《Marooned With You》Slight change


It's disgusting. It's disgusting, it's disgusting. You hate Mayanka, you hate Mayanka so much.

No, he didn't go back to his old ways. He did not force himself upon you. But now he demands cuddles from you whenever he deems you "not busy."

Currently, you're sitting on his lap. Your head is on his shoulders and his head is on your shoulder. Both of your legs are loosely wrapped around his waist.

Mayanka is weaving another hat for himself, while doing so, he nuzzles his nose against the side of your neck.

"Can I stop now?" You asked.

"Are you busy?" He replied with another question.


"Do what."


He grunted in displeasure as he loosened his hold on you.

"Wear hat." He focused on weaving as he reminded you.

"Yep." You picked your hat up and put it on.


"What now?" You turned around. Mayanka squinted, trying to focus on something. You subconsciously touched your face and felt a few bumps.

"What the..." Mayanka beckoned you to come closer, and so, you did.

The man gently cradled your face with his large hands, examining your (s/c) skin. He grazed his thumbs across the bumps.

"What is that?"

"...I don't know word in English, but it's Bathre in Vuzinia." He lets go of your face. Mayanka stood up and went to the back of his home, where most of his herbal plants and trees are grown.

You furrowed your eyebrows. Bathre? What does that mean?

You followed him to the back, you raised an eyebrow when you saw him cutting an aloe vera leaf. He's in the process of tearing the green epidermis off.

You decided to look in the water bowl for his chickens. You covered your mouth when you see your reflection.

"Pimples! Damn it, these must have been from the shit ton of pork I ate a few days ago..." Mayanka did not allow anything to go to waste, you were even forced to eat the lard from the wild boar!

It's odd that he preferred to eat pork lard cooked with his rice, making the dish goopy, slippery and extremely oily. It becomes jelly-like when it's cooled to room temperature.

"Why didn't he keep the damn fat as cooking oil!? They can last for a few weeks, why did he force me to eat that slop?!" You gagged at the memory of eating lard rice. But you can't vomit, Mayanka would just make you eat more because... when he was a child, he vomits whenever he gets too hungry.


In turn, he will perceive you as being hungry... and... obviously you know what will happen to you next.

You sighed and looked back at your reflection in the water. You bit your lip as you resisted the urge to pop them.

In the end, temptation won and you brought your thumbs to the pustule—

"(Y/n)! No press!" He grabbed both of your wrists and forcefully pulled you towards him.

"What do you know about pimples— or bathre!?" You angrily retorted, upset that you weren't given the satisfaction to squeeze the pus out.

"More than you!" You shrieked when something cold and slimy is smeared on your newly developed acne.

"What the hell is that!?"

"Medicine for bathre, you call it Aloe Vera." He continued applying the gel all over your face.

"If you press, you will blood. And if you blood, you will infection. If you infection, you will die. Understand?" You grumbled incoherent curses as he scolded you.

"Don't move."

"What are you— oh come on!" He tied a piece of Aloe Vera leaf on the affected area.

"Why!?" Now you can't scratch or touch it.

"Because I like you. It's good for you, now go play." He shooed you away as he began cleaning up whatever mess he made.

You crossed your arms and dragged yourself away. Still grateful that you never taught him how to say 'love'.

That would be terrible if the word 'love' ever escapes his mouth.

"Ow!" You tripped and fell face first into the soft sand. Filling your eyes, nose and mouth with abrasive grains.

Mayanka stood up from the patio and abandoned his incomplete craft.

He ran over to your form on the sand. Mayanka helped you up by supporting you with his arms.

"Ceroboh." He muttered in a scolding tone. You can already guess that he's calling you clumsy in Vuzinian. He dusted your back.

"Goddamnit..." you hissed as you spat out and wiped away sand from your face. What caused you to fall like that?

You rubbed your eyes before opening them to see...

You gasped loudly as soon as you realize that the soles of your only pair of shoes fell off.

"No! Why!?" Mayanka widened his eyes in shock when you started tearing up. You didn't want to go barefoot! The sand is so hot and the muddy trails of the jungle is so rough, it's going to be another level of hell for you!


You're sick of this place, nothing went right for you. You were raped repeatedly, even during your periods, you were force fed food you didn't like/that may have went against your beliefs, you were forced to be your rapist's teacher and therapist...

And now your shoes are ripped! Another change you that have to face with great difficulty... and for what? To be raped again?

You bawled your eyes out noisily, sobbing and screaming in pain while kicking the sand.

"I hate you, goddamn rat BASTARD! I'm going to KILL myself and get the HELL away from you, STUPID RAPIST!" Snot dripped down your nostrils, mixing with the bucket of tears from your eyes.

Mayanka watched you throw the biggest tantrum in your life with his lips slightly parted in surprise. You were screeching too fast and unintelligibly for him to understand anything.

"Why are you angry?" He asked, voice calm and slow. His words only made your reaction worse, like dousing a flame with gasoline.

Mayanka flinched when you began swinging your arms in all directions. At one point, you managed to land a harmless (to him) slap on the neck.

Knowing that you won't tell him what's wrong (in this state, at least), Mayanka took the initiative to find out what's causing you this much of distress.

Almost immediately, his sharp eyes landed on your moving feet.

Oh. Your shoes are... in a really bad condition. THAT is sending you into a meltdown?

"I have more."

"MORE WHAT? MORE CRAP? YOU'RE FULL OF SHIT, MAYANKA. GO KILL YOURSELF, NO ONE LOVES YOU, THE WORLD IS BETTER OFF WITHOUT YOU, DIE A PAINFUL DEATH, RAPIST SCUM." Mayanka disregarded the insults you spewed because he is merciful. (actually, it's just that he did not understand your gasping spits.)

"...shoes." Like a snap of the finger, you calmed down instantly. Your rage induced breakdown was reduced to mere sniffles and shivers.

"...where...?" You croaked out, throat sore from all the yelling.

"Storage." He pointed behind him with a thumb. Mayanka was referring to the shed he built for the luggages. There must be a few pairs of shoes in there.

Mayanka dusted the sand off the aloe vera leaf stuck on your face while you're mentally 'loading'.

You're taking an awfully long time to re-callibrate yourself, so Mayanka carefully took the worn-out pair of shoes off your feet to inspect it.

He hummed as he ponder for a way to fix it.

Maybe a little a little pine sap glue will help to stick the soles back. The long haired man groaned, making pine sap glue takes a long time and a lot of processes are involved.

There would be some problems when it comes to glue storage too.

Mayanka spared you another glance. You're still stuck there, thinking about god-knows-what.

He sighed. He'll do it, for your sake. Plus, it's such a waste to just throw these away. After fixing them up, these can be kept as your spare shoes.

...also, he doesn't even know if he has extra pairs of shoes in those luggages.

Luckily Mayanka sees you as his spouse, his beloved wife. If it wasn't for that, you would be in his stomach, being digested by his gastric juices by now.

It's... been a while since he last ate human flesh. He remembers them being 'sweeter' and having similar texture to pork. It made him salivate a bit.

Mayanka hope that there would be another human stepping foot on his territory soon so he could serve you human flesh. At least try it once in your lifetime, if not, he thinks that you're missing out on a lot.

He stood up, towering over you as he offered a hand for you to hold. Your old shoes securely tucked under his arm.

You ignored it and got back up on your own. Mayanka tried not to giggle as he watched you struggle with the hot sand.

"Ow, ow, ow..." you winced as you pressed the bottom of your feet against the ground, trying to acclimitize yourself.

...Only to have Mayanka sweep you off the scorching sand.

"Hey!" Your cries of frustration went unheard as Mayanka carried you with one arm. Your body is pressed against his chest and your head, on his shoulder.

You hate to admit it, but this is actually quite a comfortable ride.


A/n: hey hey its a little sloppy because it was wrriten in a rush thank you sm for reading Marooned With You

If you want to read more about my screwed up irredeemable yanderes,,, head over to a book of mine called "Ignorance Is Bliss." (A yandere femalexfemale reader story)

But be sure to read the warnings and do not condone any yandere's actions.

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