《Our Corner of the Universe》twenty-two.




I never want to stop kissing her. That was all I could think as we laid in my bed amidst a somewhat hot and heavy makeup session. It was a feeling like no other being with her, it was like just her touch could set my whole body on fire. I knew I needed to take things slow with her, this was all so new to her, but I would wait as long as it takes as long as it meant I could have more nights with her like this.

After a while, Mel curled up with her head on my chest. "What time is it?" She asked as she began to let out a yawn.

I dug into my pocket to pull out my phone and let her know that it was already after one in the morning. I also saw that I had quite a few texts from Jack letting me know that a familiar spunky blonde would also be spending the night at the house.

I could tell Mel was getting tired so, as comfortable as I was laying with her, I knew we needed to get up to get ready for bed. "Do you want to sleep in one of my t-shirts? Those jeans can't be too comfortable."

She agreed and rolled off of me so I could get up and grab one from my closet. As I was in there I spotted my jersey designated for away games. I thought for a moment and then quickly, before I could change my mind, grabbed it off the hanger and turned back around to face Mel.

"Do you think you would maybe want to wear my jersey to the game tomorrow?" I asked hesitantly. This was something that was usually reserved for girlfriends, but it just felt right to have her wear it. I had never let anyone wear it before now.


I was met with a big grin and an excited yes, causing me to smile back. I handed her a shirt to wear tonight as well as the jersey for tomorrow. "Would you maybe mind turning around?" She asked embarrassingly. I laughed lightly at her innocence but agreed and turned back toward the closet.

While I waited for her to be done changing, I pulled off my shirt and jeans and grabbed a pair of sweats. After a moment she gave me the okay and I turned back around to see her making her way back to my bed. I wondered to myself if I would ever stop having this feeling seeing Mel wear nothing but my shirt. I have a strong feeling not.

I turned off the lights and then climbed back into bed next to her. She immediately moved back toward me finding her place again curled up next to me. I loved how natural this whole thing felt.

"I don't think I can go back to just being friends after tonight," I admitted to her.

"I don't know if we were ever just friends." She said back. She was right, from the first night in the library I knew there was no way we could go back to being just friends.

"Does this mean I can take you out on a proper date then?" I asked. She deserved to have a real first date, and nights in the library did not count.

"You don't have to do all that for me."

"Yes, yes I do. You are amazing Melanie. You deserve to be treated like a queen, and I fully intend to do that for you, starting with a real first date." I declared. I had never been in a real serious relationship before, and in all honestly I had a nagging fear in the back of my head that I wouldn't be good enough for her, but I was fully intending on trying.


I couldn't see her face in the dark room, but I knew her well enough to know she was blushing right now. "I don't know about all that, but I would love to go on a date with you."

As soon as she agreed I leaned down and kissed her lightly. "Tomorrow night then, after my game," I said, not wanting to wait any longer.

"Aren't you going to want to celebrate after the game with your team? We can wait, I don't mind." She said. She kept second guessing herself and making her feel like a second choice, a result of her anxiety I am sure, but it was something I was determined to help her get over. I would do everything in my power to let her know that she is not a second choice, that she deserves the world.

"Well I mind waiting, and there is no one I would rather be with after my game tomorrow, win or lose."

This time she was the one that leaned in for the kiss. "Well then, it is a date." She said. "Now get some sleep Mr. Quarterback."

"Goodnight beautiful."

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