My head fell against the barely padded flooring as I landed harshly on my back. I winced at the pain shooting throughout every fibre of my being. I'd been knocked down so many times I lost count at this point. For a minute I was starting to regret even doing this, but I had to remember that in the back of my mind I signed up for it.
I groaned, pushing my legs up to my chest as I lay in a fetal position for the next minute or so. My whole body hurt. I was aching all over. Bruises decorated nearly every inch of my pale skin and my blood painted the ground from the countless brutal punches I'd taken within the past two hours. It felt like I'd been in here for an eternity, though.
"I wasn't even close to using all of my strength, yet you're laying on the ground like you've given up. You're not a bitch. Get up, Angel. We're going for one more round." My swollen eyes fluttered closed in agony at his words. I literally can't fucking move. I wanted to growl at him, but I kept my mouth shut. It wasn't like I could speak too much at this moment anyways.
Ever since I had asked Zhayne to help me learn to fight, to defend myself. This is almost exactly what it's been like for the past 3 and a half months...nearly every day unless my injuries were bad to the point where I could barely function, then Zhayne would allow me a break until I felt ready to train again.
This was one of the moments where I regret opening up my mouth to ask him for help with such a thing. At times the unbearable pain I was left in by the time our session was over made this whole thing not worth it at all. I know how Zhayne is, yet I'd stupidly assumed he would go easy on me considering the fact that I was new to this kind of thing.
Of course, I was wrong.
At first, he did the basics to help me power up and gain the necessary strength to be able to fight properly. To be honest, it was more to it than just physical strength unlike what I thought at first. I remember him telling me that speed, technique, spatial intelligence and reflexes along with so much more play an important roll in the world of fighting. And because of that, he would help me improve in those areas.
In the end even after months of effort it didn't do much to help me defeat Zhayne in one single match. I was still nothing compared to him no matter how hard I worked to get better results. I wanted to say forget it at a point in time but I decided against it. He probably would call me a pussy and wouldn't let me back out anyways.
But on the other hand, on days where he's not helping me improve my skills, he invites me into the ring to test them out. And throughout each match he keeps track of my progress. According to him I've done exceptionally well, I just haven't obtained enough skill or physical strength to beat him. I've accepted that I probably never will. That's wishful thinking.
Coming back to my senses I groaned, using my weak arms to help me lift myself up. They trembled underneath the weight of my body, causing me to almost lose my balance yet again. But I managed to get on my feet again with the help of Zhayne grabbing me by the back of my shirt and forcing me to stand.
He lightly grabs my face in his hands and turned it at different angles, observing my injuries. "I guess I'll let you go. You lasted longer today than you have any other time." Zhayne says, letting go of my face and he carries me to the bedroom. He called for a doctor as soon as he sat me down.
As we waited for his arrival, Zhayne stepped outside and told me I could call my mom. Ever since he showed me the pictures of my mother and Nas, he'd allowed me to talk to her on the phone from time to time.
And the crazy thing is, he never stuck around to listen to our conversations like I'd expected him to. I caught myself asking him how come he never did, considering the situation. Didn't he think there's a possibility that I would tell her everything and get authorities involved?
Oddly enough, he smiled when I asked him the question which automatically made me regret asking in the first place. He watched as I internally began to freak out before he responds, "I don't need to. It's up to you whether or not you want to get yourself in trouble. I won't keep you from doing anything stupid." Was all he replied with. And I knew not to ask any further questions. I would only feel worse.
But when he did leave me be to talk with my mother, I still didn't feel whole like I should have despite the fact that I pushed my thoughts of Zhayne to the back of my mind. It was clear she was still very upset with me. Which, I understood. She didn't know what was going on so I couldn't be mad at her. At first, I was a little frustrated that she didn't at least try to call the police the moment she realized I wasn't picking up my phone regularly or going to school. It wasn't like me to do such things.
And I was hurt that she assumed that I was skipping and not answering on purpose as if I was even one to do that. She told me that I was taking advantage of her being gone. I tried telling her that wasn't the case, and in response she asked me why I haven't been going to school. I went quiet, knowing I couldn't answer that without facing the consequences. There was no convincing her anyways. She'd always had a mind of her own. If she believed she was right then that was all there was to it, and she wouldn't try to hear what anyone has to say if it opposes to her even if she was wrong in the end.
And, I guess you could say I was grateful she didn't suspect anything was up at all. And I was happy when she informed me that she had and will be gone for longer than she initially thought . That meant I had more time to get myself together mentally before she arrives home. And hopefully, still unknowing of everything. I'm 100% sure she wouldn't have been alive to see me ever again if she knew anything and attempted to intervene. Since I knew my mother, I knew that's exactly what she would do.
So it's best she stays ignorant of this. But despite that, I was still able to catch up with her. She told me about how stressful work was and how she was ready to come home and see her son again. Her telling me that made me smile, but of course it didn't stay on my face for too long because my anxiety began to set in. I didn't even know if that was going to happen. How would she react when she gets here to find out I'm not there?
There were so many questions but no one was giving me answers. It was causing me to feel more frustrated as the days passed by but I tried my best to not dwell on it. I had not a clue of how things would turn out from now on. The only thing I could do was just try to "live" one day at a time, no matter how much I felt myself slipping.
I sighed, hanging up from the short phone call with my mother. We didn't talk about much. She was in a hurry. The doctor got here shortly after we finished and treated my slight wounds. He handed me an ice pack to hold against my cheek. I told him thank you, and he didn't say a word, nor did he even glance in my direction. I knew the reason why, but I didn't dare question it.
I looked up, seeing that Zhayne suddenly had made an entrance without me or the doctor knowing at first. He was standing casually in the corner of the room, eyeing the man as if he were waiting for him to make a mistake. I knew he would kill him if his eyes even did so much as flicker for a quick second to my own. I felt my insides burn with anger, but I took a deep breath to calm myself.
There was no sense in saying anything like I wanted to. I was in enough pain, I won't willingly allow myself to get in trouble by mouthing off. I still couldn't help but feel annoyed. It was disgusting how he practically jumped at every opportunity to hurt someone...Who am I to check him though? I'm still the weakling. I can't act as if I don't have my life on the line.
When he was done, he packed up his things and wasted no time leaving. He bowed to Zhayne on his way out, cowering under his uncomfortable stare. I heard the sound of the doctor leaving out the front door, and Zhayne motioned for me to get up and he tells me we are leaving.
I didn't ask where we were going. Part of me didn't want to know. Throughout these past few months we haven't really gone anywhere. My injuries from training have been too severe for me to go out and do hardly anything. I blamed it on Zhayne, telling him that he was harsh on me for no reason. But he told me that it was my doing because I asked for it. I let it go.
But just because I didn't go anywhere, didn't mean that Zhayne hadn't constantly gone out of his way to spoil me. It was sickening at times, really. I've lost count of how much he's spent on me over the past couple of months...he's purchased an excessive amount of luxurious items for me. I wasn't even familiar with half of the names, but the price tags gave it all away. He wasn't just gifting me with anything.
Zhayne had bought many rare items from expensive brands that required a waiting list. If you wanted to buy, you must be approved in order to purchase anything. I know Zhayne is obviously one of the most powerful men in the world, but the fact that he was able to be excused from these kind of things made me question if I'd been underestimating him.
But, it was all worth over millions of dollars. I refused to even glance at the receipt every time he handed me a bag with a label from one of those designer stores. It got so bad to the point where I began to feel guilty, even though I hate Zhayne. I never wanted to be taken care of or spoiled rotten. I always thought it was better to get whatever I want on my own by earning it myself.
When I had told him that I'd pay him back for what he bought me, he just gave me a look that let me know to shut up. It was as if what I said to him pissed him off, so I knew not to say anything further. He wasn't lying when he said he'd be at my feet, ready to give me whatever I ask for. He worshipped me.
"Here." He said, handing me a rectangular shaped box. I looked down at it hesitantly, fearing I'd see the finger of a man I'd accidentally glanced at or something. I wanted to ask what it was, but Zhayne shook his head before I even opened up my mouth to say anything. I absolutely loathe him for how well he could read me and predict my actions.
I read the name on the box. Buccellati. So it's not a finger? I took a deep breath, taking the small yet heavy box from Zhayne's hand and not thinking twice before I opened it. I was prepared to cry just in case I was correct, but I wasn't.
My mouth dropped open. "Zhayne." I said, going to put the top back on the box. He didn't say anything, he only took the bracelet out of it and slid it onto my wrist. It was a 13 ct emerald cut diamond tennis bracelet. I was taken aback at how heavy it felt on my wrist. The weight was from the diamonds themselves. Slowly, I turned it over, seeing Angel engraved on the clasp, binding the two ends together.
"Never take this off." Zhayne says, holding my hand up to his lips. I paused briefly. Something told me that there was a warning behind that simple command. I shivered in fear as he flickers his eyes downward to meet mine and presses a small kiss to my wrist. Then without another word, he leads me out of the large house. Eventually, we get into the car to leave.
We haven't driven for too long, before Zhayne spoke up. "Your mother will be home sometime next month." He tells me. And I try my best to ignore the unsettling gut feeling in my stomach at his words. Zhayne mentioning my mother never sat well with me. I don't know what he is planning.
I sighed, hesitating to look in his eyes. I had no intention of speaking to him at all. I was fond of feeding him his fruit in peace. But if I didn't want to try him it was best I respond when spoken to. I knew better. "I know. She told me over the phone not too long ago."
Zhayne nodded, humming softly. He motioned for me to get him another apple slice. I internally groaned, reaching over to stab the piece of the fruit with the fork and holding it up to his lips. He opened his mouth, gladly taking it in. My eye twitched as I momentarily thought of shoving the fork down his throat.
That would be suicide.
When he finished chewing, he spoke again. "I'm contemplating on if I should let you see her or not." In surprise I pulled the fork away before he could take the other half of the apple, making him glare at me in disapproval. I quickly apologized and fed it to him.
"What's the catch?" Was all I asked. I wasn't stupid enough to get my hopes up. His eyes sparkled at my question as I reached for another piece.
"Why would there be a catch? I'm thinking about allowing you to visit your mother. That would be cruel." The seriousness in his tone pissed me off.
"But...there's always something." I said without thinking.
"No there isn't." He said with finality. "You know the rules. If you fuck up, then you'll pay." He bit the apple off of the fork, shrugging. "There's no catch. You already know what's up. Just be careful and watch your back."
I didn't say anything after that. I didn't even think too much about seeing my mom, though I may want to. I just felt empty and wanted to be left alone. There was absolutely nothing going through my head for the rest of the car ride. I only sat still in Zhayne's lap and fed him his apple slices in complete and utter silence.
It took about a half an hour for us to reach our destination. I felt my face twist up in distaste as we pulled up to the familiar chaotic scene of Zhayne's night club. Ever since I think of this place was cursed. I get chills even looking at the design.
I was the first one to get out, leaving the door open behind me for Zhayne to exit after me. But as I looked at him I noticed he wasn't getting out right away, he was too busy chatting to someone who'd stopped by to talk to him about a certain drug deal and about how he was on the lookout for somebody. I didn't linger to hear the conversation when he briskly commanded for me to go in without him.
I wrapped my coat tighter around my shivering frame and made my way toward the rear entrance. I know Zhayne was staring at me, silently daring me to go somewhere else. I could feel his piercing gaze burning holes in the back of my head, and I know he knew I got the message without even having to look at my face.
I huffed, dreading going inside but I kept going anyways. It wasn't like I had a choice in the matter. It's kind of funny how I continue to think sometimes as if I do. Chuckling at the bitter truth, I continued on my way until I was suddenly stopped by a small figure catching my eye.
At first I thought I was crazy. I shook my head and walked a little further, but as I got a closer look I realized that there was a little boy around the age of 3 or 4 standing in front of a place like this with a thin coat, shivering in the cold. "Oh my god." I muttered, making my way toward him in a hurry.
Someone could have easily hurt him. Where are his parents? I pushed my thoughts aside, not even wanting to think about such a thing. Whoever the parent's are of this baby obviously had no business having one. Leaving your child alone in a world like this? You're foolish.
When I approached the boy, I waved cautiously, trying to get his attention. He glanced up at me, wrapping his tiny arms around himself in attempts to keep himself warm. I hesitantly spoke. "Hi honey. What are you doing outside a place like this?" I asked, crouching down to his level, brushing my hand up against his flushed cheek. I used the sleeve of my shirt to wipe off the snot dripping from his little nose. I didn't care that it was disgusting. It was obvious the baby was in an unfortunate situation. My heart broke for him.
"My mommy told me to wait right here." He told me, making me look around for a moment in search of a woman who may be looking for a child. When I saw nothing I furrowed my brows, locking eyes with the precious boy again.
"Where's your mom, baby?" He pointed to his left, down the street. I looked again, but the only thing I could see were people standing in line, waiting for their invitation to gain access to enter the club. "Is she in line?" The boy shook his head.
Just when I was about to tell him to take me to her, and quickly, I heard the voice of Zhayne. I froze immediately, standing to my full height and pushing the kid so that he was hidden behind my legs. I turned around and looked at him, cautiously. He tossed the blunt he'd finished smoking on the ground beneath him and crushed it with his foot. One of the men standing at his side lay a long coat over his broad shoulders and lit another one for him.
The area around us seemed to quiet down immediately as Zhayne entered the scene. The baby clenched his fingers in my pants leg and rests his cheek on my calf, shaking as if he could sense the danger oozing off of Zhayne. I tried my best to keep a straight face as he blows the smoke out into the cold air, the cloudy substance slowly disappearing as seconds pass by.
Without a word spoken, Zhayne lifts one of his hands and motions for me to take a step aside. I didn't want to, but I knew there was no room for me to protest. I had nothing to hide but I am painfully wary of him. He was not a man to be fucked with, and he's made that clear on many occasions that he would not spare me despite how he claims he feels about me.
As I obeyed, Zhayne lifted a brow, taking a couple steps forward until he was standing in front of the boy and I. He didn't say anything, still, and it had me on my toes. I was just waiting for something to happen. Zhayne's dark gaze trailed down to my hand stroking the back of the child's head tenderly, in attempts to calm the young soul down.
I could feel the body of the baby trembling against my leg as Zhayne's mere presence frightened not only him, or me, but all of the people present. Just about everyone had dismissed whatever else they had deemed as important beforehand, to witness the arrival of Zhayne and the rest of his men.
"Move your hand." He said simply. I did, praying to god that nothing would happen. The boy wrapped his arms around my leg, not letting me go as I retracted my hand. I glanced down at him for a second in surprise, but snapped my head back up to look at Zhayne.
My heart stopped in my chest as he flickered his chilling gaze to the toddler. "Why are you standing here at this time of night? Don't you know that this is a place for adults, kid?" He asked, his deep accented voice cutting through the tension in the cold air like a blade.
The child seemed to be even more fearful when Zhayne spoke, so I took it upon myself to do it. I silently asked for Zhayne's permission. The evil man stared at the child with distaste, before motioning for me to proceed. Repressing a sigh of relief, I crouched down again so that I was eye level with the boy. My heart clenched as I saw tears staining his chubby cheeks. His big, beautiful blue eyes were glossed over with the clear liquid.
"Can you take me to where she is?" I spoke lowly, trying to take on more of a comforting tone. I never was one to be good with kids, since I've never really been around any. But I tried my best to ensure that he didn't feel scared with me, despite Zhayne's sinister presence lingering making it almost impossible.
- In Serial701 Chapters
Secret Marriage: Reborn as A Beautiful Model Student
Framed for something she did not do which resulted in her only son’s death, she was abandoned by her husband. Reborn after an accident, the eighteen-year-old Ye Tianxin swore to reclaim her life. Then, due to an unexpected twist of fate, she saved the life of a powerful man and her new destiny was rewritten!
8 1707 - In Serial95 Chapters
texting you | jeon jungkook √
"ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɴ'ᴛ ғɪɴᴅ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙᴀɢ ɪ'ʟʟ ᴋɪʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ."in which jungkook thinks he's texting taehyung about his thick, lost bag when he's actually been texting someone that he never knew would change his life.[ COMPLETED ]© saucybangtan, 2018#1 - bts#1 - jungkook#8 - ff
8 206 - In Serial8 Chapters
Black Apocalypse
Years after Paradise Lost. The world came to an end. God had released the apocalypse. An angel walked into a bar full of devil-blooded creatures, and asked for something unusual.
8 152 - In Serial6 Chapters
Help Me Heal The Cracks Of My Heart
When Dimentio's plans go off the rails and his secret is revealed. He needs a certain Green Man to help fix his broken parts.(A request for Dimentio x Mr. L)
8 134 - In Serial41 Chapters
mcyt smutshots
my first ever book. i'll try not to do anyone who isn't comfortable with being sexualized (what ⟟ mean by that is if ⟟ do one where there is someone who doesn't wanna be sexualized then ill delete it if someone tells me)NO MINORS!! THATS ILLEGAL!! IDC IF UR A MINOR OR THAT IM A MINOR!! DONT SHIP THE MINORS!!!⟟ may do fluff? idk. it depends on my mood. if it gets requested then i'll do it. NO ANGST!! ⟟ DONT LIKE ANGST CAUSE IT MAKES ME CRY AND IDK HOW TO WRITE ITsome of these ships may repeat. it's mainly because quite a few people in the Dream SMP aren't comfortable with being shipped. it upsets me but ⟟ choose to follow it cause that rude if ⟟ just don't give a shit. but like ⟟ said before, i'll try my best to make sure that ⟟ only ship people who ARE comfortable with being so.other than all that ⟟ hope you guys enjoy this book! ⟟ wrote like 9 of these stories in one day.
8 151 - In Serial54 Chapters
Highest ranking Millionaires No 6 (03-3-19)Deal No 3 (23-3-19)Feisty No 13 (05-6-19) ----------------------------------------------------------Kelvin Alexander the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company is a Heartthrob who has money, fame, and power, etc, he is arrogant and despises and treats women like rags as he thinks they are all after his money. Lillian Carson William an intelligent, beautiful, and hardworking non-nonsense young woman that can stand up for her right no matter the situation or person involved. He is arrogant: she hates arrogant menHe like being in control: she hates been controlled He hates women: she hates men that are full of themselves. He is rude: she is feisty What will go wrong when they are both bound together by a deal. Will there be a clash of love or a clash of war. Or will they be able to resist the Great attraction pull between the two of them? Read to find out in this heartwarming romance. Beautiful cover by @RoseHuntington23 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Warning ⚠ *under major editing*
8 89