《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 8


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Chapter 8

( A/N : Yassss!!! Holidays are now gone so let's go back on updating this one! Enjoy reading! (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و )

The three stood still, not daring to make any reckless moves in front of the demon gate. Xin Mei's small and slender hand flinched as she slowly formed a purple sharp arrow using her spiritual qi but Shao Ling immediately faced her direction and made a blow on his pale hands, a cold wind passed through Xin Mei's direction and the arrow that was made with purple spiritual qi was destroyed in an instant, as if it was a fragile fire on a candle that was blown.

Xin Mei glanced at her shizun with a concerned expression,

Shao Ling simply responded, placing his index finger between his thin coral lips.

Lian Ren only stood behind and watched the two who were still undecided what to do. Judging from the brightness of the demon gate as well as it's demonic energy, it was clear that the demon gate was a high tier one, and the three of them can't just simply kill the ghosts lurking inside of it and destroy it afterwards, because Lian Ren knew what will happen if the did it.

Lian Ren crossed his hands and heaved a heavy breath, staring at the whirling green demon gate with a displeased expression. He was always doing a mission like this in his past life, and one time, he and his seniors encountered a high tier demon gate at the border of the Yun Sect.

Lian Ren was still weak and ignorant at that time, much more is that he was only a handicap at that time because he was assigned to carry the baggages of his seniors, and hew didn't know much about the marial arts of the Yun Sect.

His seniors were greedy, and immediately eliminated the ghosts because his seniors knew that destroying a high tier demon gate can give you a valuable prize, you can even get a martial weapon or maybe a high tier cultivation pill from it.

After eliminating all the ghosts lurking all over the borders of the Yun Sect, his seniors immediately destroyed the demon gate, causing four hundred to five hundred citizens to die after a large explosion, and destroying the border of the Yun Sect, causing monsters and demons to inflitrate the Yun Sect.

Half of Lian Ren's seniors died from the explosion and the remaining one except him were punished and was banished from the Yun Sect with their martial arts destroyed. Lian Ren was able to survive at that time because Xin Mei and Jian Jie was on his back, defending him from Shao Ling who was about to punish him after the damage of the Yun Sect.


But after Lian Ren became the Frost Demon, he can easily destroy demon and underworld gates easily. He still has his cultivation but he can't recklessly show it to Xin Mei and Shao Ling because it would be a bad idea, knowing that Shao Ling despise demonic arts or any evil in the world.

Xin Mei put her long bow on her back and remained staring at the demon gate while she spoke,

Shao Ling seemed to agree on her and replied,

Lian Ren's lips secretly curved as he stared at his shizun, amazed by how Shao Ling quickly decides on things and not wasting time. Xin Mei replied and stepped back on the demon gate, her spatial ring glowed and a bunch of golden talismans appeared on her palms, radiating a bit of a purple spiritual qi.

Xin Mei spread out the golden talismans and threw it on the demon gate's direction. She immediately positioned her hand on an incantation pose and started mumbling words. The floating golden talismans near the demon gate were illuminated by a purple fire one by one until all of them were flared, Xin Mei straightened her spreading palms and made a slow pushing motion, making the golden talismans push forward more on the demon gate's direction.

Xin Mei's forehead was staring to sweat as her trembling hand tried to push the golden talismans more on the demon gate,

With just alittle bit more push, the golden talismans were about to stick on the edges of the demon gate but a wave of a demonic aura coming from nowhere immediately pushed it back, making the golden talismans fall on the ground. Xin Mei's eyes immediately radiated a purple glow as she grabbed her long bow on her back with a sharp arrow made of purple spiritual qi on the arrow rest of the boww, aiming on a certain direction,

Shao Ling also did the same, immediately pulling out his fan and spreading it as he threw it in the air, radiaating an azure blue spiritual qi. Lian Ren, who was standing behind them the whole time, started to walk forward with a serious expression. Finally, he's here.

Xin Mei readied herself and Shao Ling remained staring at a certain direction when a sound of light footsteps started resonating all over the library. Lian Ren secretly opened up his palms as he stared at the door of the library, he had always observed that person since the beginning and he find him very suspicious. He immediately felt a faint of demonic energy from that person as soon as their eyes met, but he couldn't get the chance to confirm it.

A pale foot showed up on the area where the light coming from the demon gate was illuminated, until the person slowly showed himself with his eyes radiating a bright green glow. Xin Mei's eyes widened and spoke in shock,


The person didn't answer and remained standing in front of them. His once old clothes were now replaced with a pure black robe but his shirt hair that was painted with a pale white color and the fading purple eyes that was slightly showing in the midst of the green glow made it clear on who he was, and it was none other than Yuan. A green flame appeared out of Yuan's palm as he spoke in a low soft voice,

Lian Ren glowered as he stared down at the green demon flames on Yuan's palms. It seems that Yuan got in touch with the Gluttony Ghost and was blessed by the Seven Deadly sin's power. Lian Ren never liked the Sin of Gluttony because he was type of person who likes to cause trouble by making gates out of nowhere, and just by looking at the green demon flames on Yuan's palm make him feel like his veins will pop out of his forehead.

Shao Ling simply stared at Yuan. His eyes didn't show any displeasure, anger or any emotions that was hostile. But instead, sadness and sympathy was shown on his eyes as he stared at Yuan. The floating fan that was filled with a cold and deadly azure blue spiritual qi slowly disappeared as the fan fell on Shao Ling's palm. Xin Mei was surprised and shifted her gaze at her shizun's direction.

Shao Ling didn't answered and remained staring at Yuan's direction with an expression that made even Lian Ren confused. Shao Ling simply said.

Yuan's palm slightly flinched as he shifted his gaze on Shao Ling's direction. His teeth was still gritted tightly while the bright green flame was still flaring and dancing on his palms. Instead of being convinced, Yuan felt insulted as he tapped his right foot and was already in front of Shao Ling in a blink of an eye.

Xin Mei's eyes widened as she called for her Shizun and Shao Ling also didn't expected it. Still, Shao Ling widened his palms and was about to make an ice barrier when a sharp spike of ice went flying on Yuan's direction, the edge of the ice spike pierced on Yuan's palm, making a hole on his hand.

Lian Ren said with his deep voice reverberating all over the place.

Xin Mei immediately went to Shao Ling's direction and supported him from the back, she knew that Shao Ling is still not better but still, her Shizun immediately went to aid the two of them.

Shao Ling slightly pushed Xin Mei away and spoke with a flat tone,

Xin Mei insisted and replied,

Shao Ling said in a sharp tone, his brows arched as he stared at Xin Mei who eventually sighed and took a step back,

Shao Ling nodded at her and redirected his attention to Lian Ren and Yuan.

The two were already battling each other before Xin Mei and Shao Ling knew. Yuan's movements were more on his palms rather than his whole body, it seems like he only borrowed the demonic power because he doesn't know the basic fundamentals of martial arts which requires a full body concentration, not just a certain part of the body. Because when it comes to martial arts, whether it's demonic or righteous, the basic fundamentals was to balance that physical and mental energy of a martial artists before learning to cultivate further.

However, Lian Ren on the other hand, his moves were like a smooth line that was going on and on. It was immaculate, flawless, every move he make was calculated and none of them were wasted. Lian Ren knew when or where to dodge at the right place and the right time. His footsteps, the motion of his hands, the position of his body and the movements of his eyes, all of them were perfect. It was as if he fought countless Masters in his whole life...... which is true.

Xin Mei was in shock as she watched the battle of the two,

Lian Ren used his left hand to grab Yuan's other palm that was flared with a bright green demonic flames and froze it with ice. It was clear that Yuan was an immature qhen it comes to fighting because he was barely keeping up with Lian ren but there's something fishy that was going on, because despite Yuan being weaker than Lian Ren, his stamina was very high and Lian ren's ice without demonic energy can't even stop him. Lian Ren immediately thought of something and tapped his foot on the ground. With a loud thud, the entire ground of the library was frozen and Yuan was stuck on his place.

Yuan growled as he used his flames and tried to melt the ice but it doesn't seem to work. He froze when Lian Ren was already in front of him and his neck was grabbed, Yuan struggled and groaned as he tried to break free from Lian Ren's hands when Lian Ren suddenly spoke,

Xin Mei yelled in shock.

Yuan didn't replied but it was clear on his fading purple eyes that was trembling non stop. Yuan wasn't able to say anything on Lian Ren's words because every single detail he said were all true.

The green glow that was slightly gleaming on Yuan's eyes completely disappeared as he lowered his head and spoke in a low tone,

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