie head to the southwest where the path is leaded to a jungle, Xin Mei went to the North were the path is leaded to the cold part of the Tian Shou Mountain and Lian Ren headed to the East that was straight to the steep cliffs and a long river.

After a while, the sun was already about to set, and the sky was changing to blue to yellow until it became orange to red, and Lian Ren wasn't able to find anything. He scoffed and frowned as he sat on an average sized boulder and rested his hand on his chin with his face showing a sign of irritation.

That's so suspicious. This place is a perfect spot for bird species to build a nest, yet no one is residing in here? Lian Ren slowly stood up, spreading out his palms and releasing his blue spiritual qi that was compressing into a shape of a circle, then slowly molding into varieties of shapes until it turned into a tiny ice fairy. Lian Ren ordered.

The tiny ice fairy responded with a low clinging sound before it expanded it's wings and swiftly flew on a certain direction between the two long cliffs. Lian Ren went back to sit in a meditating position, pressing his both palms together as he naturally closed his eyes, feeling the tranquility in the air.

After a while of his meditation, the rich and pure spiritual qi coming from the small plants and bushes slowly flew towards Lian Ren's direction, spinning aroundd him until it compressed itself into a round shape and slid inside his robe straight to his spiritual core. Lian Ren opened his eyes that radiated a faint blue glow and heaved a breath, slowly standing up with a refreshed expression.


Haa... Rich and pure spiritual qi are the best. Unlike those cheap ass pills that can make your cultivation advance to the innate core, spiritual energies that came from the nature is better because it gives you a side effects as if you've eaten a huge amount of bowls of wonton soup. I feel really full... Lian Ren was about to walk to the other side of the cliff when a low clinging sound rang inside his ears, a sign that the ice fairy is calling out to him.

Lian Ren frowned in suspicion. I thought no one lives in this place? Yet why is my ice fairy in danger? He immediately unsheate his the Yun Sect sword that he received and slid his index and middle finger on it's blade to infuse his spiritual qi as he followed where the clinging sound is coming from. Lian Ren's ice fairies were made when he just finished the Technique of molding that he just made up.

The technique of molding requires a talent that can fully control the individual's own spiritual qi to it's extent, and Lian Ren passed the requirements after he became the Frost Demon. Lian Ren made the ice fairies for scouting only and they have no offensive skills. However, the ice fairies agility is comparable to an intermediate martial artists as well as the intelligence to survive at any situation. It's very suspicious because his ice fairy was caught. Unlless....

Lian Ren found himself in front of a large entrance of a cave. As he took his step forward, he can already sense the powerful wave of spiritual qi coming from inside. Lian Ren took a quick glance on his bladeless holy weapon and sighed. He still doesn't know how to use it so he better rely on his fist for now. As Lian Ren walked inside the lare cave, the powerful wave of spiritual qi was becoming even more stronger, to the point that it was intimidating. However, it cannot affect Lian Ren's spiritual core but his body that was still not trained and refined is weakened, making him unable to walk properly.

Lian Ren continued walking with a displeased expression, pressing his lips together and his brows were knitted into a deep frown. Lian Ren, you idiot! Why can't you work out so that you can gain abs?! What have you been doing in your days?! How are you this flesh and bones? Damn it! Lian Ren positioned his hand to infuse spiritual qi around his body so that the powerful wave of spiritual qi won't enter inside him but the energy was unusual, it completely ignored his barrier and continued to weaken his body as if his barrier didn't exist in the first place.

Lian Ren frowned. It can even pierce through my barrier?! I refined my technique so that the barrier that i make will be sturdy..... Lian Ren stared down at his own barrier and pondered as he continued to walk limping. No, i think that's not the case..... The energy is ignoring my barrier. Instead of an existing energy, it seemed like it was invisible.... Like that of a ghost.


Lian Ren was immediately taken aback when the clinging sound rang louder in his ear. He immediately turned his head on a certain direction and kept walking towards the direction where he heard the clinging sound of the ice fairy. There were no pear watchers on his place so the audience won't be able to see where he is, and it gives Lian Ren advantages to freely do what he wants.

With a few more walk, Lian Ren can finally notice a tiny blue glow from afar, twinkling and circling around as if it was trapped. Lian Ren bit his lip to endure the pain as he gathered strength at the calves of his feet to walk faster, and in no time, he had already arrived where the ice fairy was.

It was just floating in front of him but it's small hands were spread out as if it was pressing on an invisible wall. Lian Ren tried to walk towards the ice fairy but in a blink of an eye, a gray colored spiritual qi glowed and blasted, knocking Lian Ren back and he was slammed on the cave's wall. Lian Ren said in a straight tone, brushing away the dusts on his robe and standing up again. He was about to take a steo forward again when suddenly, his chest radiated a glow and a black wisp came out, heading straight to the dark place where the ice fairy was trapped.

Lian Ren was dumbfounded. The black wisp that was not responding to him for weeks suddenly went out of his body, heading to the unknown place that is dangerous and mysterious. But what piqued his interest was something must have triggered the black wisp to come out of his body. Lian Ren raised his hand and let his blue spiritual qi flow out of his body. When it was already enough, Lian Ren closed his palms and the blue spiritual qi instantly froze, turning into a sharp ice spikes.

Lian Ren slightly waved his hand and his eyes radiated a blue glow. The ice spikes that was scattered on the ground slightly shook and gradually floated back towards Lian Ren's hands, molding itself into a sword with a bluish transparent sword. Lian Ren immediately grabbed the handle of the sword and swung it on the invisible wall. A moment later, a sound of a shattering glass was heard and the invisible wall had a hole as if it was a glass.

Lian Ren repeatedly swung it upwards and downwards until the invisible wall broke. Sounds of shattering glass resonated again and again until Lian Ren felt that the powerful wave of spiritual have already faded. The ice fairy immediately went to his shoulder with a crying expression and started making high pitched clinging sound, as if the ice fairy was complaining to Lian Ren about what happened.

Lian Ren chuckled and grabbed the ice fairy that was on his shoulder. The ice fairy responded with a soft clinging sound before it melted into an ice and slowly disappeared into nothingness.

Lian Ren heaved a breath and stretched his hand before directing his gaze at the direction of the dark path where the black wisp headed.

He started walking towards the dark path's direction with a straight expression. The sound of a dripping and streaming water was heard as he walked, a sign that the cave was near the river that was below the cliffs. With a few more walks, a ray of light was seen in the edge of the cave and a hole was seen. When Lian Ren entered, he was surprised because the place looks like a paradise. There were plants and vines filled with rich and pure spiritual qi and a lagoon with fresh ocean blue water with a large rectangular boulder placed on the center.

Lian Ren frowned, he rested his hand on the handle of the Yun Sect sword in case something might come out as he walked around the place. His every footsteps echoed as he walked, and the sound of the streaming water was relaxing to ear. Lian Ren was about to approach the rectangular boulder when a black silhouette appeared on it's edge, making him unsheathe his sword and point it on a certain direction.

Lian Ren stared down at the black silhouette with a gloomy expression. He lowered his hand and grabbed the creature in astonishment and spoke with a tone of disbelief,

Lian Ren stared at it once again. It was really a black furball that looks like a cotton, it was soft to touch and it's small pitch black eyes was adorable to see. The shocking reality was that the black furball's voice sounded deep and rough like a man in his fourties or maybe fifties. Lian Ren murmured to himself, spreading out his palms to create a sharp ice spike when the furball struggled on his grasp and spoke.

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