I'm terrified.
So was Nas. But not only was he terrified, he's mad as well. As soon as he got the call from Mr. Donovan who was looking for me, he shoved my jacket at me and yelled, "let's go!" I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to any of his friends because as soon as I gathered my belongings, he was pretty much dragging me out of the mansion.
When we got to his car he was quiet. He's yet to say a word to me since we first got in. Everything was my fault. I most likely got Nas in trouble. I'm not sure how Zhayne found out I knew Nas anyways, but I didn't care to find out how at the moment. I'm more worried about how everything will turn out for him. Nas could lose his job all because of me. If only I hadn't ignored Zhayne's command for me be at the club at a certain time then Nas and I wouldn't be tied into this mess.
This is why I'm better off alone. See what happened when I tried to break out of my shell again? This. This right here. At first I messed everything else up for me but now it could possibly be the same for Nas. Darn.
"Why?" Was all I heard from him. I looked up, surprised he actually said something to me.
"I-Nas I-"
he immediately stuck up a hand that was previously on the wheel to wave me off. "Angel I want you to get straight to the fucking point, dude. Why was my boss calling me looking for you?" He asked frustratedly, then went on to say something else. "And how the fuck does he even know I know you?"
I wondered the same thing. "I-I don't know. B-but I met him last night. He told me he wanted t-to see me again today but I-I forgot. I'm sorry I-"
Nas pinched two fingers over the bridge of his nose in irritation. "Why? Dude what the fuck were you doing with my boss? He didn't kick you out when he saw you? It's way obvious you're underage."
"W-well if you'd let me explain-"
With a pout on my face I slouched in my seat, causing the belt buckle to press painfully into my side. "I accidentally bumped into him yesterday when I was on my way to the bathroom. Literally. And since it was pretty hard um...I bled, which is why I had a bandaid on my cheek. He demanded that I let him clean it up...so..well...he uh, t-took me to his VIP room so he could 'fix me up'" I said, trying my best to keep the details vague.
"That doesn't even sound right. Mr. Donovan doesn't help people. You're lying." Heck! I wished I was. But what I told him was 100% the truth, I just left out some things that didn't need to be said.
"I-I'm not lying! I swear!"
Nas sighed, still looking very upset. "None of this explains why he called my phone looking for you." I guess that's something that'll forever remain a mystery because I have not a clue either. There was no telling how Zhayne knew I talked to him. Wait...how did he figure out Nas and I were with each other right now?
This is worse than I thought. I regret everything at this very moment right now. I promise this time, as soon as I get back home I will not be leaving the house ever again unless it's to go to school. I've gotten myself into too much crap within less than 24 hours. I don't need to dig myself an even deeper hole.
"H-he kissed me you know..." I don't know why I said it, but I just couldn't keep myself from blurting it. It's too late to go back now. I have his full attention. From there on, I began my rambling. "I-I don't know why though. I swear I had no intentions of doing anything with your boss! I- just wanted to use the restroom and I couldn't even do something as s-simple as that. I tried to get away. I even offered money but he wouldn't t-take it. He told me to shut the f word up when I started freaking out kinda like I am now. T-then he kept asking me questions like I was some criminal. Then out of nowhere he told me to kiss him! I-I did! I don't know why I kissed him. Maybe it was his charm? Crap I don't know. But yeah and then he told me he wanted to see me again today around 3. I t-tried to say I wouldn't be able to make it but he said dOnT mAkE mE cOmE lOoKiNg fOr yOu so I had pretty much no choice but to comply because he scared me-"
"Angel please shut up." Nas said to me calmly. And that was enough to snap me out of it. My mouth close ever so slowly and little by little, I felt myself calm down a bit. Nas sighed, running his fingers through his dyed red hair. "I don't think my boss swings that way, dude."
I laughed sarcastically. "He made it clear to me the other night that he very much does." When I noticed the smart comment that slipped I covered my mouth, embarrassed. I never talk like that. "I'm so sorry." Nas rolled his eyes.
"I'll just have to see everything for myself. There's no point in listening to you rant." He grunted. And soon enough, he was pulling into the parking lot of the club, which caused my heart to sink. I whined, not wanting to get out of the car.
"H-hey can I please stay in the-"
"No. You're the reason I'm here, Angel. You're coming in. Get out." He growled and got out of the car. He slammed the door behind him with such a force that the vehicle shook. Great. Now I made him even more mad.
With now a sluggish posture, I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out, standing in front of Nas. He looked at me for a good 5 seconds before turning away from me and walking in. When the bouncer held his hand out asking for ID Nas slapped his hand away, walking in anyways. He told the man he works there and that he should know that already.
As I approached the entrance I looked as the bouncer stared after the direction Nas went in then shrugged, turning to me. "What's his problem?"
I put on a fake surprised act. "O-ohh. I don't know. He could just be on his period r-right? Haha..." I laughed awkwardly and softly punched his arm.
He raised a brow, unimpressed with my lame joke. "That wasn't funny."
I sucked my teeth. "Is anybody nice around here?" I asked to no one in particular. The man studied me for a couple seconds, looking as if he recognized me from somewhere. "Hey, you're the kid I let in last night aren't you?"
I sort of froze. "W-what do you mean that kid? Y-you've let in a lot of kids yesterday haven't you?" I inquired, attempting to be slick. But I knew I failed as soon as the man with the shiny head sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Look, kid. Cut the act. My boss is looking for you. And if I don't report you to him my ass is fucking grass. Not taking any chances, champ. He's not one to fuck with." He said, taking out something that looked like a walkie talkie. My eyes widened. No! No! No!
"Wait- wait sir please! You don't have to do this! I-I'll pay you just please let me go don't let him know I'm here." I begged him. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my wallet. The bouncer grabbed my arm before I could get it and gripped onto it tightly. I hissed. He spoke into the walkie talkie with the other.
"Yeah, I've got the kid. Send someone down to escort him to the boss." He commanded and stuffed the device back onto his belt buckle.
"Can you at least give me a head start so I can run?" I hissed in a hushed tone. When he remained stone faced not listening to me. It became clear my words were like talking to a wall. He doesn't care. I tried to pry his hand off my arm in time before anyone else had arrived to take me to my doom. But so far no good. Luck just isn't on my side. Then again is it ever?
Within less than 30 more seconds of me trying to get his hand off of me, it was too late. Another guard had already appeared, looking much stronger and meaner. My face fell and my heart sank, knowing there was no use in trying to fight. I wouldn't stand a chance against this godzilla.
The new guard nodded at the bouncer. "Thanks Dom, I got it from here." He said. And the man now known as Dom let go of me and took a step away from us. I yanked my arm back before the man could grab it. "P-please don't touch me. I'll follow you just please don't." I told him. He nodded and started to walk in with me trailing close behind.
As we walked I observed my surroundings. I noticed that there was no one really here. Well, since it was still early, it had to be around 4 or 5 pm. It's still light outside. The workers are cleaning, setting things up and prepping music for another nights opening.
I sighed and continued to follow the man down the same corridor I bumped into Zhayne in. But this time I walked passed what I remember to be the VIP room and kept going. I'm confused. I stood up on my tippy toes and tapped the big guards shoulder.
"What?" He grunted.
"I-um...where are we going, sir?" I asked in a quiet voice.
"The bosses office. Now be quiet. I'm not allowed to answer too many of your questions. You're in his hands now." The guard told me and stopped in front of a door which wasn't too far down the hall from the VIP room. I could faintly hear a heated conversation going on between two people in there. He knocked on the door 3 times before looking back to me. He nodded once and said, "good luck, kid. You're going to need it."
My brows furrowed. "Huh? Wait what? Why did you say that?" I asked him incredulously, not missing my heartbeat quickening at an almost inhumane pace at his alarming words.
He gave a low chuckle. "He's pissed." And without another word being said he walked off to only god knows where.
"Come in."
I stood there as if I were paralyzed. I don't know what to do. But what I do know is that going in there really wouldn't be my best option. I'll do anything to keep me from doing that. So slowly and gracefully, I began to tip toe my way out of the doorway and down the hall. I was careful not to make noises with my mouth or my feet.
Surprisingly, somehow by the grace of god himself I was able to make it to the end of the corridor successfully. Maybe luck is on my side after all? When I got to the corner where I'd turn I stood with my back against the wall, breathing heavily. My heart was filled with relief. I got away!
I could make this little stupid mistake forgotten as soon as I leave this place. And when I do, I'm not coming back. I simply refuse. Maybe the next time I want to do something fun I'll just ask my mom for better advice on what to do or maybe I can just stay the heck home and go to school. That's it.
Even though it would be back to boring and having no life. I'm okay with that. Having no social life is what I'm used to. Hence why my social skills are not on point and probably never will be.
Meeting Nas has been both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because even though I learned in such a short time he can be a jerk...he's the first person outside of my mother that I've had a real conversation with. And to add onto that, he took me to see his friends! No one's ever done that for me before. I'd be lying if I said that wasn't the best experience of my life.
But on the other hand, meeting him is a curse because I unfortunately met Mr. Donovan. And I know that keeping in contact with Nas met continuously running into Zhayne and who isn't up for that? Me. I just can't do it. I can already see this man ruining my life every chance he gets and I can't risk it.
Plus, not only is he a creep. But he's a very attractive creep. And he managed to make me fall for his charm, making me feel hot, bothered, and mortified at the same time. That right there? Not a good combination.
For Christ sake I'm a Virgin! I would like to stay that way. I can't be thinking of him that way. It would violate everything I stand for...which...is nothing. I shake my head and rid myself of my thoughts and I went to take another step down, but I was stopped all of a sudden by a large hand gripping the back of my neck and roughly turning me around with a harsh force.
My eyes widened in surprise and I gasped at the pain. "Ow ow ow!" I whined. Not realizing who was in front of me at first. But when I came face to face with who the large hand practically squeezing my neck belonged to, my stomach turned in fear. "Uh...H-hi Zhayne." I squeaked.
He cut his eyes at me. "Shut up. Where do you think you're going?"
I shifted on my little feet uncomfortably. "C-can you move your hand first, please?" I wheezed, the pain growing worse. I let out a sigh of relief as he loosened his grip on my neck but didn't let me go.
"You tried to run."
My eyes darted left and right multiple times before I could answer. "W-whaaat? No. never! Um, I was uh, trying to use the restroom that's all." I lied, now no longer talking normally. My jaw tends to kind of go stiff when I'm nervous. So my face looked like it was painful for me to talk.
He inhaled sharply, his face turning a crimson red. I winced slightly at the quick change of emotion. "Angel stop fuckin' playing with me. The bathroom is by my office which you were brought to. There was a clear fuckin' label on the door. There wasn't a need for you to be all the way down here. So if you weren't trying to leave then where the fuck did you think you were going? Don't fuckin' bullshit me right now."
He questioned, his thick accent becoming more noticeable as it dripped through every word he spat. Now that his accents suddenly gotten stronger with his anger, I think I've pinpointed what it is. If I'm not mistaken it sounds like he's from New York. But I'm no expert on accents so I don't know. Let's say I am correct, though. What is he doing all the way in California?
"I was-"
"Mr. Donovan I-" I tore my eyes away from Zhayne and looked at Nas who had just interrupted this dreadful conversation. Thank god for Nas! Zhayne sighed in annoyance and let go of my neck harshly, causing me to stumble back a little. My back hitting against the wall. How many times is this man going to shove me? Jesus Christ.
Zhayne turned his head slowly away from me to look at our guest. But he made sure to warn me silently with his eyes. I know exactly what he was telling me. He didn't have to talk aloud for me to know the deal. So I stood still. "Oh, Angel." Nas breathed.
I have him a pleading look, he looked confused as to why. I know I wouldn't be able to talk to him. Mr. giant over here might get angrier than he already is. So I settled on making hand gestures instead, since the man wasn't facing me.
I pointed at Zhayne's back frantically, then took my finger and slid it across my neck, trying my best to make an example of him trying to kill me. Nas lifted a brow but then it wasn't long until he had looked at me with realization mixed with pity.
"Angel. Don't fuckin' make me turn around and catch you doing some stupid shit. I know what you're doing. Stop while you're ahead." He growled. I went stiff. How did he know?! And why the heck is he so angry and hostile as if has any right to be?
"The fuck are you standing there looking dumb for Nasir? Go. Get the fuck outta here." He stuck his arm out and pointed toward the direction behind me. Nas opened up he mouth to say something. "No. Stop. I don't wanna hear shit from you right now. Get the fuck out before I throw you out myself. Don't think for one second I won't do it." Nas didn't say a word. His face was red, you could tell he was angry but he knew his place when it came to Zhayne. So he hung his head low and walked past me. I attempted to grab his arm so I could quickly apologize. But he gave me this wide eyed look and shook his head. And without any other interaction between us, he was gone.
Mr. Donovan turned on his heel to stare at me. With his eyes narrowed and his fingers placed firmly on his chin he asked, "what's yuh relationship with Nasir?"
I frowned. "He's a friend." Well, at least I hope he still is. At this point I have no clue. I still don't even know if he has this job or not. Zhayne nodded, seeming pleased with my answer.
"Follow me." He ordered. "And Angel, don't think about trying to walk away from me. Remember to behave for your sake. You're yet to have any idea what I'm capable of." For gods sake I just did what he said. I don't want to know what this man's capable of because there's no telling. And honestly, there is absolutely no point in trying to poke a sleeping bear. If I want to escape Zhayne, which I do. I would have to be smart about it. Thinking about running while he's right in front of me would only be me asking for a death wish.
I followed behind him as he yet again guided me down the long corridor. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I thought about checking to see if it was Nas but I feel like it's best to keep it put up just in case Zhayne gets any ideas. When we reached his office door, he took out a set of keys from his slacks and unlocked it. He stood in the doorway as it opened, motioning for me to go in before him.
I eyed him cautiously as I stepped in. And as I entered I was immediately welcomed with the smell of caramel and butterscotch candy. His office had a completely different feel to it compared to the rest of the place. It gave me more of a home like vibe. And I won't lie, it looked really nice.
The CEO closed the door and tossed his keys onto the cherry wood desk. "Sit down." He motioned toward an extremely large sofa that sat not far from his desk. Without a word spoken, I did as he said in order to avoid any problems. He did the same thing I did. He took a spot on the couch next to me, not too far but not too close either.
Zhayne clasped his fairly large hands together and got straight to the point. "I told you to be here at 3. Why didn't you arrive when I told you to?" He questioned me as if I were a felon. "That wasn't a fuckin' request, Angel."
"Don't start that stuttering shit. Don't get scared now. You weren't scared when you decided you could do whatever the fuck you felt like despite what I said, right?" When I didn't say anything he glared at me. If looks could kill. I would be dead. He asked a bit more harshly. I flinched and nodded my head, scooting further away from him.
"Ah ah ah, no." He snapped his fingers, motioning for me to come closer to him. "Get your ass over here. I want you right next to me." He said sternly. I don't like the sound of that, so I gave him a look silently pleading for him to not make me sit by him. This man really is going to make me have an anxiety attack one of these days. He's just that scary. "Fix your face and do what I said." I sat still, practically shaking in fear as he stared me down. When a man as intimidating and as evil looking as him commands you to do something, you should do it. And fast. But I couldn't find myself moving because I was so stuck on staring into his frightening eyes.
I couldn't shake off the bad feeling. It wouldn't go away. Every time he spoke it only got worse, creating this awful feeling inside me that I can't even explain. Yes, I'm scared of him. But this feeling is worse. I'm afraid I have no clue who I'm dealing with just yet. I do know that in time if I don't get away from him, that I will see a god awful side of him that I would have never wanted to witness.
I looked down for a second, the intense look in his eyes beginning to be too much for me. I've never been so unsettled by an individual. "Y-yes?"
"Come here." He demanded again. My head darted back up in less than a second. He looked calm, but I can tell his patience is wearing thin. I know it's no good testing him but I was still hesitating.
- End217 Chapters
Waiting For You Online
At the age of 15, He Jin found himself a “husband” in an online game, their love was filled with loving affection and sweetness. However, because his study was being interfered with, his parent cut off the internet, he didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye and had to disappear from the game. 8 years later, the online game in the past was about to come out with a revised edition and turned into a virtual reality game. He Jin decided to login again and unexpectedly discovered that his “husband” had become a powerful player and ranked number one in the whole server, moreover, he had not divorced him! However, the husband that was abandoned by He Jin for eight years, his initial impression of him was that of a pure boy, but now he seemed to somehow have become…….a little evil?
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Caught In The Loop | Steve Harrington X Reader
You're Billie's twin sister, both of you can either cope or fight each other. He's rough and violent and sometimes can't stop him from doing something stupid.Which is why you get along with Max a lot more. You don't go to the Arcade or do any skateboarding but you do relate to her and manage to have a decent conversation from time to time. There's been stories about this town before and you've heard them all before they were covered up.Including the Upside Down.Steve Harrington, doesn't take your presence lightly being Billie's sister but you hang out with Nancy because you wanna be friends with her. He ends up getting dumped and you stay by his side for emotional support.What happens when you begin to fall for Steve Harrington during the trouble? Will he fall for you too? And what would Billie do if he knew?----------------------------------------Started: 07/07/19Finished: 11/08/191 #steveharrington: 19/08/19
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what about angels?
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ᴍɪꜱᴜɴᴅᴇʀꜱᴛᴀɴᴅɪɴɢꜱ ᴄᴀᴍɪʟᴏ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
It only takes one misunderstanding for his word turn upside down. He lost the love of his life over a little mistake. Okay, maybe it wasn't a little mistake.All he needed to do was to gain your trust again, but how could you after what he'd done?At some point your ready to forgive him, but to forget was something you could never do. At some point you had learned to move on, but what about Camilo?•Y/N uses They/Them pronouns•Trying my best to keep the story gender neutral:)
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His Favored Empress
Shaugn is a history professor with an adventurous spirit. One day he wakes up and finds himself in a world similar yet different from his own. His thoughts on passing through this world quietly are shattered when he finds out he is married to the emperor himself.See how this 21st-century man navigates his way through a world similar to the feudal era.*NONE of this is historically correct so do not point out any errors in the timeline or historical inaccuracy of things.
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