《Only You (gXg){Intersex}》Ch59 " Captain "


Soon Ana returned to the military camp unnoticed and went back to her room.

Ananta came up to Ana right away when she was back.

Finding a cub in her hands, Ananta blinked a few times and let out a howl. It shook it's head and suddenly licked the cub's face.

‘ until now, Ana still didn't know Ananta 's gender. Fortunately, it seemed Ananta liked this cub's company.

‘ Ana said to Ananta as she put the cub on the bed.

Happy about what Ana said, Ananta jumped on the bed immediately and covered the cub with it's body like what a mother did to its baby.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Ana went to open the door and was greeted by none other than Isis and Joss.

Afraid of them seeing little Rubygon, she intentionally blocked thier view of the room.

‘ Joss asked.

‘ it was a lousy excuse, but Isis and Joss believed her anyway.

‘ Ana asked them.

‘ Isis said to Ana.

From her smile and words, it was obvious that she thought Ana was a hundred times better than Zander.

Ana had totally forgotten about the promotion.

‘ Ana nodded to them and then slammed the door. It closed with a loud thud .

Ana instructed Ananta to look after little Rubygon.

She went to a well to clean the blood in her hands.

Afterwards, she went to the commander's tent, which was at the center of the whole camp.

On her way there, Ana noticed that a lot of soldiers and spirit manipulators were talking about her.

The rumour about Ana was now heatedly discussed in the camp. So she was for sure a well known person right now. Ana did not like the attention she was getting.

Ana was stopped by two guards who were the spirit manipulators at the fourth grade of mortal stage.

Seeing her ragged and in a torn military rope, they shouted at her,‘

Ana glanced at them and answered nonchalantly. She didn't like thier tones but she didn't care enough to engage them into an argument.

‘ the two guards surveyed her with scorn.

‘ from the tent came an authoritative female voice.

The two guards were scared out of thier wits upon hearing the voice. They signalled Ana at once to get in.

Ana looked at them with disdain, thinking they were the real losers. However, they were not worth her time and energy. She rolled her eyes and walked towards the tent.

Afterwards, Ana strode into the camp. Once inside, she saw that it was very simple. Actually, there was nothing appealing to her except a few red painted tables and chairs.

Meanwhile, Marcia was sitting behind a wide red painted table in the middle of the camp, watching carefully a copy of the battlefield report just handed in by her subordinates.

When she saw Ana come in, she immediately put down the battlefield report and then motioned to her,‘

Ana nodded her head, as she sat aside and asked,‘

Marcia immediately asked.

‘ Ana said as a playful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

‘ Marcia's gorgeous eyes widened. Her face looked very flushed.

Suddenly Ana leaned in, and whispered flirtily in Marcia's ear,‘

at this point, Marcia's face was completely flushed as she touched her ear, watching Ana walk away.

After Ana left the camp of the commander, she saw Eva surrounded by a crowd of followers who were all kissing up to her.

Ana could not help but laugh to herself as she caught sight of the fawning crowds.


Eva recognised Ana, and stopped abruptly, smiling at her,‘

Ana replied in calm manner. She was really talented at sarcasm.

‘ Eva replied with a sullen face.

‘ Ana laughed loudly before departing abruptly and gracefully.

Eva burst into fury as Ana ended the conversation. In an uncontrollable rage, she shouted at Ana's back.

When Ana returned to her room, she saw that little Rubygon was finally able to stand on it's own feet. But it was not that strong as it fell on Ananta's belly, crying out in a tender voice from time to time. Ananta did not seem to understand what little Rubygon needed .

‘ Ana said as she approached the little Rubygon and cuddled it.

She looked at it for a few seconds and said to Ananta,‘

Ananta roared and jumped down from the bed immediately.

Subsequently, a women and a beast holding little Rubygon snuck stealthily out of the military camp.

There was a small village of about twenty to thirty families several miles to the east of the military camp.

A strange women and a beast showed up outside the village. They had come to find a wet nurse for thier little creature.

However, Ana noticed a strange phenomenon.

At the sight of the three of them, the villagers who were busy in the field grew frightened, trembling visibly.

They cuddled thier own children and ran home immediately as if they would do something bad to them.

‘ Ana could not help but wonder.

She looked around the whole village, and found a sheepfold at the left corner of the village.

She caught sight of some moving sheep inside. She walked directly to that way. She could see that those windows of the village houses were slightly opened, as if people inside the house were peeping at her.

‘ Excuse me. Whose sheepfold is this? I would like to ask for some sheep milk’ Ana asked immediately in a loud voice, nearing the building.

Because she saw a house near the sheepfold, she thought the family must be in charge of this sheepfold. But not one person replied to her After a few minutes of waiting.

Ana knew she would not get an answer from the owner any soon. So she entered the sheepfold herself and let Ananta stay outside.

Since there were only several sheep in the sheepfold, most of them lambs, so it was very easy for her her to recognise the ewe in the flock.

Ana held little Rubygon and put it beside the ewe, before retreating for some distance and settling herself at a corner.

The ewe was a little terrified at the sight of little Rubygon, so it retreated several steps away.

Rubygon unsteadily stayed in one place and like a hungry infant pleading for food, it cried out in a tender voice.

The ewe seemed to understood that little Rubygon was hungry when it heard the tender cries.

Slowly, it went back to little Rubygon and kneeled down to nurse the little hungry creature.

After little Rubygon was satisfied. Ana decided to take a detour out of the village in order to avoid disturbing those villagers.

As soon as Ana left the village, those closed doors were all re opened again.

They walked out of thier houses and looked at the direction of Ana's departure in confusion.

They didn't see her doing anything peculiar, so they simply scratched thier heads and went back to work.

There, an old man and a young teenage girl walked out of the house near the sheepfold.

‘ Grandpa, was that person also from that military camp? Why did not she take away anything with her?’ the girl asked in curiosity.


‘ Maybe she is a good person ’ the old man answered in a hoarse voice, his eyebrows knotted together.

Ana became a regular patron to that village after that first visit.

At first, the villagers were terrified at the sight of them. They hid in thier house every time they saw them coming.

But as time went on, they saw that she did not do anything other than obtaining some milk. So slowly, bit by bit, they put down thier defense.

One day, Ana came again with little Rubygon in her arms. Ananta was trotting behind her as usual.

Even though the villagers still seemed a little frightened when she showed up again, they had already got used to thier strange visitors and no longer hid in thier houses.

Ana nodded her head to the villagers and entered the sheepfold directly to feed the little Rubygon. She sat beside them as usual.

‘ at this moment, an old man walked out of the house beside the sheepfold with a bowl of water in his hands . He was holding it out to Ana.

‘ Ana stood up immediately and took the water from the old man. Then, she asked,‘

The old man nodded his head.

‘ Ana said immediately.

the old man said in a friendly manner.

‘ at this moment, Ana saw a young teenaged girl walked out of the house. Her pair of flashing eyes were big, like a peaceful lake rippling gracefully.

the old man replied to her.

‘ the gurl looked at Ana with some hostility emanating from her gaze.

‘ Ana heard the girl's complaint, and asked curiously.

‘ the old man stopped the gurl who was about to reveal the identity of the robbers.

Observing the countenance of the old man and the girl, Ana knew there must be something happening in this village before.

No wonder the villagers were so afraid of her presence. But she did not press further since they did not want to tell her.

She had to be patient and considerate with these traumatized people.

After chatting with the old man for a while, Ana found out that the old man's name was Jackson Chen.

That gurl she met, was his grand daughter, Su Chen.

People in these villages had lived here for generations. Even though it was dangerous to live here at the Gehenna Border, they had already become accustomed to living here under constant crisis and burning flame of war.

While Ana was talking to the old man, Su noticed that the little Rubygon has begun drinking milk from the goat.

Admiring it's tiny chubby body, Su couldn't help but smile.

‘ It is so cute!’ she came forward almost involuntarily and touched it gently with her fingers.

Seeing that little Rubygon wasn't averse to her touch, she took it up in her arms delicately.

‘ Su, don't touch someone else's...’ Jackson tried to stop her.

‘ It'll be okay’ Ana looked at Su with a smile on her face and said,‘ It's name is Rubygon’

‘ I did not ask you!’ as her expression gave away, Su was obviously not fond of Ana. She glared at Ana as if to make her back off and hugged little Rubygon even tighter.

She immediately turned to little Rubygon,‘ So your name is Rubygon. You are very adorable, but you have such a terrible name. Why don't we just call you Mimi? Do you like this name, my little love?’

Ana instinctively laughed. She thought to herself,‘ Ha ha! Mimi sound like a cat's name!’

‘ Ana, unfortunately, I have spoilt my grand daughter too much. I apologize for her rude behaviour. Please, don't mind her’ Jackson said apologetically.

Ana waved her head actively to assure him she wasn't hurt. She also let Su play with little Rubygon for a while. But when time was almost up, she said goodbye to both of them and left with Rubygon.

Half a month passed by in the blink of an eye.

Although Ana was named captain of the sixth team, the crew was largely idle except for vain routine patrols. It felt like she was named captain just for the sake of it.

Dejected and upset, Ana spent most of her time in her own cultivation.

However, the cultivation of the Earthly Stage had not been an easy as that of the mortal stage.

In spite of the additional aid of the magical saliva, the progress had still been very slow.

Compared to herself, little Rubygon grew much faster. This was because Ana fed it a little magical saliva every day to speed up it's growth.

Around two weeks later, Rubygon had developed the basic form imitating it's parents. It exuded strength and honesty. More importantly, it seemed to be around the same size as Ananta before.

Time passed and now, little Rubygon was almost fully grown.

It was time for Ana to identify it's star rating and figure out it's hidden talent. This can't be done earlier as it was too young and underdeveloped.

Based on it's parents appearance Ana found the related records in the Beast Encyclopaedia. To her surprise Rubygon was a rare species of spirit manipulated beast which was called Bear tiger.

This species was considered to be powerful and cruel. Especially when agitated, they would lose all control and most likely, attack. To sum up, it could be a very frightening species.

Ana could tell that Rubygon 's talent was not less than that of Ananta. It just needed to be nurtured.

However, Ana couldn't find a single record related to Ananta in the Beast Encyclopaedia, which made it a mysterious and strange new species that was worth studing.

Ana took little Rubygon inside the house and landed it on the ground. She sat down cross legged and applied the radiance evaluation skull as suggested in the book.

She could see a triangular glow forming around little Rubygon. Suddenly, it's body flashed a variety of brilliance.

‘Ana felt overjoyed.

However, generally speaking, a spirit manipulator could only control one spirit manipulated beast. So, no matter how strong little Rubygon was, it would still not be controlled by Ana, since she already had Ananta.

‘ Ana saw little Rubygon rolling back and forth on the spot.

Ofcourse, little Rubygon in it's primary years, was only thinking about playing. Ana smiled with an helpless expression on her face.

Ana was not one to give up so easily. She thought to herself,‘

Going with the surge of feelings, she decided she must find a way to break this tradition. Fearlessly, she set out on a journey to study how to control two spirit manipulated beasts at the same time.

If Ana managed to pull this off, she would send shockwaves throughout the world....

To achieve the best results, Ana knew she needed the technology and equipment she had in her world. Without them, her ideas would only remain ideas, and never be realistic.

‘ Ana patted it's fluffy head as she pointed the Stroking Evaluation Skill to its cranium. She used the skill to evaluate Rubygon 's brain structure. Acting as a scanner, it helped transfer the spiritual power into the Beast's body and examined it's body structure.

Ana evaluated Rubygon's brain structure with the Stroking Evaluation Skill. The knowledge she got from the modern world allowed her to figure out the function of each part. Finally, she found the area that controlled it's thoughts which was as small as a walnut.

‘ Ana hushed at Rubygon, as if comforting it. She then gathered her spiritual power at the tip of her finger. The power she was harnessing in her finger tip was in the first grade of mortal stage, not enough to hurt it's brain.

Ana gently touched Rubygon's head to transfer her spiritual power into its brain. With that one little gesture, she was able to stimulate it's cranial nerves.

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