《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 9


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Chapter 9

Xin Mei was still speechless on what was going on as he stared at Lian Ren who was gripping tightly on Yuan's neck. So much questions are on her mind but he can't say it out loud because her Shizun was beside her so in the end, Xin Mei stayed calm and poised as he listened to Yuan's weakened voice.

However, Lian Ren doesn't have a big heart in the first place. He had murdered thousands of people in his past life and watched their blood flowed through the ground, spilling on the entire Yun Sect just to see his Shizun suffer from the horrible sight of his own people that he had been protecting so long, lying their cold bodies on the ground as they bathe in their own blood.

Lian Ren gripped Yuan's neck tighter than made him yelp in pain. His ink black eyes radiated a bright blue glow as he stared at Yuan with an indifferent look,

Yuan yelled, a bright green smoke flowed out of his eyes as well as his mouth, spreading throughout the entire library and making a thick smoke all over the area.

Lian Ren immediately withdrew his hand on Yuan's neck and went to Xin Mei and Shao Ling's direction, widening his both palms as he let his blue spiritual qi spread out to the area and compressed itself into a circling shape, making a barrier so that they won't be caught up to the deadly mist that Yuan let out. Xin Mei grabbed her bow on her back and immediately pulled it's string. A large wave of a purple spiritual qi spread out around the barrier, like a wind blowing away the huge thick smoke in the air.

Half of the library became visible again, but the other side of the library was filled with a bright green thick smoke, as if it was compressing to each other until the green smoke shrunk as if it was being absorbed. Yuan appeared in the midst of the old shelves, his eyes radiating a bright green glow once again, but Lian Ren, Xin Mei and Shao Ling knew that there was something suspicious going on.

Yuan's low and soft voice was now deep and husky, as if he became a different person in a short amount if time.

Xin Mei whispered in concern, still pulling the string if her bow and aiming on Yuan's direction,

Shao Ling take a quick glance at her and redirected his gaze back on Yuan's direction,

Xin Mei immediately insisted,

Lian Ren didn't say anything and just focused on maintaining the barrier. He knew that Shao Ling doesn't like to remain useless in a battlefield even if it may cause his health, or maybe his life. Shao Ling also glanced at his direction with a cold gaze and started to walk out of the barrier that Lian Ren made. Lian Ren was about to follow him when Shao Ling looked back, speaking in a demanding tone,


( In case you guys don't know, Shijie means Senior Sister. Just a reminder y'all!~ )

Lian Ren didn't respond but Shao Ling simply nod and took his silence as a yes as he continued to walk forward to Yuan's direction. Really...... Lian Ren heaved a breath as he stared at his Shizun's slender back then shifted his gaze on Xin Mei's direction and spoke,

Xin Mei nodded as a response and activated her spatial ring, another bunch of golden talismans appeared once again on her hands and she immediately threw it in the air, making another incantation pose as she pushed the golden talismans on the edges of the demon gate. Lian Ren took a quick glance on Shao Ling's direction. Even if he doesn't show it on his face, for some reason, he feel concerned on his Shizun. The Gluttony Ghost was not that strong but he always like being on spotlight and causing trouble on the mortal realm.

Back on his past life, he fought the Gluttony Ghost countless times when he became the Frost Demon and the Gluttony ghost only ran away when he knew that his life is in danger. Because Lian Ren felt like it's too troublesome to go after him, he spared the Gluttony Ghost a lot of times until he felt really annoyed and eventually froze him to death. Xin Mei took her time to gather her spiritual qi on the talismans, hurrying it would be a bad idea because the talismans won't be able to purify the high tier demon gate if she did it recklessly.

Shao Ling on the other hand, stretched out his right hand. Azure blue spiritual qi smoothly flowed out of his palms and molded it's shape into a beautiful icy sword that was close to bluish transparent color. The possessed Yuan who was still trying to get used to his body shifted his attention on Shao Ling who was looking at him with a cold gaze, as if was looking at a small incompetent bug.

However, the possessed Yuan, instead of feeling insulted from Shao Ling's eyes, let out a wide smile as he spoke.

Shao Ling glowered at the possessed Yuan's direction. The icy long sword that was made with his pure spiritual qi radiated a white glow and more of his azure blue spiritual qi flowed out of his body.

With a sudden burst, the whole Library was frozen and Shao Ling was already in front of the possessed Yuan. Making a deep cut on his arm as well as his waist. But Shao Ling knew that the possessed Yuan wouldn't feel the pain and he can't bear to hurt him so he took out a talisman from his pouch, infused his spiritual qi and threw it on the possessed Yuan's direction.


The possessed Yuan's back felt like it was burning as he removed the talisman that Shao Ling threw. the possessed Yuan's lifted his gaze at him with his eyes radiating a bright green glow and hiss brows knitted into a frown then spoke,

In a blink of an eye, the deadly claws of the possessed Yuan was already aiming at Shao Ling's face with a bright green fire radiating on it's palms. Shao Ling immediately dodge his hand and in an instant, the icy sword on his other hand was already on the possessed Yuan's neck, but the possessed Yuan immediately parried the icy sword with his other hand that was now looking like a monster's claw. Shao Ling took it as an opportunity to call out on his fan and the fan immediately responded, soaring out of his waist belt with an azure blue spiritual qi dancing around it's edges and rushing at the possessed Yuan's direction.

The possessed Yuan let out a mocking laugh as he shouted demonic words. Xin Mei, who was about to push the golden talismans on the edges of the demon gate, was surprised when bunch of ghostly wisps painted with a bright green demonic color gushed out of the demonic gate, letting out a loud shrieking sound as they ate everything they saw in the library.

Xin Mei immediately grabbed her bow and pulled its string. A bunch of purple glowing butterflies made of her own spiritual qi materialized out of the bow's handle, spreading all over the library where the ghostly wisps went to.

The purple glowing butterfly gracefully fluttered it's wings at thee ghostly wisps' direction, laanding at them in a serene way but the way that the ghostly wisps melted into nothingness was the opposite. The ghostly wisps were immediately alarmed by the purple glowing butterflies and stopped eating the things that they saw. Xin Mei took it as a chance to hop on Lian Ren's direction and spoke in a concerned tone,

Lian Ren simply said with a smile to reassure Xin Mei that he's fine and immediately redirected his gaze on Shao Ling's direction-----

Xin Mei exclaimed as she wandered her eyes on the surroundings but only found chaotic ghostly wisps who were trying to destroy the butterflies.

Lian Ren was also surprised. He had never seen Shao Ling being abducted in his paast life so the situation must have shocked him too. Lian Ren immediately unsheate the sword on it's scabbard and climbed up the stairs to go out of the library, but he only saaw the empty hallwaays of the Mist Temple as he exited. Lian Ren gripped tightly on his sword and gritted his teeth with his thick brows knitted into a frown.

Tsk. He's too weak. Why did he even became the Yun Sect master?..... Lian Ren knew that Shao Ling lose a huge amount of hiss strength when he was always ill. So when he becamw a frost demon, he had always made him ill just so that Shao Ling won't be able to fight against him. The Gluttony ghost must've noticed his weakness aand immediately took advantage to Shao Ling. Just a thought of it made Lian Ren's blood boils. Lian Ren immediately went back to the library and glanced at Xin Mei who was already panicking.

Xin Mei cried in concern. Lian Ren stared at her and eventually sighed as he replied,

Xin Mei immediately replied as she shook Lian Ren's shoulder. Xin Mei murmured with a sad expression.

Lian Ren chuckled and shifted his gaze at the demon gate. Xin Mei noticed where he was looking and also glanced at the demon gate with a confused expression until she finally get what is going on,

Lian Ren said and continued his words,

Xin Mei was staring at the demon gate with an unreadable expression until a purple spiritual qi staarted flowing out of her body mixed with pure bloodlust, Xin Mei shifted her gaze at Lian Ren with an angered expression, "Let's go, Shidi! Let's save Shizun!"

Lian Ren didn't say yes nor nod but instead, he accepted the stealth necklace that Xin Mei gave him so that they can hide their spiritual qi to the ghosts inside the Demon realm and stepped inside the portal. A blinding light greeted Lian Ren's sight until the blinding light slowly darkened, and a large gate with an upside down laughing places carved on it's pitch black wood greeted their sight.

Xin Mei grabbed her bow and infused spiritual qi in it until the bow shifted it's shape into a beautiful silver dagger with a floral purple handle so that her weapon wouldn't catch the attention of the ghosts. Lian Ren, on the other hand, threw hiss sword away and glanced at Xin Mei who spoke,

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