

It's happening again. The horrible thought replayed in my mind as Zhayne peered down at me with pure darkness swimming in those lifeless eyes. My body trembled as I tried to find the right words to say. There was nothing to say. And I knew that. But part of me couldn't help but want to beg for mercy. I didn't want to go through what he did last time. My heart beat violently in fear as the memories came flooding back, making the reality of this situation worse.

I swallowed thickly, feeling my knees gave out on me from the sheer terror I felt. And before I knew it I began to sob again, which made Zhayne tilt his head in confusion. I clenched my fingers in the material of my shirt, pulling at it to distract myself from freaking out which would be likely to make everything worse.

"Zhayne." I barely choked out, struggling to speak. I was hardly able to muster up the strength to utter simple words. I don't want him to hurt me again. I tried so hard to avoid this, but I fucked up again. Zhayne was right all along. That made me cry even harder. My failure was inevitable in this sick game of his. "P-please I-I'm sorry." I apologized frantically, looking up at him through my blurry eyesight.

He played with the knife in his crimson soaked hand, glancing between me and the cold weapon which had been painted with the victim's blood. "You touched him." He said shortly. My eyes fluttered shut and my head slowly fell to the ground at his words as if I were praying. Fuck. I internally cursed as my hands balled into fists.

"I-I was just-" I couldn't even speak because my heart was beating so fast from fear. It was hard to do so much as gather my thoughts because they were all over the place. The only thing I could think of was preventing me from getting hurt again. I didn't want to go through it. He hurt me so badly. The dread settled in my system, only managing to make me feel more at a loss.

In the back of my mind I knew my words were absolutely useless. I know who I'm talking to. And it's not a man of reason. There is no convincing him to spare me and the bigger part of me knows that. But I felt so horrified that the only words that came from my lips consisted of me begging for him to forgive me. "I was j-just trying to get h-him away from me!" I cried in disbelief.

I couldn't even bring myself to process this. I'd been through this before but I just couldn't make it make sense at all. I know Zhayne is not rational. But how could he blame me for trying to save myself from something like this happening? The only way I could get the man off of me was if I touched him. He was angry at me for trying to get him away from me?

The realization suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks. Zhayne couldn't give two flying fucks about what I was trying to do. Even if my intention was to separate myself from the stranger, he will only focus on the fact that I did so much as scratch him to get him off of me. I merely touched him and he's angry. My nails dug into my palms, nearly drawing blood from the force I was using. Not only did the man fall into his trap, but I did too.


"I see you figured it out." He said, now tapping the knife against his temple. I cried silently, finding it hopeless to continue begging him. He wouldn't listen. He never will. I would be a fool to keep asking for mercy despite my obvious fear of what was to come. All that I could do was sob. Again and again.

"Now that we got him out of the way," he pointed toward the headless corpse that was still bleeding out onto the black and white tile beneath it. "Let's get to the others, shall we?" Zhayne asked me in such a soft manner it made me flinch.

"O-others?" I whispered.

He held out his hand for me to take with a small smile. "What did I tell you would happen if you kept fucking with me, Angel?" Zhayne took a step closer to me with his large hand still outstretched. No no no. I shrank back into the wall, shaking my head. I was hoping this would never happen again. I tried with everything in me to protect everyone and myself, but in the end I couldn't. Zhayne found a way to win me over. And I had an awful feeling that he always would, no matter how hard I tried to fight him.

The smile left his face as soon as it came when I didn't respond to him right away. I knew in that moment I fucked up even more. After a few moments of silence between us, Zhayne releases a short laugh. The sound filled my heart with fright. My wet face contorted as I sobbed harder, now feeling as if I could hardly breathe anymore. Nothing good ever came of him laughing. He only does it when he's pissed.

I shrieked in terror as Zhayne wraps his hand around the handle of the knife and abruptly chucks it in my direction. My body was still with petrification, so even as the sharp blade pierced the wall right beside my eye, I couldn't move. I was completely and utterly frozen, wary of what he would do to me.

My chest heaved up and down as he stepped closer with an even darker look in his orbs. I wasn't sure if it was my mind or not, but it looked as if they were inching nearer to turning black by the second. I didn't take the time to figure out if it was real or a figment of my imagination. I was about to die.

I knew just by the chilling look he gave me that his patience was wearing extremely thin. I couldn't read his mind. Zhayne was far too complicated for that. But this was clearly one of those moments where I knew that he was counting down in his head. If I didn't answer him by the time he got to the limit, he was going to make me pay dearly. The only problem is that I don't know what number he's at right now.

I shook violently, causing the knife to do the same beside me. "Y-you said- I w-would," I brought myself to a pause, not wanting to say the truth. It was sickening. But I have no other choice. If I provoke him further, this will be an even bigger disaster. I've already created enough mess, I can't willingly make this unstable man even more angry. The greater his anger gets, the more severe my punishment will be. "Be the cause of m-many people's d-deaths." I answered shakily.

Zhayne's posture remained the same even after I answered. He was furious. There was no turning back from this. I felt like my body would give up on me at any time now just because of how evil and inhuman he looked. This was the Zhayne I wanted to avoid. There were many sides to this sick man, but the evil was the only one that he had truly grown accustomed to. He enjoyed being cruel.


Without a word he reached for my hand again. I knew there was no room for me to protest or even hesitate. Sniffling, I reluctantly lifted myself off of the floor and placed my hand in his. The way he softly intertwined our fingers together made my insides turn. How could someone so wicked do such a sweet gesture?

I bit my lip to keep myself from sobbing loud enough for others to hear as Zhayne led me down the dimly lit hallway. The music began to get louder as we got closer to the main floor. I couldn't explain the gut wrenching feeling in my stomach while I watched us round the corner and eventually approach the dance floor.

There were already multiple of Zhayne's men spread out, discreetly holding what looked to be guns in their hands. The club goers didn't seem to notice their presence, given the fact that the atmosphere was loud and filled with so many people moving frantically at once. It made it hard for anyone to focus on anything in particular. I hesitantly took a single step back as the realness of this unfortunate situation hit me.

Zhayne yanked me forward by my neck. My legs began to shake and I wanted to look away though nothing happened yet. I didn't want to look into the faces of the victims. Their blood would soon be on my hands, just as Zhayne wanted. Everyone in his building is going to die because of me. I clutched onto Zhayne's hand, closing my eyes. He swore to me that I would join them if I did it again. "Please." I whispered one more time, gazing upon the innocent lives with guilt.

He glanced down at me and reached up with his bloody hand to grab my chin firmly. I shivered watching his eyes light up for just a moment before they became dark again. I lost all hope and my heart clenched in despair. Zhayne leaned down, holding my face up to his. He kissed my lips. "This is because of the choices you make." He murmured against my mouth.

And just like that, I heard nothing but bullets and screams follow soon after. Zhayne made sure my head was angled toward the horrific scene playing out before me. It was as if everything happened in slow motion. What started off as normal people having an innocent night out with friends, drinking, partying and having a good time, ended in a bloodbath.

Within less than 1 minute, hundreds of bodies were sprawled out onto the floor beneath my feet, dead. The bullets managed to leave the room in ruins. Broken equipment, flashing lights going out, blood splattered over the walls and glass shards all over the floor, even piercing some of the corpses who'd fallen over them. One man in particular had a large piece of a wine glass sticking out of the side of his head, and I could tell from here that it'd gotten lodged pretty deep. He was good as dead along with everyone else.

So many innocent lives bathing in their own pool of blood because of a mistake I made. I have to face the fact that I had killed hundreds of people tonight. I couldn't move from my spot nor tear my eyes away from the dead bodies. The amount of blood that has spilled and lives that have been taken in 1 minute left me utterly terrified.

As a single tear slipped down my cheek, I felt Zhayne lean down to whisper in my ear. "It's important that you remember the amount of power you have, Angel." He said quietly, still holding my face tightly in his grip. I couldn't reply, given that I had nothing left in me to say. I stared blankly ahead.The music had stopped, there was no more movement and everything went silent. The only sounds that lingered were my small cries and the leftover smoke emitting from the guns that Zhayne's men held.

I had no time to say anything else, because next thing I know Zhayne was already dragging me outside of the building and shoving me inside his car. He sped out of the parking lot and down the street at an alarming speed. Even though we were on a busy street, he still didn't seem to care that he could cause a wreck at the dangerous rate he was going. But this was Zhayne I'm talking about. Of course he didn't. He just had hundreds of people murdered. It wouldn't make sense for him to care.

I held onto the doorknob in fear, wanting to both jump out of the car and know where he was taking me. "Z-Zhayne where are-"

"Shut the fuck up." He cut me off, not even glancing at me. There was no trace of emotion in his tone. "If I hear your voice again without my permission I will slice your fucking throat until I see your fucking vocal cords." That managed to shut me up because he meant it.

As he drove I kept looking back and forth between him and the road ahead in hopes of getting some sort of clue as far as what's going on in his head but I got nothing. He had that same stupid look on his face that always guarded his thoughts. He was never transparent yet he had the ability to read me up and down. Dread washed over me as I suddenly thought: he probably wasn't even thinking right now. And that was the worst part.

I sat in anxiously in the passengers seat of Zhayne's car, watching the trees pass by us as we reached a more deserted area that I was unfamiliar with. I got a horrible gut feeling that this would get bad. More and more trees came into view as we pulled into a long dirt road, leading to a large building placed about 50 feet ahead.

Zhayne stopped the car and got out, ordering for me to do the same. By the time he shut the door and got to my side, I was getting ready to beg him to let me go. But I remembered what he said and that Zhayne is a man of his word. I decided against it.

He opened up my door for me and harshly pulled me out by the back of my shirt. Zhayne began leading me down the pathway. I tripped over my feet multiple times as he dragged me through the dirt full force, not caring that I'd practically already bruised myself up in the process. He'd only told me to hurry the fuck up and walk at the same pace.

It was impossible for me to do that because Zhayne was much larger and faster than me. I couldn't keep up. So he'd ended up dragging me the whole way through until we'd reached the entrance of the run down abandoned building.

There were two men standing by the door already, who'd given Zhayne access to enter by opening it for him without a word. They didn't dare glance down at me struggling on the ground as Zhayne pulled me up the freakishly long staircase, my head bumped against every step along the way and I was sure he did it on purpose.

Eventually as we got to the top, the collar of my shirt was beginning to choke me from how harsh Zhayne was being. Just as I was about to scratch at his hand to get him away from my neck, he'd thrown me onto a cold and hard floor. I landed on my side and rolled over in pain. I'd fallen on my leg at a weird angle so it had slightly twisted, making the tears well up in my eyes again.

After making sure I stayed put, he walked out of the room and didn't return for about another twenty minutes. For a quick second I thought about jumping out of the window in front of me without hesitation even though I was about three stories high from the ground.

But I swore it was like Zhayne could hear my thoughts or feel my intentions from wherever he was at because he entered the dark room again soon after I was going to make a run for the window. I wanted to kick and scream in frustration.

I fearfully looked at him cautiously through my tears as he closed and locked the door behind him, walking until he stood in the middle of the room right in front of me. He was throwing something large up and down in his hand. Because of the how limited my source of light was, I couldn't exactly see it. But I could tell by the sound it made when it met his palm that it was heavy. There was a long period of silence. "Catch." Zhayne suddenly commanded after some time, tossing it over to me after playing with it for a while.

I caught it with haste and mentally sighed in relief as it landed in my hands. I didn't want to think about what he would do to me if I hadn't caught it. My fingers felt on the material of the ball, caressing the vague details of the object. Everything felt normal at first, until I'd stumbled across an odd texture. I stroked the surface, abruptly feeling my digits become wet with a liquid of some sort as I pull my hand back. What was that?

Just as I was going to ask Zhayne what it was, he'd turned on the light. And the sight I was met with had me screaming in horror immediately. My eyes locked with those familiar strands of dyed red hair and I dropped the head onto the floor and watched as it rolled away from me. It stopped finally as it reached midway across the nearly vacant space.

I was staring into the deceased face of Nas, who had been beheaded. I blinked profusely as I looked down at my hands and back at the head on the concrete floor. The blood. His blood is smeared on my hands. He's dead. "Z-Zhayne w-what did you do?" I cried hysterically, tearing my focus away from the scarring image.

"You mean what did you do?" He asked, walking over to a corner in the room. I kneeled on the floor as my legs gave out on me at once. My mouth was agape as I breathed in and out, trying to catch my breath which seemed to leave me every time I spoke. I wanted to do something, anything to convince myself that this was a dream. Nas can't be dead. I didn't kill him. I didn't do it. "This is because of you, Angel. I told you what would happen if you kept pissing me off."

I heard the sound of metal sliding against the table that Zhayne had grabbed something off of. It echoed throughout the room, and it made me cry harder. This wasn't fair. "But-I didn't do anything." I breathed out harshly through my sobs. "Y-you were torturing him behind my back." I felt as if I were choking with every word I spitefully spat at him.

He was intrigued with my tone. "I wouldn't say it was behind your back. I let you know what was going on." Zhayne told me, approaching the center of the large space again. Whatever he had in his hand was being dragged against the floor. It sounded like multiple sharp blades scratching against the cold and hard surface. "You were fully aware, yet you still touched and spoke to that fucker as if you didn't know you had your friend's life on the line. Now look at him."

He leans his head toward the left where Nas' head lay motionless on the ground. "Think of how his family will feel when they receive the footage of you holding his detached head in your hands." Utter chills ran up and down my spine as I thought about how his family would feel having seen Nas' dead corpse. I felt so guilty for putting this on them and being the reason for his death. I failed to keep him alive.

Even though I was still frightened and knew it was useless to try and reason with him, I still tried to defend myself. Though the look on his face as I opened up my mouth discouraged me greatly. "You're being c-crazy and irrational. I-I was only trying to get h-him W-what else was I supposed to do?" I asked him, incredulously.

He responded immediately. "I knew what was happening the moment you left the room. I always know what you're doing when you're not around. And you know that. You should have waited for me to come and solve the problem myself. Not take matters into your own hands by fucking touching him." He said deeply, folding his hands behind his back. "You know how I feel about you touching anyone other than me. I don't give a fuck what the fuck you were trying to do, Angel. You shouldn't have done it." He said simply.

"And stop giving me that I was just trying to get away from him bullshit. You wanted to fuckin' save him from me." I couldn't do this anymore. The words he spoke to me just couldn't resister fully inside of my panicked brain and it was causing me to go crazy. The sound of his voice and those chilling words repeated in my head over and over again, yet it did nothing for me. How could someone be so irrational? I hated Zhayne so much. I fear him just as much as I loathe him.

Zhayne started to stride toward me and I immediately felt the sudden urge to piss on myself. My bladder had gotten full all of a sudden. I squeezed my trembling legs together tightly in order to relieve some of the pressure building up in my bladder as he snatched me up by the collar of my shirt and slammed me up against the wall. The harsh impact caused me to see stars. I lost every single one of my senses for much longer than I should have as I nearly felt my brain move inside of my head.

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