《The Mafia's Daughter》Chapter 7


After dropping Lola home I pull up to my driveway way, turning off my car i head to the front door, opening the door I'm met with nothing but darkness and quietness so using this to my advantage I creep up the stairs into my room

Shutting the door behind me I release the breath I didn't know I was holding and throw myself on my bed and let darkness take over me



"OH SHUT THE FUCK UP" I yell before slamming the clock on the wall hearing it shatter to many pieces - the most beautiful sound ever may I add- before turning around to go back to sleep as soon as my eyes were about to shut my bedroom door slams open

"Bella that's the 3rd alarm clock this week,you need to stop baby"my mother coo's as I hum in response

"Now get into the shower and get dressed you stink" she says before walking out,falling off my bed - yes that's how I leave my bed In The morning- I get up and head to the bathroom I realise that I was still wearing last nights dress, as I shiver in disgust I slip out of the dress and hop into the shower and let the hot water fall on to my skin,I started to yawn and nearly let my eyes shut from tiredness but nope because soap decided to get into my eye making my eye sting and turn red.YAY

Turning off the shower I wrap myself in my fluffy white towel and head to my closet,picking out a pair of black lace undergarments I decided on wearing an oversized sand hoodie with sand cycling shorts

Because I couldn't be fucked with school I was too tired to dress to impress

Tying up my hair into a low bun I grab my triangular sun glasses to try and cover my red eye...that's right my eye seemed to have some sort of reaction to the soap and now it was bright red... grabbing my school bag I head downstairs into the kitchen to grab my coffee mug and only to find my mother sitting on the island talking to someone on the phone


'Morning,who is it' I mouth to her

'Abuela' she mouths back

"MORNING ABUELA" I shout so that she can hear me

"Bella stop shouting so early in the morning" my mothers says shaking her head before walking out of the room. Strange...oh well. Grabbing my coffee mug I walk out of the front door and head over to my matte black mustang

I may not know much about cars but let me tell you I love my cars, turning the ignition I make my way to school, couple minutes later After I arrive at school only to get a message from Lola asking where I was. Now your probably thinking you forgot her what a horrible friend and your correct I fucking forgot her so I reversed out of the parking lot and made my way to her house

"What took you so long!" She said shutting the car door behind her

"Sorry I woke up late" I said faking a yawn whilst driving towards school

"I'm so fucking tired today"

"Really I'm so energetic"

"You always are"I say rolling my eyes,yawing again I park the car and turn off the ignition And just lay my head on my steering wheel making the horn scream out grabbing everyone's attention

"We can skip if you want to?" Lola says looking concerned

"Nah it's alright,I just hope everyone keeps their fucking distance"I scoff before linking arms with Lola and walking to our first period


*click* *click* *click*

"CAN YOU STOP THAT!" I scream Turning the classes attention towards me

"I'm sorry is there a problem Miss black?" The old hag calls out

"Why yes there is, this small dick prick over here keeps pissing me off with his fucking clicking" I say between my gritted teeth making the cocky bastard Xavier smirk

"How dare you use that foul Language in my classroom,go to the principals office immediately" she yells pointing towards the door,grabbing my stuff I walk over to her desk


"Your a old little bitch anyway" I say dropping her pencils on the floor before turning to Lola giving her the 'you can stay I'll be alright' look which she replies with a small nod making me smile I walk out the door flipping the old hag and small dick off

Walking down the hallway I get pulled into a dark empty class room

"what the fu-" before I could finish my sentence the lights turn on and I see who it is and a frown falls onto my face

"Bab- Andrew what are you doing here?" I say in complete shock

Andrew also know as my ex boyfriend he cheated on me because I wouldn't have sex with him and me being the broken little girl i was back then I took him back had sex with him only for him to break up with me because it was all a 'dare' and he only used me to blame his problems on me, this is the shit I wanted to leave behind I wanted to start and new chapter after I left, hoping he wouldn't follow I mean of course he wouldn't he fucked me for a fucking dare! But he changed me and for the better without him I wouldn't be the strong independent girl I am today he was the reason I didn't love again, he was the reason I had trust issues ,he was the reason I don't talk to many people,he was the reason I am what I am today and I had given him everything my trust,my love only for it to be thrown back into my face

"I wanted to say sorry that it wasn't a dare and I love you with all my hea-" he rambles before I stop him

"3 months, it took you 3 months to come up with that pathetic apology" I scoffed as I watched him open his mouth but only to close it again

"oh what now you gonna come out and say that the apology was a dare aswell?" I said raising my voice

"Your pathetic Andy,gosh I don't know why I ever loved you" I say walking out the class not before he grabbed my hand and spinned me into his chest,looking up into his eye he speaks

"I love you,I never stopped and I just want my bell bear back" he says with a pout

"Well your bell bear has moved on" I whisper as I yank my arm out of his grip and walk out the classroom wiping the single tear that rolled down my cheek

Pushing my sunglasses up to my eyes so that you can't see the hurt in my eyes I walk back to class completely ignoring the fact I need to go the principals office, slamming the door open the old hag starts yelling


"The principal told me to tell you that your a fucking bitch and that Lola needs to come with me" I say with a innocent smile as I hear Lola putting her stuff in her bag and walk to the front of the class

"Bye hoe" I wave at the old had as I slam her classroom door shut and stop making Lola turn around to face me

Looking down at my feet I breathed out

"He's back"


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