《Yandere!InquisitorMaster x reader》Jade x Bullied Reader


Jade x Bullied! Reader

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¡Jade is not a yandere in this one and the reader was basically, bullied until one day she got bullied in front of her crush and then she started to get more bullies in trouble after that causing Jade to become worried!


"But Miss Elanor! It's not my fault! She started it!" "Selene! That is enough! You know the rules about fighting in school! Principal's office now! Your parents will hear about this!" You stood behind the teacher, sending a smug look and victorious smirk at the girl currently getting scolded by the teacher. In response, she glared at you.

After she stomped away to her doom, Miss Elanor turned to you,"Y/N, you should go to the infirmary and get patched up," you nodded and began walking out of the classroom. Before exiting, you sent a big grin to your bff, Jade, who simply sighed and gave a 'Really?' face.

As you made your way down the halls, you looked down at your arms, they were covered in bruises from your fight with Selene this morning. There were also many scars from past fights too. You sighed.

You had never been like this. So, how did get to this point? Well......

You and Jade had been besties for years and overtime, you began crushing on her. You kept that fact well hidden though, but you aslo kept something else hidden too. You were a victim of bullying. Your body looked fragile and weak, so people took advantage of you. Though you really had a lot of fighting spirit in you. It was just that fights were prohibited on the school grounds. So whenever someone was giving you a hard time, you simply stood there and took it.

Jade was always concerned and asking about the scars on your body but you brushed them off as clumsiness. You see, you had a way with words. One day though, you were minding your own business and hanging out with Jade, when a group of girls, came over and interrupted your little bestie time.


They called you names and pushed you around, causing you to fall and scrape your knees a bit. Jade was in shocked while you were embarrassed. Very embarrassed. You tried so hard to keep this a secret from Jade, but you failed. You were never so humiliated and upset all your life.

In a rage, you retaliated the girls' assault by giving them a brutal beatdown. You all were called into the pricipal's office and you were able to win the principal's favour.

But you still didn't feel like yourself after the incident. You were straight up humiliated in front of your crush, need I say more?

It could probably be trauma, but everytime you saw anything like a student being mean to another, you felt compelled to fight them. You acted on it as well. You didn't care if it was just friends being playful towards one another, that didn't matter.

So that's how your reign of 'terror' if you could even call it that, began. Students were terrified if you. The fact you would pounce on them if they made just the slightest move to trigger you under your eyes was terrifying. To most of them. There were to more bolder ones who you took care of.

You always won the teacher's side whenever you all were called in for scolding. As said before, you had a way with words. It didn't help that you were a teachers' pet either. You had excellent grades thanks to your great academic skills..........

.....Which you obviously learnt from Jade.

And speaking of Jade, she wasn't exactly pleased with your new behaviours. In fact, it worried her. What if her crush got so hurt she'd end up in the hospital? Uh huh, Jade returned your feelings.

After the nurse patched you up and sent you on your way, you went back to class and sat next to your bestie, "Y/N, this is the third fight you've got into this week," "Yea, I know. But those bastards deserve it! I can't stand seeing someone else be hurt by another," "I understand where you are coming from, but please. Your sense of justice isn't right! You can't constantly beat up students just because you think someone is being mean to another person!" "And what would you know about 'justice'! You don't know what I've been through! You don't understand!" You cried. Literally. There were tears streaming down your face now. You stood up from your seat again and ran down the halls again. You couldn't bear anyone seeing you cry.


This wasn't the first time this conversation happened. Many times Jade confronted you about your impulsive actions. It usually never got to you, so you were confused as the why it was making you cry now.

After you left, Jade got up and began running behind you. She saw you dart into the girls' bathroom so that's where she went. Sure enough, when she stepped in, she heard your sobs from one of the stalls. She opened it and saw you with your face buried in your hands.

Closing it to give you two some privacy, she stepped towards you and took your face in hers. You tried to look away, but she had a firm grip. Your eyes were red, your cheeks were puffy and stained with tears. She took out her handkerchief and began drying your face. You didn't say anything or object, you just let her do her thing.

You'd be lying if you said you weren't enjoying and a little bit flustered by her hands tenderly caressing your face with the handkerchief.

"Shhh...it's ok now..." She said in a soft, hushed voice. Gosh, like a mother, you loved it. Her caring and motherly personality is what you came to fall in love with first.

When she was done, you thought she'd pull away and you both would head back to class. But instead she put the handkerchief away and brought your face closer to hers until your lips made contact. You blushed furiously.

She was kissing you! You responded by kissing her back with passion. You both stayed like that for a few more seconds befoee pulling apart. You both gasped for air a bit before Jade turned to you,"So I guess that means you like me back?" You smiled and nodded.

The two of you exited the bathroom and happily returned to class, hand in hand.

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