《Tᴀᴋᴇɴ {A Dimentio X Reader}》Chapter 4


The first page of the diary was an introduction. It said, "Hi! I'm Mimi. I love clothes, spiders, Rubees, and Count Bleck!"

Okay. Less than 20 words in the diary and you were laughing. You heard a knock on the door and hid the diary.

"Come in." you said.

Dimentio was at the door, holding the note and looking very...out of character- nervous and somewhat emotional, rather.

"I would like to say thank you for this letter. I wouldn't have thought myself that anyone would come to like me that much. Even more, I never thought that you, the first and only person I have felt...love for, would return it. (Y/N), you have courage." Dimentio walked up to you and pulled some hair from your face- you were somewhat frozen in shock from what he had just said. "I feel that you are perfect as well."

"I-Dimentio, are you sure?You're not...you're not lying?" You were nearly lost for words.

"I may lie a lot, but now is not one of those times. You have unlocked...something new in me." Dimentio confirmed.

"I...you don't know how happy this makes me, do you? I mean, you only recently began feeling like this." you asked.

"Perhaps as happy as it makes me." Dimentio murmured.

There was a minute of silence- you took the moment just to realize how much you loved this person who you first knew as fictional. It was such an amazing feeling. The sheer thought that you'd even meet Dimentio, let alone...


A desperate cry rang out from outside the door just before it came open. Mr. L ran in, panting, with Mimi racing in after. You gave an apologetic look to Dimentio. "What the hell is wrong?" you asked Mr. L.


"SHE THINKS I STOLE HER DIARY! I DIDN'T! PLEASE, HELP!" he cried as Mimi tried to wrestle him to the ground.

Unfazed, you came up with an idea for this situation. "Mimi. If I help you find your diary, will you leave Mr. L alone?"

"I mean, I GUESS. But what if your boyyyyfriend stole it?" Mimi giggled.

"Look, I know Dimentio did not steal your diary. Let's look, shall we?" you smiled.

"Fine." Mimi let go of Mr. L.

"Mimi, you go ask around and see if anyone's found your diary. I'll look." you said. Mimi skipped off.

"Sorry, guys. I feel I caused a lot of confusion. I was kind of curious and stole Mimi's diary myself. " you apologized.

"Curiousity is like a boomerang- depending on how you throw it, it might come back at you. Not that it's bad to be curious." Dimentio's left yellow eye glinted as he said the second sentence. He'd gained his composure back quickly, though it might have been a facade.

"How are you going to tell her you found it? Like, 'yeah, I found it in my room!' Mimi won't believe you! Have you seen what she's done to me?!" Mr. L panicked.

"Now, now, Mr. L, I am sure (Y/N) knows what she is doing." Dimentio mused.

"Thanks, Dimentio. Now, we have to make it seem like we found it- but not in my room. Even Mimi has some intelligence." you said.

"How did you even get it? Mimi keeps her closet locked all the time!" Mr. L asked.

"Mr. L, did I not tell you of her power? It's perfectly reasonable for her to have teleported or something of the sort." informed Dimentio, who seemed quite pleased.


"Spot on. I don't know what it is, but ever since I got here...I have all this power. Anyway, would one of you two hide the diary somewhere where she would suspect nobody in particular? I'd hate to get anyone into trouble with her." you paused.

"Why us, th-mmf!" Before Mr. L finished his question, Dimentio silenced him. When he allowed him to speak, Mr. L groaned. "I was just asking your girlfriend a question!"

You were a bit taken aback, but said nothing.

"Okay, (Y/N), why us? Is there a reason one of us has to hide it or what?" Mr. L asked.

"Yes. I plan to "find" it myself. While one of you hides the diary, I'll tell Mimi I found it and then I'll lead her to wherever we plan to hide it. I'm not actually telling her anyone else is involved because I doubt she'd believe you guys were looking for her diary, haha. Anyway, Mr. L, since you so rudely interrupted, you get to hide it! Any ideas?" You smirked as Mr. L stared in horror and Dimentio chuckled a bit.

"Why me? What if she catches me?" Mr. L exclaimed.

"Mr. L, if you complain anymore, she'll tell Mimi you stole it." Dimentio threatened, smirking.

"O-okay! Where do I hide it?" Mr. L asked, frightened.

"Pretty much anywhere outside someone's room would work. Put it in Nastasia's laundry basket if it's there, actually." you told him.

"Yes ma'am!" Mr. L bolted with the diary.

"I suppose I'll watch to see how this plays out." said Dimentio.

"...By the way, sorry about the intrusion. I didn't anticipate that." you apologized.

"Ah, there's no problem. Now, you have a plan to enact, hm?" Dimentio reminded.

"Yeah, I guess I do. See you later?"

"See you later. Ciao!" Dimentio teleported somewhere, presumably to Mr. L.

You went to find Mimi. Sure enough, she was aggressively asking someone where her diary was- O' Chunks. "Hey, Mimi!"

She quickly turned around. "Hi, (Y/N)! Any luck?" she asked.

"Yeah, I actually found it!" You put on your best fake smile.

"Really? Where?" Mimi asked.

"It's weird, but I found it in Nastasia's laundry basket. Follow me." You led Mimi to the basket.

"Wow! Thank you (Y/N)! You're the best!" Mimi hugged you.

"Y-yeah, you're welcome." you laughed.

At least that was over.


You headed back to your room and opened your door. Not surprisingly, Dimentio was there....looking through your phone.

"Wait, how did you get past my phone lock?!" you exclaimed.

"Basic deduction told me your password is 7665. Am I wrong?" Dimentio looked up. "Your phone piqued my interest. I could have never guessed how much you truly admire me."

"I...yeah..heheh.." You began to blush. Man, I love this little shit, you thought

"Likewise to you."

Did I say that aloud?

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