《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 1 4


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Chapter 14

Four weeks have passed in an instant, and the Rising Star Cultivation Battle was about to start. Below the sun that had already rose, the Yun Sect disciples, whether they are inner or outer disciples, trained to their extent because of the incoming competition. Noises and footsteps were heard all over the Yun Sect, disciples carrying a baggage on their hands and some were books and herbs to bring to the competition. Some were just messing around and just sleeping, tagging along for amusement or fun.

The Yun Sect disciples immediately stopped messing around and pretended to be fixing the baggages on the carriages, but what they saw made their jaw drop. It was as if the Yun Sect Master seems to be gleaming with pure beauty, as if just by looking at him makes you feel bewitched. Some of the Yun Sect disciples glanced at each other in bewilderment, some cannot take their eyes off to the Yun Sect Master and some were already appreciating his beauty.

Jian Jie was already glaring at them and the Yun Sect disciples immediately lowered their heads with an apologetic expression. Jian Jie narrowed his eyes on them once more before facing the direction on one of the carriage at the front.

However, Lian Ren stood behind them, still staring at Shao Ling with a bewildered expression. What happened to him? I never seen him transform.... It's like....he's a snake shedding it's skin. Actually, Lian Ren slept at the Azure Lotus Pavilion. Even though Shao Ling already looks like he had already recovered, there might be a possibility that his illness wil comeback and Lian Ren's ice attribute will be needed if that happens.

The four of them went inside the carriage quietly. Xin Mei, Jian Jie and Lian Ren are sitting on the other side of the carriage while Shao Ling is sitting on the other side by himself, staring outside the window with a soured expression as Xin Mei poured him a cup of tea. Xin Mei whispered as he called out to Lian Ren.

Lian Ren raised his both eyes as a response and after Xin Mei handed the cup of tea to Shao Ling, she went to Lian Ren's direction and whispered,


Jian Jie said in a low voice but his eyes was beaming with anger,

Lian Ren just shrugged as a response. He didn't know himself either. They didn't talk that much after Shao Ling is awake because Lian ren feel like he was still unstable and talking to him will be like talking to a sturdy rock, that's why he just sleep at the backyard while the ice fairies went to give Shao Ling cold while he slept again. But from what he heard from his past life, Shao Ling doesn't like the Darling of the Heavens and it seems like he doesn't want to go to the Floating Palace.

Xin Mei murmured.

Lian Ren replied.

Jian Jie said with his eyes opened wide as he stared at Lian Ren.

Lian Ren replied.

Xin Mei murmured again.

Lian Ren replied.

Jian Jie asked again, his eyes opened wide as he stared at Lian Ren.

Lian Ren replied.

Jian Jie glowered at him and scowled,

Jian Jie immediately responded then sat properly.

The carriage stopped below the gigantic floating palace. All of the Yun Sect disciples as well as Shao Ling ad the three stepped out of the carriage and grabbed their weapons, infusing qi in it so that it would be able to fly. Xin Mei giggled and sat on the handle of her long bow while her purple spiritual qi is dancing around it, Lian Ren and Jian Jie infused qi on their sword andd stepped on it while Shao Ling made a cloud of ice, sitting on it in a serene expression as he closed his eyes.

The Yun sect tutor said with a smile.

The Yun Sect disciples bowed and bring out their weapons, soaring high in the sky towards the floating palace's direction.

The Yun Sect was able to arrive at the gigantic gate of the floating palace. The floor was made with marbles and the palace was made with pure jade and golden pillars and statues decorated all over, it was a very beautiful, fantastical sight that every Sects and Peaks will never get tired of. The golden gate opened and the Yun Sect walked forward, followed by the guard shouting,


Shao Ling, who was in front, looked at the crowd of people with a bold, soot black round eyes to portray his honor and dignity as the Yun Sect peak master. Exactly fifteen sects with fifty thousand cultivators were looking at him, some were whispering, some were quite competitive and some minded their own business.

There was the Mount Hua Peak (Flower) but the Peak Master was nowhere to be seen, The Wan Zhan Peak (Ten Thousand Battles), Tian Xian Peak (Heavenly Fairy), Bai Jian Peak (Hundred Arrows), Qian Zhang Peak (Thousand Palms), Qian Jian Peak (Thouand Swords), Yinying Sect (Shadow), Zhuzi Peak (Bamboo), Ci Feng Sect (Piercing Wind), Jinglei Sect (Striking Thunder), Youdu Sect (Venomous), Ziran Peak (Nature), Diqiu Sect (Earth), Shengyin Sect (Sound) and Shuang Sect (Frost).

Different kinds of values on Martial Arts, different beliefs and also varieeties of attributes to be learned. It was truly an honorable competition to rise up to the ranks. Thousands of cultivators were looking at Shao Ling but his face feels unbothered, like a calm wind brushing through the strong storm------

Lian ren, who was observing Shao Ling the whole time, exactly saw how his face turned calm to sour from hearing the shout that was coming from nowhere. All of the sudden, a silhouette was shown in the midst of the crowd, running past the people straight to the Yun Sect's direction with a bright smile on his face.

His long hair was silver, but when it was exposed to the sun, it became close to white. His skin was pink to the point that it seems that he was always blushing and his brows were thick and neat as well as his slanted bright pink eyes that looks so lovely and beautiful with a sharp pointed nose and a thin wide lips.

"Oh....It's the darling of the Heavens..."

"Here he goes again...."

"I hope the Yun Sect Master won't get annoyed this time..."

"My God! He's beautiful as usual!~"

Shao Ling greeted him with just his name.

Darling of the Heavens


Shao Ling glanced at him with an exhausted expression, but before Shao Ling could say a word, Yong Yingxi was already in front of him, continuously jabbing hiss shoulder with a big smile on his face,

Yong Yingxi paused from the sound and sweat dripped down to his face. He giggled and turned to Shao Ling once again then spoke before running straight to the other side of the floating palace,

Shao Ling sighed and cleared his throat to catch his disciple's attention,

The golden chime bells rang and the cultivators went inside the hall of the floating palace. A massive and wide arena that was made in jade and gold greeted them with rows of seats and balconies from above. There are some women dressed in beautiful and colorful robes with trays desserts and pastries on their small and delicate hands. The women bowed at them and their seductive lips curved into a sweet smile as they paved way for the cultivators to come inside the arena.

The inner and outer disciples of the Sects and Peaks were seated at the row of seats near the arena and the Peak and Sect Master were seated at the balcony accompanied by their direct disciples, relatives or may be the representative of the Peak or Sect Master. Shao Ling sat at the third floor balcony with Lian Ren, Xin Mei and Jian Jie standing behind him. A pot of tea with four porcelain cups were served on the small jade table with plates of pastries and desserts.

A beautiful woman dressed in moss green robes with an outlined fabric of brighter green and red with butterfly accessories stepped in the middle of the arena, greeting everyone with a soft angelic voice,

The cultivators listened as the beautiful woman spoke,

The beautiful woman spoke again,

The crowd suddenly starts going crazy. With such an unbelievable tempting prize, who wouldn't do their best? The beautiful woman who was speaking curved her full andd pouty red lips into a smile and slowly raised her hand,

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