《Only You (gXg){Intersex}》Ch60 " Up And Down "


Everyone in the northeast military camp was celebrating Ana 's magnificent return.

During all the festivities, Ana managed to slide out of everyone's eyesight and went to a secluded part of the camp.

She snuck out to join Ananta who was patiently waiting by the exit of the military camp.' ' Ana waved at Ananta and the spirit manipulated beast instantly knew what she meant.

Ana then, together with the beast, sneaked off towards the village to the east of the military camp.It was not long until they arrived at the east village.

The villagers looked at Ana and Ananta for a brief second, and went on with their lives. Their arrival looked like something that happened to them usually with how casual the villagers were with them.

Ana and Ananta made their way to the sheepfold near Jackson's house.

The sight of Su holding Rubygon as the latter drank goat's milk welcomed them. Her beautiful face was filled with concentration as she watched the beast drink; she did not even notice Ana arrived. Her side profile was as gentle and as delicate as carved jade.

' ' Ana thought to herself.

' ' It was at this exact moment when Ananta let out a cry, as if to get the attention of people around them.

The quiet and peaceful atmosphere was suddenly disrupted, and Ana was suddenly awoken from her thoughts.

Su turned to where the noise came from, and there she found Ana standing outside the sheepfold.

Ana was looking straight at her.

' ' Su stared back at Ana with her beautiful eyes.

' ' Ana answered. Her eyes darted to Su's arms where Rubygon was cradled.

' .' Upon hearing Ana's words, Su tensed up and held Rubygon closer in her arms.

She turned her back from Ana.When Ana finally picked up that Su actually wanted to keep Rubygon, she was undeniably disheartened. It would seem like Su developed a liking for Rubygon.

' ,' Jackson blurted as he limped out from the room. He seemed to have injured his foot.

' ' Ana immediately asked upon seeing him.

Su answered with anguish, ' ' But she was cut off by Jackson before she could even finish her sentence.

' ' ,' Jackson promptly assured Ana .

He waved his hand dismissively but he got to come up with a reasonable explanation for his limp.

' ' Su tried to add, but she decided to bite her tongue halfway when she saw Jackson's disapproving look.

' ' Ana pleaded. She knew something was off when she noticed how many times Jackson tried to silence Su.

The two were definitely keeping something from her. Ana was never the one to meddle with other people's lives. But it was different with Jackson. He was one of the few she actually wanted to help because Jackson was a nice man, and he sure could use some help.

Ana had always asked Jackson for goat's milk, but not once did he complain. He was also always very welcoming and accommodating, serving Ana tea or water whenever she visited.

So naturally, Ana couldn't help but feel obligated to help Jackson if he got in trouble.

' Jackson insisted.

' ,' he ordered his granddaughter.

' ' Su hugged Rubygon even more tightly and looked very unwilling to surrender it.

' ' Jackson raised his voice at Su. He painstakingly dragged himself inside the sheepfold to snatch Rubygon from Su.


Jackson winced at every step. He did not bother hiding how painful his leg was. His leg throbbed as he moved, and then finally, he fell down to the ground.

Su panicked at the sight of her fallen grandfather. She hurriedly put Rubygon down and quickly made a way to where Jackson fell.

' ' Ana immediately went to the older man's aid when she saw him fall. While she was helping Jackson up, she couldn't help but notice his injured leg.

She saw the wound under his torn trouser legs. It was a huge gash and around it were multiple scars. It certainly did not look like a sprain.

' ' Jackson reassured Ana, letting out a sad sigh.

' ' Ana asked Su. Impatience could be heard from her voice.

Her face had grown serious. Su glanced at Jackson and bit her lower lip.

She hesitated for a while, but decided to tell the truth. ' '

' ' Ana's voice went ice cold. Her eyes were instantly brimming with rage.

' ' Su grew angrier the more she told stories of the evil deeds of these said military people.

After hearing this, Ana looked at Jackson's injured leg and immediately ordered Su, ' '

' ' Su quickly went to work and scrambled into the room.

Ana helped Jackson to a wooden stool just outside their house. She pulled up Jackson's trouser leg and thoroughly examined his wounds.

' ,' Ana said as she grimaced at the old man's injure.

' ,' Jackson said very softly.

' ' Ana cried out loudly. She was fuming with anger. Her temper was only getting worse. Her little outburst startled Jackson and Su who had just returned from fetching a basin of hot water.

Jackson did not expect Ana to care so much for them. He let out a sigh of relief.

Ana had proven herself different from those people.

He had known that from the start, but Ana's dismay to her fellow spirit manipulators further confirmed it.

He patted Ana's shoulder with his shriveled hand and said, '

Ana saw the sincerity in Jackson's plea. She blinked a few times and something baneful flashed behind her eyes.

' ' Ana told Jackson.

The older man was rendered speechless with what Ana just uttered. He nodded in agreement as a smile formed in his face.

Su had just returned from fetching hot water. She entered the room and handed the basin to Ana.

Ana took the basin of hot water and brought out a bottle from her silk bag. This bottle contained the magical saliva she extracted from Ananta.

This magical spit suddenly reminded her of the Dark Heaven Insect she had just slain. When they arrived at the village, the Dark Heaven Insect seemed to have burrowed underground. But when Ana accidentally dropped the bottle of magical saliva, the spirit manipulated beast crawled out of its underground cave and resurfaced. It seemed to be attracted to Ananta's spit.


' Ana could not believe she had just formulated such a brilliant strategy in catching a Dark Heaven Insect. Her eyes sparkled as she imagined how her amazing plan would plan out.

Afterwards, Ana put half of a droplet of the magical saliva into a bowl of hot water.

The shining droplet was dissolved into the hot water causing the steaming hot water to shine as if there were countless pearls within it.

Both Jackson and Su were mesmerized by this scene as they had never seen anything like it.


' ' Ana turned to Su and asked.

Su nodded and took out a clean handkerchief and passed it to Ana.

Ana took Su's handkerchief and dipped it in the hot water for a second. She then began to wipe Jackson's bruises with it.

After rubbing it for a couple of times, the bruises gradually disappeared until they were fully healed. Even his wounds were gone.

' ' Both Jackson and Su were stunned by its miracle like healing power.

' ' Ana handed the bowl of hot water to Su and gave instruction to store it carefully.

Moments later, Su took the bottle of diluted magical saliva and walked into her room as she held it in her hands carefully like a treasure.

' .' Ana reminded Jackson.

Magical as this saliva was, it was nothing compared to those from a dragon and it was diluted with hot water which made it less potent.

' ' Jackson thanked her with genuine gratitude . He was deeply touched by Ana's concern.

Ana nodded coldly as an acknowledgement of his gratitude. Seeing that Jackson was on his way to getting better, Ana bid farewell before departing with Rubygon and Ananta.

In a desolated and well concealed valley not far away from the east of the village, there was a loud explosion.


There were a couple of big chunks of rocks laid in a circle and one of them was crushed into pieces in an instant by an incoming fireball causing debris to spread all over the place.

The remains of the stone turned all smoky while the debris left by it was still hot.

' ,' said Ana who was hunkering down on a rock with Rubygon in her hands. She checked her surroundings carefully before urging Ananta to launch another fireball attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Explosions took place one after the other, the sound of which continued to reverberate in the valley for a long time.

It did not take long before Ananta blasted all the rocks lying around into bits and pieces. All that was left was burning debris.

Ananta was lying on its belly, exhausted and desperately catching its breath as if all of its energy was depleted from the continuous discharging of fireballs.

' ' Ana murmured to herself as she grew solemn watching what was happening in front of her.

The fireball skill applied by Ananta demonstrated its strong affinity with fire. It was almost as powerful as the move from the spiritual martial arts unleashed by the royal spirit manipulators of the Earthly Stage with their dragon spiritual power.

However, the dragon spiritual power was limited by the strength of one's spiritual power.

The reason for Ana to push Ananta 's limits was to test how many times it could perform its fireball skill. Furthermore, she would also like to test the power and accuracy of the fireball so that she could have a clearer picture of what it could do during combat.


' Ana could barely contain her excitement. She was very happy to see Ananta 's newly acquired ability and she couldn't wait to see it applied in real combat.

After assessing Ananta's new ability, Ana fetched the two middle grade Dark Heaven Eggs which were of great value for her cultivation now.

The middle grade Dark Heaven Egg was only meant to be used by spirit manipulators that were above the Earthly Stage for cultivation. Especially for the spirit manipulators who were at the first grade of the Earthly Stage, an elementary grade Dark Heaven Egg was more than enough to speed up one's advancement. And the ones that she had with her were middle grade Dark Heaven Eggs, which were many times more potent than those at the elementary grade.

Without a doubt, these should be able to improve her power exponentially.Any ordinary spirit manipulators might hesitate in using the Dark Heaven Eggs for their cultivation.

After all, it couldn't be easily measured by money. It was a priceless treasure. There were other treasures of more value than the Dark Heaven Egg at the Wild Spirit Land. However, they were simply so rare that most of them were too unreachable for many spirit manipulators.

It was as if they could only exist in their dreams. In comparison, as rare as the Dark Heaven Eggs were, there were still ways to obtain them.

However, this was only the case for royal spirit manipulators who were at a high place. For any other ordinary spirit manipulators, it was still nearly impossible to obtain one of these for themselves.

Even when Ana had done such an extraordinary job at the Dragon Birth Festival, the Emperor had never thought of giving her Dark Heaven Eggs as a reward. He merely granted her two rare yellow spiritual crystals instead for her contributions.

This was because there were so many other royal spirit manipulators in the Palace City and the Dark Heaven Insects that were being raised in the Palace City would not be able to supply enough Dark Heaven Eggs for all of them.

Dark Heaven Eggs were more valuable than spiritual crystals to some degree because without a powerful spirit manipulator, even a tier one spirit manipulated beast wouldn't be able to live up to its full potential.

Therefore, a Dark Heaven Egg that could improve a spirit manipulator's strength proved to be much more valuable as spirit manipulators were the most important beings on the Wild Spirit Continent.

However, Ana was not someone that knew the merits of cherishing. She put away one of the Dark Heaven Eggs as she held one of them in her palm. Though she had never used such rare treasure for cultivation, considering her experience to use the spiritual power meant for spirit manipulated beast from the spiritual crystals to cultivate her power, there should be no problem for her with the Dark Heaven Egg that was actually meant for spirit manipulators.

She then applied the Vast Nebula Skill. Her body instantly began to shine under the works of her spiritual power as a haze and a nebula like light covered the vicinity of her body as if the universe had its stars shining right then and there.

At that moment, the Dark Heaven Egg that used to be hard suddenly started to melt in her palm like it was being grilled by fire.

It turned into drops of Dark Heaven Liquid that seeped into Ana's body through her palm.

Every time a drop of it seeped into her palm, Ana felt a strand of strong spiritual power entering her body as if they were swimming in her major arteries like tadpoles before they gradually fused with her own spiritual power.

With the merging of the spiritual power from the Dark Heaven Egg and her own, the spiritual flame inside Ana's body began to transform.

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