《Festival Of The Gods [Unedited]》Princess Of Death


I was dragged through fields, gardens, sheds, in a loop, until we reached the back of the monastery. There I saw a huge dirt field with some people training.

'To your right are training dummies for your strength and swordsmanship, obviously. To your left are tracks for your stamina and the middle for battles both with fists and weapons. At the very back is a forge' Astrid explained as we walked into the field. I saw a couple of people competing in long runs and a bunch of cheering by the ring. All of them were men who wore only pants and were showing off their six packs. And that was quite the view.

'Hey people, I brought the Princess of Death!' Astrid shouted all of the sudden and everybody turned to us.

'Astrid!' I shouted warningly, shocked by her sudden outburst and a nickname, but it was too late. The whole group stopped what they were doing and stared at us. Astrid snaired her arm around my shoulders and dragged me to the group.

'Angus, I told you she was normal' Astrid said to a random person to her left and smirked back at me.

'Uhh... Princess of Death?' I asked her confused.

'Bride of that guy?' Astrid reasked and showed down to the ground on 'that' word. She meant Hades.

'He has a wife' I frowned at her. I had to keep the shuders from going down my spine because of the bride thing.

'I bet he would enjoy the second one. Heard he has some good moves' her smirk became wider and she wiggeled her eyebrows, but I was still confused. Good moves?

'Good moves? Of dancing?' I asked and heard a few snickers in the crowd. Astrid face went red and in seconds she and others burst out laughing.


'Era, you are the best! We are talking about the moves in bed!' She said and I felt my cheeks grow red. I slapped my hand over my face in embarrassment. I felt so stupid for not getting such an obvious joke.

Still laughing, Astrid pulled me into crushing hug.

'You are so fun to tease' she said chuckling.

'Or simply making fool out of yourself' an unfriendly voice spoke from behind me and Astrid let out a growl like sound. I got away from her grip and turned around to see sorce of unfriendliness. There stood a young man, barely out of his teens, with black super short hair and stormy brown eyes. Just like other men, he was shirtless, but you could see sweat beads on his chest from training. But the most eye cathing thing were green tattoos all over his body. They were shaped in small leaves on vines that hugged his body. On his right shoulder he had a sword lazily placed.

'Who are you to talk. Go to your dummy and use your mouth there' Astrid shot back, her voice full with anger.

'How dar...' the man started, but I absentmindedly interupted him.

'Nice tattoos' my words threw both of them off and he looked at me frowning.

'What?' He asked with fiery voice.

'Nice tattoos' I repeated and looked him in his eyes.

'Whatever' he said and suddenly left us just as he came.

'What is his problem' one of the man huffed, but I didn't listen to him. My eyes were on his sword and an idea came up.

'Hey, green guy, wait up!' I shouted and ran after him, leaving protesting Astrid with others.

I reached the guy already by the dummies and he was already swinging his sword.


'Hey' I tried to get his attention, but he ignored me, swinging his sword out of fury.

'HEY!!' I screamed at the top of the lungs and the dude flinched.

'What!?' He shouted back at me with anger.

'Do you know how to use trowing knifes?' I lowered my voice to normal and watched as the guy sticked his sword down into the ground and looked at me.

'Throwing knifes?'

'Yes. Like how to position your arms to always hit the target with the blade part' I explained and he frowned.

'I do' my face lit as he said those words.

'Can you teach me?' I asked hopefully.

'No' he abruptly said and turned away.


'No' he cut me and walked away.

'But I need it for the festival!' I shouted as he walked away and my words stopped him. He turned half way to me with a frown deep as an abyss.

'Why?' His voice low. It seemed that the subject was not liked by him. Or anyone.

'You know that I'm marked by the god of... death or underworld, whatever you choose, and it's obvious that it will be hard to impress him and get my ass out of here in one peace'

He looked at me for a while, no one moving, and a sigh left his lips.

'Fine. By sunrise' he simply said and I squealed from happyness.

'Thank you!' I shouted to him and ran back to Astrid.

As I reached her, I saw that she was not happy. She had her arms before her and her face stone hard.

'Don't tell me you just asked that guy on a date' she said before I could say anything.

'What? No! I asked him to teach me work with knifes' I answered to her surprised and saw her face darken even more.

'Why do you need that skill?'

'C'mon, mother, I'll explain you everything' I sighed and grabbed her hand.

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