《Zach twin sister *inquisitormaster*》10


*Y/n bump into Ashley and they kiss by accident but Angelica and Alex saw it all*

Y/n: m-my bad Ashley

*Y/n blush she get up and help Ashley to get up*

Ashley: aww you cute when you blush

Y/n: t-thx Ashley

* Alex whisper Angelica ear*

Alex: I ship it

Angelica: same

Ashley: what is Alex and Angelica

Angelica: oh is nothing

Alex: yeah nothing

Ashley: um okay

* they when to the cafeteria and they sit down*

Angelica: so what's up

Alex: nothing really

Y/n: yeah like Alex said

Angelica: okay

* 21 minutes later*

Y/n: ugh I have R.E

Ashley: I hate that lesson

Angelica: same


Some day I have confess my feelings for Ashley I will do later today I when to class when I wrote a letter to but in Ashley locker after class I when to Ashley locker to put the letter in


* y/n when to the cafeteria*

Ashley: oh hey y/n

Y/n: hey Ashley where is Alex and Angelica

Ashley: i don't know

Y/n: let look for them

Ashley: sure

* Ashley and y/n is going look for Angelica and Alex then Angelica up to Ashley and y/n follow them behind y/n walk a front of Ashley Angelica push Ashley and Angelica runs away*

Ashley: h-huh

*Ashley lended on y/n then both of them bushes *

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