《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 1 0


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Chapter 10

The deadly scent of the exotic air radiated throughout the Ghost City. Lian Ren glowered at the sight of the gate and the upside down faces carved on the pitch black wood. Back on his past life, he had once came on the Ghost City of the Gluttony Ghost and it was a nightmare. Every ghost that were seen were so evil and cruel as they tried to kill and eat each other.

Thinking about it, and how Shao Ling was brought to a city like this, a hot feeling of anger surfaced on Lian Ren's chest as he pressed his lips together and lifted his gaze at the tall buildings of the Ghost city from afar. He was about to enter the gate because he felt a little bit of impatient when Xin Mei pulled his wrist back to his place and spoke.

Xin Mei's thin and slick brows knitted into a deep frown as she continued to speak,

Lian Ren was about to say that he can easily wipe out the weak ghosts inside the Ghost City but he immediately remembered that he need to hide the fact that he had a demonic core inside of him beside his spiritual core. So Lian Ren only closed his eyes and heaved a breath before opening them again and standing properly as he glanced at Xin Mei who was finally showing a satisfied smile.

Xin Mei glued her palms together and closed her eyes as she hummed incantation words. A glowing purple light illuminated between her palms and Xin Mei slowly opened her palms, showing an average sized purple butterfly with an outline of black materializing out of her both hands. The large wings of the black and purple butterfly fluttered slowly as it faced Xin Mei's direction while she ordered,

The black and purple butterfly stared at her for a bit before slowly flying upwards, the shimmers of its traces showing as it glowed up in the pitch black empty sky. Xin Mei and Lian Ren took a quick glance at each other before finally walking pass through the gate of the Ghost City. As they continued to walk, Xin Mei initiated a conversation while they waited for the butterfly. Xin Mei rested her hand on her chin as she pondered and spoke,

( Baoshi means Gluttony, )

Lian Ren wanted to agree on Xin Mei but he remembered that he doesn't read books at the Yun Sect library back when he was young. He let Xin Mei talk to herself for a while and shifted his gaze on the busy ghosts on the streets. A strong scent of alcohol and cigarettes are on the air mixed by the strong stench of blood. Loud laughter and curses were heard all over the City if Baoshi. There were ghosts who are fighting to death, ghosts who mind their own business, ghosts who filled themselves in greed and there are ghosts drunk in lust.


The Seven Deadly Sins were created when the very first Demon King from the underworld realm was born coming from the negative energies and impurities of the living. The first Demon King was very powerful because he was the only one who can absorb negative qi and impurities of the living, until one time, the Demon King decided to shared his power by summoning seven deadly people based on the worst sins they have created. Therefore, the Demon King called them the Seven Deadly Sins.

The Seven Deadly Sins were ghosts so they cannot stay at the Underworld Realm and they resided at the Demon Realm. At that time, the souls of the living were only roaming aaround the Demon Realm, not knowing what to do andd only waiting for a reincarnation in case the God of death permitted them. The Seven Deadly Sins established their own cities all over the Demon Realm and gathered all of the souls that they could find to make them their subordinates.

The Ghost of Envy rules the City of Jidu (Envy), The Ghost of Pride rules the City of Zihao (Pride), The Ghost of Greed rules the City of Tanlan (Greed), the Ghost of Sloth rules the City of Shu Lan (Sloth), the Ghost of Wrath rules the City of Fennu (Wrath), the Ghost of Lust rules the City of Qingyu (Lust) and the ghost of Gluttony rules the City of Baoshi, where Lian Ren and Xin Mei are located.

The Seven Deadly Sins were different than normal ghosts because they inherited a little bit of the Demon King's powers and made it their own. even if it was just a little bit, it was very strong for them and it depends on their credibility if they are able to make the demonic power even more stronger or if it will remain that way. Lian Ren gazed straight at the road as he ignored the ghosts all over the cities.

They weren't able to notice him and Xin Mei because of the stealth necklace that hides their life energy as well as their spiritual qi so it was a good thing. However, it wouldn't be the case in front of the Gluttony ghost or his trusted subordinates where he shared his ability to.

Lian Ren glanced at Xin Mei who was continuously murmuring to herself until she paused and lifted her gaze on the pitch black empty sky.

she said with a smile as the black and purple butterfly slowly landed on her hands. It's beautiful large wings fluttered as it made a low clinging sound and Xin Mei listened to it as if she can understand what the butterfly is saying.


After a while, Xin Mei nodded to the butterfly and the butterfly scattered itself back into a purple spiritual qi and went back to Xin Mei's chest. Xin Mei's face darkened as she pointed at the certain direction and Lian Ren followed where her hand was pointing.

It was a tall and massive tower in the middle of the City of Baoshi. Bright green glowing lantern surrounded the edges of the tower that was painted in an ink black colored with golden outlines, making it look very daring and magnificent from afar while it's golden roof was molded into a pointed shape with a blank flag on the top.

Lian Ren heaved a breath as he stared at the tall and massive tower from afar. It would be troublesome to infiltrate the tower because it was obvious that it is tightly secured by the Gluttony Ghost's subordinates. lian Ren knew that he can easily freeze the whole city and kill every ghost but he might hurt Xin Mei along and also Shao Ling.

Lian Ren cut Xin Mei off with a suggestion.

Xin Mei immediately frowned and shook her head with a reply,

Lian Ren asked with a gentle smile on his face.

Xin Mei stared at him for a while as she pondered before answering hesitantly,

Xin Mei asked with a concerned tone.

Lian ren answered with a smile,

Xin Mei's purple eyes brightened as her heart shaped lips curved into a sweet smile then patted Lian Ren's head,

Xin Mei bid goodbye to Lian Ren and wished him good luck before walking back outside the City of Baoshi. Lian Ren waited for Xin Mei to step out of the city until he finally stretched out his both hands and walking forward to the tall and massive tower. I can finally move freely. He was able to arrive in front of the entrance door of the tower without causing trouble because of the stealth necklace and leisurely opened the door as he removed the stealth necklace on his neck because it restrains his spiritual qi.

A loud shrieking voice echoed throughout the first floor of the tower and in a flash, a bunch of armored ghostly wisps came rushing on Lian Ren's direction, holding a weapon on their hands that wass infused with demonic qi.

Only a battle qi? Lian Ren laughed at the incoming armored ghostly wisp as he whispered to himself,

With a wave of Lian Ren's left hand, a spark blue spiritual qi bursted out of his palms and the whole tower was already frozen, leaving the armored ghostly wisps paralyzed on their position. One of the ghostly wisp shrieked and struggled on the ice but the ice climbed even more on it, slowly melting away half of his body. Lian Ren glanced at them and spoke with a grin,

However, the ghostly wisps were idiot and didn't listen to his statement as they continued to break free from the ice until they became entirely frozen and their whole body fell on the frozen floor, scattered in pieces. Lian Ren ignored them and continued to climb up the stairs. On his way, blue spiritual qi flowed out of his body and automatically molded itself into a shape of a snow white wolf. The wolf let out a loud bark and Lian Ren crouched down as he ordered,

The wolf immediately sniffed on the floor to find the traces of Shao Ling's smell while Lian Ren followed it from behind as he killed the incoming guards up the stairs. The wolf stopped in front of a massive black doubled door and barked once again until it scattered into a wave of a blue spiritual qi. Lian Ren was about to calmly open the door when he heard Yuan's voice from inside.

The black massive doubled door was slammed open, and the possessed Yuan felt a terrifying bloodlust focused on his back that gave shivers down his spine. He immediately turned around just to see Lian Ren looking at him with his bloodshot eyes radiating a bright blue glow while his whole body was filled with a strong blue spiritual energy that was now a bit darker than usual.

Lian Ren's voice thundered as he saw Shao Ling lying on the bed, his robe was ripped into pieces as well his inner clothes and half off his body was now shown. Shao Ling's eyes as tightly closed and his thick brows were deeply frowning as he released heavy breaths, as if he have a difficulty breathing.

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