《Zach twin sister *inquisitormaster*》8


Y/n: what the fuck zach

Y/n open her lunch bag to get her chicken and rice and she throw the chicken at zach*

Zach: are you fucking kidding me y/n

Y/n: why not

Zach: you bitch come here now

Y/n: um no

* Zach when up to y/n and slap her*

Zach: you're fat and ugly and no one likes just losses some weight for fuck sake

* Zach said as a joke*

Y/n: -I hate you so much

Zach: y/n is was jo-

* y/n run out the cafeteria crying*

Ashley: Zach you take always to far

Zach: I know but

Angelica: but still

*A month later but y/n forgive zach*

*⚠️Warning self harm eating disorder and stabbing ⚠️*


People are going around spending rumors I got pushed people bullying me about me my friends they always had my back but still I feel like everyone against me I heard that if you cut yourself you feel less pian I got the box knife I lock my room in the apartment I done it in there I put on a xl black hoodie 2 day later i when to the kitchen

Zach: hey sis I make your favourite chicken and rice

Y/n: I'm not hungry

Zach: but you haven't eaten for two weeks

Y/n: no thanks

Zach: why y/n because those stupid rumours don't listen to them and show me you arms

Y/n:No I'm fine

Zach: no you are not fine please tell me y/n I'm really worried about you

Y/n: I'm fine zach

* y/n run to her room*

Zach: y/n please open the door please

* then y/n stab her self in the stomach then her brother come in*

Zach: y/n no no why why she stabbed her self

* zach call the ambulance 20 minutes later they Arrive to the hospital*

Zach: is my sister is going be okay

Doctor: she going be okay

* 4 minutes later when Ashley come to the hospital*

Zach: Ashley what you doing here

Ashley: is y/n okay

Zach: yeah I think

* 1 hours later when the doctor come in*

Zach: doc is y/n going be okay

Doctor: yes we just save her life oh she is just resting in room 203

Zach: thank you so much for saving my sister life

Doctor: no problem

* zach and Ashley when to room 203*

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