
"I...need help with something."


"I can't reach the um...top shelf. Could you get something for me?"

I took my focus away from the book I was reading, shutting it closed. Discarding my glasses I stood up from my chair and walked over to Angel, who was looking up at a level far beyond his reach.

Upon waking up this morning, Angel told me he was bored and in need of something to do. I considered telling him to suck it up and go back to sleep or something, but then I suddenly remembered he liked to read and that I had a whole library downstairs that he was more than welcome to treat himself to.

I find it amusing how I had nearly an entire floor dedicated to books yet I never bother to stop by. At least not anymore. I read just about every single book in this home, growing up. I've even memorized quite a few of them. But I've long grown out of my bookworm stage and I'm far too busy to sit down and actually take the time to read one.

"What do you need me to get, baby?"

Angel stood up on his toes and pointed toward the book he wanted me to retrieve for him. I tilted my head to the side in interest as I watched his eyes light up with joy for the first time since I've met him.

I didn't bother to stop myself from staring, despite the fact that he'd obviously grown uncomfortable by it. Words were not enough to describe how beautiful he is. Angel is always breathtaking. Every single one of his qualities are absolute and it's caused me to never be willing to let him slip from my grasp.

I'm simply unable to stop my mind from going wild with obsessive thoughts whenever I do so much as glance his way. I couldn't help it and I won't try to. I was completely and utterly enthralled by his hypnotizing beauty. There was something about him that has me so addicted to his all.

I am not afraid to admit that I'm selfish, and I am worse when it comes to Angel. I want more from him, because what I have is not enough to satisfy me in the long run. My dangerous obsession with him becomes stronger by the day. I'm a greedy man. I'm constantly growing restless as my cravings progressively get more and more sadistic.

I'm fully aware that I'm so much more than Angel can take. He can't handle me. But I don't care for any of that. I want him. I have him. And I will do everything in my power to keep him. Nothing will come between us. It has already been said and done, that whoever tries will die. Not an easy death either.

Angel belongs to me alone.

My possessiveness may be overwhelming for him but it is essential that he learns to get used to it because I do not plan on being lenient. I won't change for anyone, not even him. I have been this way my entire life and I won't suddenly decide things need to be done differently just because I've grown attached to him in the most unhealthy way.

"Zhayne." His tiny voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I hummed in response, still not looking away from him. He's so captivating. "My book, please."

Oh. "Yeah."

I motioned for Angel to come here. He froze for a moment, looking confused as to why I needed him to come to me but he knew not to question it any further. When I give him a command he is to do nothing but follow. I will tolerate nothing else.


As soon as he was within arms reach I grabbed him by his hips and lifted him in the air. He shrieked, asking me what I was doing just as I braced him on one of my shoulders. I looked up at the bewitchingly beautiful boy, who was all mine. "Get your book before I drop you." He immediately tightened one of his hands around the back of my shirt and reached up, quickly grabbing the book of his choice and securing it in his free arm.

When he was done I placed one of my hands on the back of his thigh and I wrapped my other arm around his abdomen, slowly putting him back down. But before his feet could touch the ground, I found myself stopping mid-way to inhale that heavenly scent of his.

I trailed my nose down his neck, savoring the memory of his smell in the back of my mind. Angel's hand gripped my collar as I lifted my lips to his ear. "You're so perfect, you know that?" I whispered against his lobe, kissing it. I sensually stroked the underside of his exposed thigh as I released him from my firm grasp.

Angel moved away from me and looked off to the side, not looking so sure about my truthful compliment but he thanked me anyways. I made a mental note in my head to talk to him about that later. I won't have him thinking low of himself. It's not acceptable. For now I will leave the matter alone because I'm enjoying my time with him.

"The paintings..." Angel changes the subject as his enchanting eyes roamed all over the room, admiring the works of art I had decorating the walls. "They're beautiful." He put his book down on a nearby table and began to walk around to get a closer look at them.

I leaned against a bookcase with my arms crossed in front of my chest, watching him become infatuated with the different pieces. As he came across one in particular, The Creation Of Adam by Michelangelo, he grazes the painting with his fingers and murmured a small "wow."

I did nothing but observe him explore, finding his every move fascinating. I would talk with him about these brilliant works as he studies each one with the upmost interest but I left him to analyze them in peace.

I used to have a thing for art, too. Which was why I had so many paintings. I never had a particular taste, really. I just so happened to enjoy work that involves meticulous detail and intrigues me on how it is made.

I gave up on a lot of my interests a long time ago though. Now I don't enjoy anything. At least nothing that doesn't involve violence. It's the only thing I know. I've grown so accustomed to it that I can't see myself living my life any other way. And I'm okay with that.

I was not raised to spend time doing things that I even remotely found entertaining other than fighting, killing, or training for my future. I spent most of my youth working to get to where I am today. And that was not easy, but I am proud. I wouldn't change my past for anything.

While these works may be pleasing to the eye, I'm glad I haven't allowed myself to indulge in them too much. Otherwise, I would have lost focus on what was really important. "Zhayne." Angel called out to me as he approached his 8th painting.

I asked him what he wanted. He didn't turn around to face me which kind of pissed me off but then he said something else. "What...what's this one?" I flickered my gaze toward the art. Upon realizing what it was, I pushed my back away from the shelf and headed in Angel's direction.


I raked my eyes over the beautiful canvas, drinking in every significant detail. It's been such a long time since I looked at it. For a moment I felt as if I've traveled back in time to the more subtle side of my childhood when I would lock myself away in this library and admire this specific painting.

"Z. What did I tell you about staying in here all goddamn day?" I heard the sound of mom's voice ringing in my ears, disturbing the serene silence. I thought I locked the door. Sighing, I tore my eyes away from the large picture on the wall and faced Ma.

Ma is just as evil as the man who made me, but she was beautiful. Her face was often compared to that of a goddess. The woman was praised for her breathtaking beauty. It was no wonder why my father was possessive of her.

She had long and full blonde hair that fell to her hips. Light green orbs that always seemed to shine with a cunning glint wherever she glanced. It was all too apparent that she's a mischievous woman with a hidden intent behind her every action.

Her delicate features were slightly covered with makeup, making her look all the more eye catching. The light crimson powder on her cheeks complimented the cherry red gloss painting her lips.

It was a shame she was just as vile as the rest of the family. With her looks, she was surely able to fool anyone into thinking she's innocent.

"You and dad told me I had the day off." I replied boredly, not in the mood to speak with her at all. She ruins everything. My mother was similar to that of a mere cockroach who I simply was unable to get rid of. I really wanted to crush her under my foot, just like I had done my opponents jaw the other night.

She rolls her eyes and allowed herself to enter into space all too comfortably. Her green eyes shone with a devious glint as they observed everything in the room with disinterest. Victoria closed the door behind her with one arm while she used her free hand to lift a cigarette to her lips.

The cold woman blew the smoke out of the side of her cherry coated lips before transferring her piercing stare to me. "I don't know why you insist on doing such stupid shit." She began, grazing her decorated fingernails over my books. It took everything in me not to take the knife out of my shoe to slit her fucking digits off of her dirty hand. How dare she touch my things that I worked hard to own?

"Tell me, Z. What the fuck do you think you're going to do with a fuckin' book, huh?" She inquired, letting out a loud laugh as she took one of them off from the shelf and looked at the book cover. "Pathetic." She mumbled. "The Art Of Seduction? You're a 14 year old boy for christ's sake. What the hell do you need to read that for? God you're so fucking stupid." She threw the book on the floor, causing the sound to echo in the silent room.

I clenched my hands into fists, feeling my insides ignite with an immense amount of rage. I was shaking, ready to pounce on her as soon as I reach my breaking point. And I was not far from it.

"You do nothing but waste your time. You should be training for your next fight, not staring at pictures like a fuckin' creep." After a little bit longer she finished her cigarette and put it out on the table, damaging the expensive material.

"You're a murderer, Zhayne. Not an artist, not a reader. You were born and trained to kill people. That is your purpose. That's all you're good for." She spat, taking a few steps closer to me, but kept a good distance between us. Which was good for her in the end. She knows I'm not in my right mind. "I had hoped after what happened last night that I wouldn't have to keep reminding you."

Her long blonde hair swayed gracefully around her hips as she slyly flipped some loose strands away from her face. "You should be more like ya brothers. At least they accept who they are."

A fool is what Victoria Donovan is.

"More like my brothers, eh?" I asked, cracking a smile as I bent down to retrieve the knife from my shoe. I made it look like I was fixing my laces so that she didn't suspect anything. I slipped the knife through my sleeve as I stood back up. I grazed my bottom lip with my tongue as I awaited her response.

"That's what the fuck I said." She challenged.

I shrugged.


I let the knife fall into my hand and in the blink of an eye, It was sent flying across the room in her direction angled toward her forehead...To me it looked as if it were moving in slow motion, but Victoria was too blind to realize she was about to die.

Right before the knife was able to go through her head, I saw two large hands wrap around her shoulders to push her out of the way, making her fall to the ground. Unfortunately, the blade went through the wall behind her instead. I growled in annoyance. I would have loved to bathe in her blood tonight.

Before I could retrieve the knife to go for another shot, I was snatched up by my neck and slammed into one of the framed pictures. The sharp glass broke against the back of my head from the harsh impact. Blood immediately began to trickle down my neck and the fresh wounds on my back from last night's punishment throbbed painfully from the agonizing force.

I brought my hands up and wrapped them around the large ones that were choking me, close to ending my life at any given second. I almost felt as if my neck was about to be crushed because of the amount of power that was being used to squeeze it.

My eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets as they tightened their hold around my neck. I didn't make a sound other than the occasional heave, nor did I plead with them. Even as my vision began to blur, I held my own and stared them down as they did me, waiting for my life to flash before my eyes.

"Zhalil you're going to kill him! What the fuck are you doing let the kid go!" Victoria screamed, approaching him from behind. She was about an inch from touching his shoulder, but Zhalil's reflexes were not something to be fucked with.

Before she could even graze him, he grabbed her by her neck and slammed her into the table behind us. I could faintly hear the sound of her head banging against the hard surface. "Did you not see this stupid fuck try to kill you, Victoria?" He spat. "I'm doing you a favor. It's best you watch your mouth before I continue what he started."

She screamed while wriggling in his death grip, desperate to get away from him but to no avail. She was weak. Everyone was when it came to my father. There was no struggling, no fighting back. Only submission. He will accept nothing else.

Never tearing his challenging gaze away from me, he keeps me and my mother both held down. My legs dangled in above the ground as I slowly sensed my air supply becoming less and less. But I was not trying to stop it. If this man was to kill me right here, I wouldn't give a damn.

I knew my eyes mirrored what I thought, and Zhalil got the message. He let out a brief chuckle, letting go of me. I fell to the floor along with the loose glass shards. My throat burned immensely as I coughed, still not backing down. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and shook his head as he looked at me.

Raising his foot, he tilts my chin up with it and smiles the slightest bit. Pride shone within his dark eyes. "Clean this mess up. You have 30 minutes to get ready for your next match." Zhalil said, leaving no room for any sort of response. The room was filled to the brim with tension. No one dared to say anything. "And don't let me down either. Or Victoria and I will make sure you get worse than yesterday."

With that said he delivered one brutal kick to my jaw, causing an intense pain to shoot throughout my entire head as it turned at an uncomfortable angle from the blow. A couple of my teeth were ripped away from my gums and hit the floor beneath me.

Next thing I know, I'm hunched over on my knees, throwing up my dinner mixed with blood. Without looking up I heard him lift Victoria who'd fallen limp. He dragged her out of the room by her hair and slammed the door behind them on their way out.

"That." I stood right behind him, encasing him in my natural body heat. "Is "L'Ange Déchu", or "The Fallen Angel" by Alexandre Cabanel." He didn't reply right away. Angel seemed to be in a trance as he gazed upon the elegant figure in the painting. He reaches up and traces the tips of his fingers over the face of the Fallen Angel.

"Who is it? What is this supposed to be?"

"In a way the title speaks for itself." I mumbled into his hair, pulling him closer to me. "The Fallen Angel. Lucifer." Angel's brows furrowed as he touches the lone tear slipping from the celestial being's eye. "This is taking place right after the war in heaven, when Lucifer had been defeated by the archangel Michael, then later banished."

"He's crying." Angel noted, trailing off for a brief moment. "Is he sad?" He questioned further, still not tearing his gaze away from the painting.

"No." Angel looked up at me.

"Look closer Angel." I turned his head back to it. "Those are not tears of sadness. He's angry." He hummed in response, caressing his features. "The look in his eyes tells us that he is far from done. This is not the last of him, and that his true act of defiance has yet to happen." I explained to him.

"Though this picture is depicting the aftermath of his undoing, or downfall, it's also vaguely shining light on Lucifer's clear intention to get revenge." Angel nodded, still seeming hypnotized by the work. "You notice only if you pay attention, that is." I finalized my statement, no longer wanting to talk about the painting. I'm getting bored.

"I...really like this."

"I'll buy the real one for you if you want."

"N-no. Zhayne. I don't want you to buy me anything. I...was just admiring the work." He said timidly. "Besides, it probably costs a fortune anyways."

"How about I take you to see it then?"

"What? Zhayne I don't-"

"Don't spoil the moment." I'm in a really good mood for now. I don't need him pissing me off. "It's current location is in the Musée Fabre in France." I told him, unwrapping my arms from around his waist and grabbing his hand . "I'll take you one day, when I have time."

Angel didn't protest.

I lead him out of the library, reminding him to grab his book before I locked the room up. By now I should be on my way to see my mother. She'd been calling me nonstop for the past couple of weeks, demanding that I take her out for dinner so that we can talk.

There's nothing to fucking talk about.

But in order to get her out of the way, I have to. I tolerate my mother a lot more than I do anyone else in my family, so she should consider herself lucky that I'm being a gentleman and agreeing to go.

Angel sat down on the bed and immediately stuffed his nose in the book as we arrived to the room. I grabbed everything I would need while I'm gone and approached him when I finished. "I have to go for a little while. I won't be back until later. I called Tone over so he will be here shortly."

I had given him permission to speak with Angel earlier over the phone. Only because I'll listen to every word that will have been exchanged between the two through pre-recorded footage. Had that not been the case, he wouldn't step foot in this house with Angel alone.

Tone knows better than to go against my word. I've allowed him to talk to Angel. . I won't ever let him go that far. I'm the only man who will lay hands on Angel in any way. Violently, casually, and most definitely sexually. That's all me. Mine.

For now, Tone is the only one that I will allow to talk to him. Unless he possibly fucks it up for himself. Because then, I'd unfortunately have to kill the only man I consider somewhat of a "friend" But I doubt he will. Having known each other for pretty much our whole lives, he knows not to test me. He's aware he will face harsh consequences just like the rest of my victims if he is to make me angry. Luckily for him, he has yet to. Which is why I trust him.

"I don't want to have to fuck you up again." I'm than willing to, if needed. I lifted his chin. "No funny shit, Angel. Behave." I mumbled, pressing a small kiss to his plump lips. I smirked as I saw him freeze up suddenly.

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