《Marooned With You》Breaktime 1 (a/n+funfacts)


Does Mayanka make you feel like you rather shit your hands and clap?

Does Mayanka make you feel like you wanna pull your hair out in anger?

Does Mayanka inspire you to learn 10 years of taekwondo so you can kick his ass?

Does Mayanka make you want to evaporate in anger right there right then?

Does Mayanka make you wish you could teleport into the microwaveness universe just to strangle his giant ass to death?

Does Mayanka make you rage quit Wattpad while reading?

Good. He's supposed to be hated

Here are some fun facts about your fav jungle rapist bastard asshole

•He is a Virgo (birthday: 18th september)

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

, an association that speaks to Virgo's deep-rooted presence in the material world. This earth sign is a perfectionist at heart and isn't afraid to Virgo rules the , which makes these earth signs especially attuned to the ingredients that make up a whole — and in everything else.

(Ref: allure.com)

•in universe, actually Mayanka smells good. You kinda expect him to be stinky n shit, but no— he is considered to be a clean freak despite living in the wild. He bathes himself thoroughly and washes his south after every use.

Not only that, he naturally smells good to straight/bi women because his genetic composition is SO different and SO much stronger from regular humans.

Also, he grows Jasmine flowers to make liquid based perfume with it. Mayanka smells like a walking jasmine flower (that is if he's not covered in blood), sometimes he uses handmade cinnamon perfume if he ran out of jasmine.

•he cleans his cabin/hut pretty often, like he sweeps. Occasionally 'mops' with seawater.

•his clean water supply is ENDLESS, he built a CRAPTON of waterfilters— one huge one too but it's hidden somewhere to stop reader from getting knowledge. The only filter that he shown her is that small plastic waterbottle one.


Also, he gets water from water vines. They're abundant in the jungle, only he knows where it's located and how to grow them.

•guy only needs like 5 hours of (deep) sleep to function perfectly fine

•Despite living like some kinda clean caveman for like 21 years, if you put him in a city, he will blend in scarily well (given that his mammoth size can be ignored by the general public) Mayanka still remembers how to act civil, how to dress properly, how to control himself around civilized people etc etc

•He is a perfectionist

Ok thats all i can think of rn

Please tell me what ya expect the ending to be/want to be

(I'm expecting a lot of "END MAYANKA'S TERROR, OFF WITH HIS (dick) HEAD" comments. oh well it is expected, but i still wanna see what other ideas yall have)

Thanks for reading Marooned with you!!

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