《Marooned With You》Why you?


I wrote this while listening to the song above, thought that it might be interesting to share and let you listen while reading

"Ha HA HA! STOP!" You wheezed, your face twisted in mental pain. This is torture, Mayanka ruined tickling for you too.

"So slow. Easy to catch and give love." He carried you up and cuddled lovingly. It is almost possible for an outsider to see pink hearts floating around Mayanka's head.

He laughed and twirled you around. The wind made your hair fly everywhere, your legs are freely swinging in the air.

"What did I do!?" You held onto his arm tightly, fearing that he may launch you to space.

"Nothing." He muttered into your ear, kissing the shell of it in the process. He's treating you like a teddy bear!

"I-I mean, what did I do to deserve all this..." you gulped, saying the word is physically painful to you. "...love... from you?"

Mayanka placed an arm under your rear, cradling you like a toddler.

"Because you are my little wife." He replied.

"What?" Mayanka seem to get a bit annoyed when you couldn't understand him.

"I am your big husband. What you don't understand?" He carried you all the way to the patio and sat down. Mayanka set you on his lap, it's not a very comfortable seat.

"Okay, okay. I get it." You decided to drop the conversation.

The both of you spent the next few minutes cuddling in silence. His silky smooth and soft hair is touching your face. How did he maintain such quality? You don't remember seeing any bottles of shampoo lying around.


He hummed, you could feel the vibration from his chest.

"How do you keep your hair so soft?"

"Aloe Vera. Good for hair." He subconsciously ran his own fingers through his luxuriously long and lush obsidian mane.

"Figures." You press your cheek against his arm.

The sunset looks very nice. It would look even nicer if it's a view from your apartment. You miss your refridgerator, you miss your computer... you miss modern civilization.

Your face twisted into a grimace when you realize that dinner is going to happen very soon.

Maybe if you don't remind Mayanka about it, he might forget—

Your (e/c) eyes and his yellow ones widened when a low grumble was sounded from your stomach.

He lifted you up and set you down next to him.

"I go cook. Go play, don't swim." Mayanka gave you a sweet forehead kiss before heading to the back kitchen.

You expressed a sob, it's okay. You don't remember seeing him with an animal too large, he may be covered in wounds but there weren't any blood on him. So maybe tonight's meal is light...?

"Little wife." Mayanka stuck his head out of the doorframe.

"Y-yeah...?" You fidgeted with your fingers. Nervous about his next move.

"Come in." You timidly did what you were told. Mayanka lead you to the wooden dining table where you saw six ripe and juicy mangoes resting on it.

He sat down and began carving.

"Real food will be long time. You eat a bit first." Mayanka cut it sideways, he then made crosswise cuts on the vibrant, fruity flesh.

He then inverted the mango half so that the cut segments are sticking out like spikes on a hedgehog.

It looks... beautiful. He didn't need to do that though, he could have just remove the skin and force feed you.

"You like pretty food. So I cut pretty food. Eat." He handed it to you and began doing the same thing to the rest of the mangoes at rapid speed.


You had to eat five of them. The sixth one is for Mayanka, he has little to no regard about his digestive tract. Your giant ate the mango along with the fibrous skin and the seed as if it was an apple.

But a normal person usually wouldn't eat the core, right? For Mayanka, even the rock-hard seed was consumed.

"What— why do you eat the skin? A-and the seed too?" You're baffled.

"Hungry." That was his only reply.

Seeing your confused expression, Mayanka wiped the sticky nectar off his lips before speaking again.

"You cannot eat the skin and seed. Your stomach so weak, you will vomit."

Oh, NOW Mayanka knows that there are OTHER reasons why you throw up? Unbelievable. Mayanka's world is a world nobody can understand.

"And your teeth... um. Like glass. You will broken your teeth." He continued explaining. Looks like he's trying to say that your teeth is fragile.

"So... your teeth is like, rocks?" You asked.

"Diamonds." Mayanka pulled the corner of his lips back to show you rows of canine-like teeth. How did you not notice he has jaws of a dog-human hybrid? It looked normal most of the time.

"Wow. Are you even human?" You asked.

"No. I am Mayanka." He snorted at his own joke.

"That was terrible." You gave him a nervous smile and a thumbs up.

"I go hunt." Mayanka pecked you on the cheek. He wielded two machetes, one rusted and one brand new, as he leave through the back door.

"Where did he..." you covered your mouth with a stickied hand.

Someone WAS here!

You started tearing up, what did he do to them!? Did Mayanka attack— no, did he kill them!? Is that where he got his injuries from? Humans other than you or him just trying to survive as well?

No, you cannot say that the other machete was from that plane wreck. It's too new and it's still in mint condition, even the handle is still shiny.

You set the mango down and began collecting whatever you know right now.

-The scream. You're positive Mayanka heard it last night, he threatened to rape you if you continue to pressure him. It's highly likely Mayanka didn't want you to know.

-Mayanka came back with a gash on his face and a few lacerations on his hand. He must have left while you're asleep to attack the visitor.

-Rope burns, it can't be done by an animal. It must be done by another human in attempt to end him.

-New vocabulary. The only logical reason you can think of is that whoever came here had a digital translator. It's very unlikely Mayanka would take a seat and converse with visitors without raping or beating them up. And hearing the scream... it was feminine...

-His 'catch' yesterday was unusually HUGE. It tasted slightly different and it is full of fat... you don't think wild boars have that much of fat in their body. They're constantly burning them up! Furthermore, the shape of certain cuts of meat was odd.

Then realization struck you.

You weren't eating pork.

Immediately after that epiphany, your stomach squeezed every single drop of acid, half-digested food and newly masticated mango out of your mouth.

Well, not really out of your mouth yet. You clasped your hands over the orifice before it has the chance to escape your body entirely. Vomiting inside the cabin is a death wish.

You quickly ran out of the front door, the pressure of your vomit forced the expelled substances to exit through your nostrils. But not a lot, only a small portion.


You released it near the shore where the sea water helps to wash it away.

You sobbed and hiccuped, splashing warm seawater onto your face. You even used it to gargle in your mouth.

The mere thought of betraying your own species by consuming one of them devastated you.

A second wave of nausea hits you like a tsunami, and so, you spewed out more substances.

You were retching, dry heaving and gagging for your life. What is going to happen to you? What legal challenges will you face if you ever get back? How will the public eye see you? Are you going to be labeled as a cannibal despite not knowing what you ate? Will you be shunned out of your own community for this tragic happening?

What about your health? You remember reading up about prions, are you going to die from an incurable disease?

How could Mayanka do this to you, himself and the victim?! Where is his humanity!? Food is abundant and easy to attain, what made him think it was justified to take a life of another human being!? Mayanka is a selfish, selfish man who only deserves the worst fates.

He is a disgrace to mankind. A mistake, a flaw in the system. Mayanka is an abomination— not even hell would want him, he's absolutely atrocious. He is the bane of the universe. You DESPISE him, you wish he died the same way he killed his victim.

Disgusting. Disgusting, horrifying and vile. Mayanka is a monster that even the devil fears.

It's not fair, you didn't choose any of this. You are going to live with the guilt forever and it is all Mayanka's fault. He did this. He ruined you, he ruined you!

How... just how are you going to integrate back into society? You've been gone for more than a year, you're outdated, you were reduced to your body more times than you can count, your obscene diet probably shortened your lifespan by a few decades and your morals probably doesn't fit society standards anymore after going through so many phases of suffering and torture.

You felt hopeless. A dull, empty void grew inside you. Sucking every speck of life.

You whimpered, rocking back and forth. What are you going to do now? Give up? Give into Mayanka and just... develop stockholm syndrome?

...Maybe you should do that. It's going to be less painful on your conscience. It's not like your peers back home are going to accept you after the crap you went through. Who would want to be related to a cannibal? They're the scum of the Earth.

And you were forced to be one.

Why you? Why is this only happening to you? Why? Why? Why?

Mayanka seem to be the only person who would never abandon you.

Maybe this was his plan. To wreck you to his liking, to raise you as his obedient wife. He can't just abandon you, can he? By doing that, he's also abandoning all his hard work.

You sniffled and muttered a soft apology to the warm sky.

You can't bring back the dead and say 'sorry'. You can't say 'sorry' to the victim's family and expect everything to be all sunshine and rainbows.

They will hate you. Everyone will hate you. Everyone HATES you.

You cried. Everything is crashing down at once, you are a slut, you were a fleshlight for a year, a sex object that Mayanka masturbates to for months. A toy for your captor to touch whenever he wants. An object. An object.

A 'heartless' woman who can't even recognize herself in her reflections anymore. Your Ideologies are radically different compared to the ones you had before coming to this island of torture.

You're a... cannibal. The lowest of the low.

You felt unworthy of love, unworthy of care and unworthy of help. You're ruined beyond repair. No one is going to see you the same back home, you'll be either placed in a mental asylum or a maximum security prison.

You probably won't even have the chance to develop that videogame to hold onto your last chunk of lucidity. You'll be considered mentally unfit to do so... what's the point of going home then?

You can't think of any benefits anymore. Your mind is so broken that you're starting to think living with Mayanka isn't all that bad.

...Looks like you're stuck with that madman, Mayanka.

Or maybe you don't have to. You can just... die and get away from Mayanka.

Yeah. That sounds better. Much better.

You can't swim. That's an advantage now.

You swallowed your spit and stared blankly at the setting sun. In your head, you counted to ten. You bet, by the tenth count, the sun will disappear and the sky will become pitch dark. Then, you'll drown yourself. Not the best way to go, but you don't know where Mayanka keeps his knives nor do you want him to use your dead body.

You rather die a slow and painful death by drowning and have your body swept away by the currents than having to rest in Mayanka's digestive tract.


The red sky dimmed tremendously. You can't believe your last meal would be a mango. You didn't even get to properly digest it before throwing it up.


The ball of fire in the sky descend steadily.


Mayanka was injured in three different parts. You wished that he died from one.


Mayanka had four dysfunctional family members including himself.


Mayanka has five fingers on his left hand. His pinkie, the fifth finger was weirdly bent.


The sixth thought about Mayanka. You hated everything about him, even the areas where you would consider attractive.


Mayanka is all of the Seven Deadly Sins. Especially Gluttony and Lust.


Now a line of orange stretches along the horizon.


A fetus in a mother's womb for nine months. Mayanka would have wanted that... you weep thinking about the possible... terrible fates your child might face if it wasn't for your tubal ligation.


The sun has completely vanished. It's time for you to leave—

A high pitched scream ripped through the salty air. A last scream a person would make when they're about to die. It made your toes curl inward and heart skip a beat out of fear, shock and...


There is at least one more person Mayanka haven't killed!

Your breaths became shallow as you scrambled back up on your feet. They propel you to the source of the shriek, you have to hurry.

Although the chances of Mayanka's human prey being alive is slim, but there is still a chance. If you manage to save them, you can forgive yourself. You can allow yourself to be redeemed.

Another screech was emitted, but it then abruptly stopped. A faint gurgling sound followed, Mayanka probably slit their throat or do something to choke on a lot of liquid.

The thought made you threw up in your mouth a little. But you forced yourself to ignore the temptation and you swallowed it back.

You can roughly estimate where Mayanka and his victim(s) is (are). It's probably going to be a few minute run to the site.

You paid no mind to the lactic acid buildup in your thighs and calves, you have to hurry. You have to stop him.

You have to stop Mayanka from taking another innocent life away.

It's the least you can do after being such a degenerated piggish whore and cannibalistic bastard.


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