《Zach twin sister *inquisitormaster*》11


Ashley: o-oh my bad y/n

Y/n: Is f-fine

* zach when up to Angelica and alex*

Zach: Angelica why did you push Ashley bump into y/n

Angelica; because I ship them it was Alex idea to do it

Alex: it was not my idea is yours idea

Zach: whatever why you ship my sis with Ashley

Angelica: because this morning Y/n was walking out the apartment and she bumped into Ashley and they fall down and accidentally kiss

Zach: okay

Alex: then y/n said my bad but y/n was blushing

Angelica: Ashley said aww you cute when you blush

Zach: really

Alex: yeah y/n said thx Ashley that why me and Angelica ship it

Zach: maybe y/n has a crush on Ashley and I ship as well

* y/n and Ashley walked up to Zach, Alex and Angelica*

Ashley: where are you the whole time

Alex: oh we are talking with zach

Angelica: yeah

Y/n: what you talk about

Zach: nothing really

Ashley POV

I when on my phone to check the time "um we are late for class" as I said "oh I have math" said y/n "I really need to go bye" I said " bye" my friends said I when to my locker I find this note and I read it I knew it was y/n handwriting it say meet me up at the divinia park after school okay I will meet with y/n I when to class after school I when to the divinia Park I was y/n


Ashley: hey y/n

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