《Tainted Heart | 被污染的心 (BL)》C H A P T E R 7


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Chapter 7

A long stairs that was made of an ancient stone greeted their sight, the stairs was deep down the temple of who-knows-where. Lian Ren stood up as he brushed away the dusts on the hem of his Yun Sect robe and shifted his gaze at Xin Mei,

Shao Ling stared down the long stairs, a sinister demonic aura was clearly seen deep down the secret passage that was quite suspicious and dangerous. Shao Ling spoke as he put his both hands on his back like a strict dignified Master.

Lian Ren didn't know how to react on what he said. What is he saying........ When did he have that kind of mindset...... Xin Mei behind them nodded with a joyful expression, She took a step forward and held on the grip of her long bow tightly, Xin Mei pulled the string and a purple spiritual qi flowed out of her fingertips, the purple spiritual qi immediately molded it's shape into an arrow. The string gently slid away from Xin Mei's fingertips as she released it and the arrow rushed down the stairs where she aimed.

The rushing arrow illuminated through the dark stairs, spider webs and overgrown weeds were clearly seen through the light that the arrow was radiating until the spiritual qi that was shaped into an arrow slowly disappeared into nothingness. Xin Mei said as she put her bow in her back.

Shao Ling didn't answered and Lian Ren stepped forward to lead the way. As soon as the three of them stepped on the fifth stairs, a new square tile covered the exit and the whole surroundings became dark. Lian Ren heard Shao Ling clicking his tongue and suddenly, a cold but gentle air surfaced around them followed by a glowing spiritual qi that was shaped into a snowflake materializing out of Shao Ling's right palm.

The surroundings was now illuminated with a bright light and they can now clearly see each other. Shao Ling glanced at his two disciples as he spoke,

The three of them continued to walk down. As they walk deep down the secret passage of the temple, the more sinister the air around them became. Xin Mei grabbed her bow on her back again and held onto the string to ready herself while Lian Ren continued walking leisurely as he watched Shao Ling in front of him who was leading the way with a glowing snowflake on his hand. Lian Ren shifted his gaze at the snowflake on Shao Ling's hand, it was beautiful and if you see it closer the detail of the snowflake seemed magical with glitters and the tiny details of snowmen on it's edges.

Lian Ren knew that his Shizun always likes the snow-------No, his Shizun loves the snow but at the same time, his Shizun was weak to the cold. Lian Ren always find it weird when his Shizun would go outside every winter and always watched the snowflakes fall down and compressed itself into a pile of snow in his last lifetime. Every winter, Lian Ren would hide behind the well near the Azure Cloud Pavilion while staring at his Shizun who was watching the beautiful scenery of the winter with his eyes slightly sparkling in amusement.


Back then, Lian Ren had no courage to approach nor talk to his Shizun because he knew that his Shizun despised him. He could only watch from afar, with anger and amusement mixed inside him. Even after his Shizun had done horrifying and humiliating things to him at his last lifetime, Lian Ren couldn't bare to hate him completely. It was always two-sided, mixed emotions that he himself can't understand. As if there was a different persons inside of him that confuses his true emotions.

Lian Ren get a grip of himself and came back to reality, he noticed that Shao Ling was slightly shuddering even though he was wearing his outer robe, Lian Ren knew that Shao Ling's weakness was his own power. His Shizun was gifted with a rare power but his body can't handle it, and that's why his Shizun rarely uses his powers and only used it when needed.

Lian Ren lowered his gaze at Shao Ling's waist, he always imagined that his Shizun's waist would be sturdy and muscular but after seeing all of him after Lian Ren killed all the elders and kidnapped Shao Ling that caused the whole Yun Sect a great downfall and scandal, Lian Ren was surprised.

His Shizun was much more fragile that he thought, deep on the two layered robe that his Shizun was wearing, he knew that Shao Ling's shoulders were bright red from the cold right now. The sturdy and muscular waist that Lian Ren was expecting turned out to be a slender and beautifully molded waist, he remembered what his Shizun's expression when he ripped his clothes and stripped him naked.

His soft metal black eyes was slightly tearing and his cheeks were flushed red while his Shizun's thin coral lips was pursed in shame. Lian Ren gulped hard and set aside that thoughts, he always held tightly on those slender waist and often did humiliating thing to Shao Ling until his righteous dignity was stained but it was all in the past now.

Lian Ren came back to reality when Shao Ling spoke to him, his brows were arched and his metal black eyes were filled with suspicion and bewilderment.

It was all Lian Ren could say despite having messed up thoughts inside of him.

Shao Ling slightly flinched and frowned at him, he let out a low humph and redirected his gaze back to the pathway. Lian Ren heaved a breath of relief thinking that he will accidentally say those things infront of his Shizun. After a moment, Shao Ling suddenly stopped and Lian Ren and Xin Mei also halted behind him. Shao Ling said as he wandered his eyes on the surroundings.

Lian Ren frowned. What is this?..... From what i know, the Mist Temple only had one library and it's located at the central hall..... How come there's another library down here? Lian Ren glanced at the shelves that was alligned in a proper position, the books were also fixed in smallest to largest and thin to thick. Xin Mei took a step forward, pulling the string of her long bow and aiming at the surroundings in case someone suddenly ambush them. Xin Mei said as she aimed all over the surroundings.


After a while, and not a single one went to ambush them, Xin Mei put down her long bow and went on some random bookshelf then grabbed a random book. Xin Mei yelled with her eyes wide open as she looked at the book.

Shao Ling immediately rushed through her direction with the glowing snowflake still in his palm and Lian Ren unsheathed his sword and walked to Xin Mei's direction. Xin Mei handed the book to Shao Ling and Shao Ling frowned on what he saw, Shao Ling stared at the book for a while and started flipping it's pages. Even though the book was a Manual of a Demonic Martial Arts, the pages were crumpled and blank. There was no letters nor drawings written in every pages of the book.

Xin Mei frowned in confusion and grabbed another book that was also a Manual of Demonic Martial Arts, however, the pages were also the same as the other book. It's pages were also crumpled and blank.

Lian Ren also grabbed a random book and started flipping the pages that were also blank. Manual of Demonic Martial Arts...... and a blank pages...... Tch! Those rotten elders really had it dirty! How many corrupts will i found out about them? Should i add it as a count on the day that i'll kill them? If these are only blank...... is it perhaps a contracted Manual that needs the blood of it's owner? Should i take a try? Lian Ren stared at the book and glanced at the two far away from him. But Shizun and Shijie is here.... I can't be found out that i have a demonic core inside...

Xin Mei kept grabbing book after book and flipping them to pages. She grabbed another one and a loud clanking sound reverberated throughout the library that made them alarmed. Xin Mei immediately grabbed her long bow and pulled the string followed by a purple spiritual qi that was immediately molding itself into an arrow materialized out of her hand as she aimed to the direction where the sound was coming from.

However, what they saw was an opened stone door that was triggered by something. Xin Mei and Shao Ling blinked in bewilderment and Shao Ling stared down at the book that Xin Mei just recently grabbed, it was thick and large unlike the book that they were flipping pages on. Shao Ling picked up the thick and large book and brushed away the dust to read it's title.

'The Way of Demons.'

Shao Ling frowned and he glanced at the opened stone door that was illuminating a red light. He put the book back to it's shelf and started to walk forward, Xin Mei followed behind him with an alarmed expression and Lian Ren took it as a chance to try out the Manual the he got.

He slightly unsheathed his sword and cut his thumb, the fresh red blood dripped down the pages of the book that immediately made a disturbing gurgling sound as if the book was sucking out the blood on the pages as the blood gradually disappeared. A thick black smoke immediately went out of the book and spinned around Lian Ren, after a while, the book let out a sinister laugh and forced itself inside Lian Ren's chest.

A large excruciating pain materialized inside Lian Ren's chest, as if the black smoke entered his core. A monstrous deep voice suddenly spoke inside of his head that surprised him,

Lian Ren frowned, he gripped the fabric of his robe on his chest area tightly as he endured the agonizing pain on his chest. I went through much worse of this just to become a Frost Demon....... Endure...... Lian Ren was trying to endure the pain when he felt that the black smoke fused itself with his demonic core, he felt that his heart skipped a bit and his meridians widening up as if he had a huge upgrade inside of him.

Lian Ren stared at his both hands, he slightly waved it and a blue spiritual qi flowed out of his fingertips, radiating a bright glowed mixed with the black smoke that went inside his chest earlier. Lian Ren didn't know whether it was a good thing and a bad thing but he set that thoughts aside and went to the stone door where Shao Ling and Xin Mei went to.

Lian Ren can clearly sense the sinister aura all over the long pathway of the stone door and the bright red light that was illuminated through the dirty white walls that made it more suspicious and dangerous. He had just went back in time so he should take things slow first and observe the changes in the surroundings, being reckless and too arrogant will make him fail the plan that he had to repeat again.

When Lian Ren passed through the long hallway of the stone door, he lifted his gaze at the large portal infront of him that was radiating a bright red light on it's entrance. A countless faces of the demons were carved on the black stone edges of the portal with an ancient runes embedded with it.

Lian Ren shifted his gaze at Xin Mei and Shao Ling beside her who was staring at the large demon gate in front of them, Xin Mei tried to fish out some words but nothing came out of her mouth, she frowned and stared at the edges of the portal which had a horrifying upside down faces and ancient runes embedded with it.

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